OM Flashcards
Minimum program requirements - permanent location on existing land, use reasonable leed boundaries, size requirements (minimum 1000 SF)
Place for questions about project size and eligibility
LT Credit Alternative Transportation
1-15 points.
1 point for transportation survey (visitors surveyed if peak or avg is > regulars)
3-15 points for alternative transportation rate (10% = 3 pts, 15% = 4 pts…)
2 points for alternative transportation program (up to 5 for MF, 1 point for each program)
rideshares only count outside US and involves independently owned and operated passenger cars or vans
survey conducted at least once every 5 years
Exemplary for 80% alternative transportation rate
SS Prerequisite Site Management Policy
Create site management policy: low emissions equipment, snow/ice removal, cleaning building exterior, erosion/sedimentation, organic waste mgmt, invasive plant species, fertilizer use, irrigation mgmt, storage of materials
SS Credit Site Development - Protect and Restore Habitat
Op 1: Onsite restoration (2 points) - native or adapted vegetation for 20% site area, min 5000 SF
Op 2: Provide $0.05/SF of total site area to land trust or conservation in the same EPA Level III ecoregion or accredited by Land Trust Alliance
Exemplary for doubling
SS Credit Rainwater Mgmt
3 points
Establishment: use LID methods to capture/treate water from 25% impervious surfaces for 95th percentile storm event
Performance: annual inspections, maintenance within 60 days
Exemplary for 50%
SS Credit Heat Island Reduction
2 points
Op 1: Nonroof (1 point) - 50% of site paving
Op 2: roof (1 point) - high reflectance roof for 75% area or green roof for 50%
Op 3: both (2 points) - area nonroof/0.5 + area high reflectance roof/0.75 + area green roof/0.5 >= total site area
Op 4: parking under cover (1 point) - 50% parking under cover with high reflectance, vegetated, or energy gen
Maintain every 3 years
Exemplary all options done to 95% of areas
SS Credit Light Pollution Reduction
1 point
Op 1: Fixture shielding - shield all fixtures (with mean lamp lumens>2500) so they do not emit light more than 90 degrees from straight down
Op 2: Perimeter measurements - measure night illumination, at least 8 measurements 100 ft apart, must not be more than 20% above level with lights off
SS Credit Site Management
1 point
Performance only: no calcium or sodium chloride deicers and deice no more than 50%
Prevent erosion and sedimentation
Prevent air pollution from construction
Divert 100% organic waste (waste-to-energy okay)
No ammonia, biosolid, synthetic quick release, or weed and feed fertilizers
Monitor irrigation every 2 weeks (automatic or manual)
Store materials and equipment to prevent air pollution
Op 1: Limited turf - limit turf to 25%
Or Op 2: No emissions equipment - use all manual or elec equipment
Or Op 3: Reduce emissions - reduce 50% hydrocarbon and NO2 emissions, 75% CO emissions from baseline
SS Credit Site Improvement Plan
1 point
Establishment: five year site plan with existing conditions, improvement objectives, performance standards, monitoring methods for hydrology, vegetation, soils
Performance: show at least 5% site is vegetated, create new plan and implement low and no cost measures every 5 fives
SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities
Schools only 1 point
Op 1: make building space open to public (3 spaces and total access to toilets)
Op 2: Contract with organizations to share - provide 2 dedicated use spaces in the building with community or other
Op 3: use shared space owned by other orgs - Establish 2 of 6 types of spaces accessible to students (auditorium, gym, cafeteria, one+ classrooms, pool, playing field, stadium) with direct pedestrian access
WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction
Op 1: calculated water use - if occupancy >= 1995, baseline is 120% of defaults, if before baseline is 150% of defaults
Defaults - toilet (1.6), bathroom sink (0.5), urinal (1), private lavatory sink (2.2), kitchen (2.2), showerhead (2.5, 80 psi)
Performance keep calculations updated
Op 2: metered water use - Establishment: meter fixtures and fittings and record metered data for one year
Performance: 80% of fixtures and fittings metered, show water use baseline maintained
If in country without WaterSense, select fixtures with performance 20% better than EPAct of 1992
Implement fixture and fitting retrofit plan for all new fixtures that are eligible to be watersense labeled
Eligible (tank toilet, private faucet, showerhead, flush urinal)
WE Prerequisite Building-Level Water Metering
Est: permanently installed water meters that measure total potable water use for building and grounds (graywater encouraged)
Per: record meter data on monthly basis and compile (commit to share 5 yr with USGBC or until building changes owner or lessee)
Multiple meters may be used if multiple sources
WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction
1-2 points
Est: Op 1: - No irrigation required (2 points) - show landscape requires no irrigation after 2 year establishment period
