O.M. Ch. 2-MC Flashcards
A value chain focuses primarily on the physical movement of goods and material, and supporting flows of information and financial transactions through the supply, production, and distribution processes.
Value chains involve all major functions in an organization.
A supply chain is broader in scope than a value chain.
Value can be increased by increasing perceived benefits while holding price or cost constant.
A competitively dominant customer experience is often called a value proposition.
Centralization and decentralization are two forms of operational structure
Centralization is the opposite of forward integration.
Vertical integration refers to reducing the levels of authority in an organization to facilitate quicker decision making.
Backward integration refers to acquiring capabilities toward suppliers.
Outsourcing is the opposite of vertical integration.
Outsourcing is acquiring parts and material from foreign suppliers.
Variable costs typically include the cost of leasing equipment.
Fixed costs typically include administrative costs.
Outsourcing is a prerequisite to offshoring.
A multinational enterprise is an organization that sources, produces, and markets its goods and services in several countries.
According to our authors, which of the following is correct regarding value chains and supply chains?
A supply chain is a portion of the value chain.
The portion of the value chain that focuses primarily on the physical movement of goods and materials, and supporting flows of information and financial transactions through the supply, production, and distribution processes is called the
supply chain
One of the simplest functional forms of value is
(perceived benefits)/(cost to the buyer)
A competitively dominant customer experience is often called a
value proposition
The focus on value has forced many traditional goods-producing companies to add
The process of acquiring and consolidating elements of a value chain to achieve more control is called
vertical integration
The process of having suppliers provide goods and services that were previously provided internally is called
Acquiring distributors or even customers is called
forward integration
The process of managing information, physical goods, and services to ensure their availability at the right place, at the right time, at the right cost, at the right quantity, and with the highest attention to detail is called
value chain integration
Which of the following lists of four firms is sequenced from lowest degree of offshoring to highest degree?
Harley-Davidson, American Express, Coca-Cola, and Honda