OMA & B Flashcards
What are the handling limitations for FOs?
3* FOs
- No planned TL Wind landing
- No flaps 3 landing
Otherwise 20 kt max X-Wind Minimum RVR 400m Min VIS for circling 5km No reported windshear No contamination or slippery Runway No Autoland
What ensures the battery voltage check of 25,5V?
25,5V ensures charge above 50%
APU start should be within 30 min if started on batteries only.
If below 25,5V, charging cycle of 20 min req.
What is the minimum oil quantity we need to carry on board?
9,5qt + 0,5qt for every hour of flying.
What kind of emergency equipment do we have on the flightdeck?
- life jacket
- crash axe
- smoke hood
- torch
- fire extinguisher
- oxygen mask
- gloves
- escape rooe
- elt
Which documents belong to the aircraft library?
Certificate of airworthiness Airworthiness review certificate Air operator certificate Certificate of registration Certificate of operations specification Noise certificate Insurance certificate
When is a complete irs alignment required?
- Before the first flight of the day
- crew change
- gps coverage not available and nav aid coverage poor
- no gps and flight time >3h
When do u set the pack flow to low?
A319 below 130 pax
A320 below 160 pax
How do you adjust the idle/perf values?
By putting ARM into 5L and adjust the perf according to OFP.
What is the maximum ALT difference on the ground?
What is the maximum tolerance before entering RVSM airspace?
20-+ for primary Altitude indications and 60+- to ISIS
200ft between primary
How do you test the oxygen mask and what is the purpose of the test?
- Press the reset/blinker button -> blinker turns yellow then black.
- Press the reset/blinker and hold it together with the emergency pressure selector -> blinker stays yellow.
- press the emergency pressure selector only to ensure mask is not supplied anymore. No blinker indication.
- check regular low PR on door page is OFF
What are the maximum FOB tolerances after fueling?
<= 6tons — —. 400kg
6 <= 12 tons—- 500 kg
>12 tons ——— 600 kg
What is the preferred takeoff config for an A321?
Conf is due to Tail strike risk reduction
Why do we use the Yellow hydraulic pump for OETD?
The yellow electrical pump supplies the yellow system (NWS) without using the PTU.
How do you reopen the doors in a. Non standard situation?
- Captain establish communication with SCCM for the reason
- Cm2 gives the standard command „CC disarm doors for arrival“
- CM1 switches the seatbelts off
What do u do if the pushback is connected but u do not see the NWS disconnect memo?
If not displayed but confirmed by the ground crew you push and delay engine start after push back is completed
When is ice shedding necessary ?
OAT <= -3 degrees for more than 30 min
What are the reduction values of the flex temperature in case of QNH reduction or need of anti ice?
QNH reduction:
1 degree flex / 2 HPa starting from the first HPa
-5 degree flex for anti ice.
When do you put the engine mode selector go ignition? (Except engine start)
Standing water
Heavy rain
Heavy rain or severe turbulence expected.
When do u push the stick fully forward for takeoff?
How does this takeoff technique look like?
- X wind > 20 kt
- Tail wind
50%, rapidly to 70%, then above 15 kt ground speed progressively increase thrust to reach takeoff thrust by 40kt and hold it till 80kt.
Release it progessively till 100kt
At which speed does the NWS disconnect from the pedals?
What is the initial speed after rotation?
When is the Nav accurecy check reliable?
<= 3nm FM is reliable.
Arc or Nav in lateral guidance possible
When can we disregard the 15% margin on the FLD?
In unforeseen circumstances.
But LDR always < LDA
What is the maximum tailwind limit and when do you have to adjust the config?
15kts maximum tailwind
Tailwind >10 kts config full!
How much time do the speedbrakes need to retract >315kt?
When do you have to set flaps 2 latest?
2000ft/tdze or 6NM
If platform alritude < 2000ft set flaps 2 1 dot below
Is there any action required when using the speedbrakes with flaps extended?
When using speedbrakes while flaps are extended it is necessary to recycle the autorhrust on the a319.
How does an SRA approach work?
Sirveillance Radar Approach
Controller guidance until 2nm-0,5nm
Advisory Alt each 1Nm
If termination at less than 2nm, alt advisory every 0,5nm
Add a CF at 5nm from touchdown
What are the stable approach criteria?
Aircraft should be stable by 1000ft and must be stable by 500ft
Aircraft in landing config
Correct lateral and vertical path
Speed +10 kt and -5kts
Max bank 15 degrees
At 1000ft max Vapp TGT +30 and landing conf
At 500ft stable approach criteria achieved + Landing checklist
For circling approach
-> by 400ft see approach criteria + within -+ 30 degree track
How does a discontinued approach work?
Below FCU Alt, MauST do a Go-around.
Above FCU alt, discontinue app or go-around.
„Cancel approach“ -> disarm Approach PB
When does the PM has to call out flight parameter deviations?
Pitch + 10* and -2,5* (+7,5* a321) Bank > 7* Speed +10kts and -5kts Decent rate > 1000ft/min 1/2 dot of V/DEV, GS, LOC, VOR Vor 2,5* NDB 5* X-Track > 0,1nm
When does the FMA change from CAT 1 to CAT3 dual for an ILS approach?
Below 5000ft
Can non monitored items be disregarded below 1000ft?
Can vertical guidance be used on an rnav approach after a temperature correction?
What are the acceptable tolerances between MCDU and chart for an Rnav approach?
0,1* vertical
3* lateral
How do you fly a nob-precision approach if you have to use TRK/FPA?
How does the thrust lever affect the spoilers and the autobrake?
If the thrust lever are not at idle, no spoiler extension. No spoiler extension = no autobrake
When do you have to disengage the autobrake?
Before 20kts
Callout for a bulked landing?
„i have control“
What are the brake temperature limitations you have to call maintenance for?
> 600 degrees or <60 degrees with 150 degrees difference between the same gear.
Difference >200 degrees on both gears
Temperature >900 degrees
Why do you have to set the center tank pumps off before refueling?
To avoid fuel spillage or low pressure warning.
What is the definition of a „steeper angle approach“ and how to fly?
3,5* -4,5*
Above 3,5* stabilised approach required.
When is TO inhibit active?
80kt until 1500ft or 2 min after TO
What is no good reason to reject the takeoff?
Exceeding EGT
Nose wheel vibration
When does the deceleration light comes on?
At 80% of the deceleration rate selected.
Below which speed is the Autobrake INOP?
72 kts
What are the 3 Options to call for the SCCM in case of a problem?
„Sccm to the interphone“
What are the callouts for a preplanned emergency landing?
At 2000ft „cabin crew take up landing positions“
At 500ft „brace brace“
What is the callout for an unplanned emergency landing?
„Cabin crew, brace brace“
What is the callout for an evacuation?
„Evacuate, unfasten your seat belts and get out“
What is the callout for unexpected severe turbulences?
„Passengers and Cabin crew take up your seats immediately“