OM Flashcards
Powell (1990)
Market, Hierarchies and Network
Von Hayek (1991)
Spontaneous and made order
Ahrne et al. (2015)
Market as Organization (Membership, Rules, Monitoring, Sanctions and Hierarchy)
Brunsson & Jutterstrom (2018)
Markets are organized (Overlap between businesses and markets)
March (1962)
Firms as political coalitions (Brokers, negotiations and goals)
Fligstein (1996)
Market as political field (set of institution, laws and regulation)
Serafin (2019)
Uber case in Poland (Politics influencing the market)
Caliskan & Callon (2010)
Marketization (Pacification of goods [Standardization, Commodification of human beings, Service provision], Market agencies, Market Encounters, Price setting, Desing and Manteinance)
Garcia Parpet (2007)
Strawberry Market (Perfect, Homogeneous and full Transparency)
Du Gay (2007)
Self serfice Supermarket in England (Personhood)
Simmel (1903)
Competition as social driver (for the attention of a third)
Musselin (2018)
Competition between Universities (Lowest Price, Price as status, Qualitative)
Velthuis & Van doorn (2020)
Sexcam platform competition (rankings)
Yakubovich et al (2005)
US Electricity Pricing, non economic reasonings
Moor & Lury (2018)
Pricing with personal attributes (Generic, Protected and Transcontextual [representational / interactional) (Psychological pricing, reference price, segmented prices)
Pallesen & Jenle (2018)
EcoGrid new pricing system, calculative agencies
Esposito & Starke (2019)
Rankings as navigation tool (Incomplete, limited and non transparent) Second hand observation of the world
Kornberger (2017)
Distributed agency, Commensuration, Categorizing, Visualization
Mellet et. al. (2014)
Restaurants rankings democratization
Frankel et al. (2019)
Markets as organization who solve a collective problem, possible to re organize
Steiner (2019)
Matching required products that can’t be standardized (consumers, dating apps, transplant) - Opportunism and Truthfulness
Market assumption is give, researcher as own assumption, Designer of framework as a different concept