Op 2: No irrigation meter installed (1-2 points) - calculate water budget using EPA watersense water budget tool, install irrigation meter
Option 3: Irrigation meter installed (1-2) - baseline established using 3 years of last five of consecutive data
Per: Op 1: none
Op 2: 30% reduction 1 point, 40% 2 points
Op 3: Reduction in comparison to most recent 12 months - 30% 1 point, 40% 2 points
Op 3 used for recertification
Gal per 1 in rain = area*0.6
WE Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction
1-5 points, 1-4 for DC
Op 1: Calculated Water Use (1-5 points) - Est: none
Per: have fixtures to reduce water usage from baseline in prereq (10% = 1 pt, 15% = 2 pts…)
Op 2: Mixed Water Use (1-5 pts) - Est: meter fixtures and fittings, record one year,
Per: for projects with 80% fixtures and fittings metered, show reduction from baseline (<5% = 1 pt, 5% = 2 pts, 10% = 3 pts)
Exemplary: achieve 35% using Op 1 or 25% using Op 2
If classification of sink unclear, default to public flow rates
Must calculate each occupant group separately
Calculator accommodates visitors automatically
WE Credit Cooling Tower Water Use
2-3 points (4 for DC)
Est: conduct potable water analysis within five years of submission for certification CaCO<1000ppm, Alkalinity<1000ppm, SiO2<100 ppm, Cl<250ppm, conductivity<2000uS/cm
Cooling tower cycles = max conc/level of each parameter above
Max cycles (up to 10) achieved without exceeding filtration levels is 2 pts
Minimum 10 cycles with increased treatment or minimum cycles is 1 point and minimum 20% recycled nonpotable water is 2 points (4 for DC)
WE Credit Water Metering
1-2 points
Est: permanently installed water meters (1 pt for 2 subsystems, 2 pts for 4+) (irrigation for 80% irrigated area, fixtures and fittings for 80%, cooling tower, 80% DHW heaters, all reclaimed water, 80% other process water, 50% res units and 1 other system for 1 pt, 100% res units and 2 systems for 2 pts)
Performance: data recorded at least weekly and used in a regular analysis of time trends. Calibrated with manufacturer’s rec and share with USGBC
EA Prerequisite Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices
Est: conduct energy audit that meets ASHRAE preliminary energy analysis and Level I audit. Prepare CFR and OM plan
Energy Analysis - ESTAR, CBECS, Labs21, establish target indices and cost reduction goals with owner and operating staff - can be used in conjunction with recs from energy audit
Level I - current energy cost index, energy demand index, energy use index, reduction goals
OM plan: current sequence of operations, Operation Plan (occupancy schedule, equipment runtime schedule, setpoints (HVAC and lighting), OSA requirements, changes to setpoints), systems narrative (helps energy auditor and verify OSA flow rates for EQ Prereq Minimum Indoor Air), preventative maintenance plan
Collect at least 1, ideally 3 years utility bills
CFR: functional space requirements (building functions by space type, occupancy, cleaning), operational space requirements (setpoints), building drawings (as-builts, mechanical schedule, electrical schedule, plumbing schedule)
If ASHRAE level I completed in last 5 years, no need to repeat
Can use ENERGY STAR, Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) and Labs21
used in EA Prerequisite Energy Efficiency BMPs
Requirements: building age, upgrades
Space usage types, locations
Age and type of HVAC, electrical, plumbing
Quantity and size of HVAC, electrical, plumbing
Atypical MEP
Control or automation system age and functionality
Differences between HVAC, electrical and occupancy schedules
Location of equipment
Final outcome: list of measures for improvement
12 months of improved energy consumption data should be collected to determine energy savings with improvements
Take photos
Must include low and no cost opportunities, comparison with similar building types, energy indexes, end use breakdown
EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance
Est: install whole building meters if not in place, calibrate meters with manufacturer’s recs if not owned by third part
Per: meter energy use for a full 12 months of continuous operation and achieve efficiencies of
Case 1: ENERGY STAR rating - score at least 75 in EPA ENERGY STAR and a statement of energy
Case 2: Non-ENERGY STAR - compare with comparable buildings:
Op 1 Benchmark against typical buildings - Path 1 - national avg data - demonstrate 25% better;
Path 2 - National avg data not available - benchmark against 3 similar buildings, normalized for weather, show 25% better
Op 2 Benchmark against historical data - compare previous 12 months with 3 years of contiguous from last 5. 25% improvement
Whole building meters for each building
All projects required to set up ESTAR portfolio manager profile regardless of eligibility and meet EPA’s ENERGY STAR for Buildings minimum occupancy requirements
ESTAR not eligible if dominant space not listed or if floor area type “other” > 10%
If >10% GFA is lab, must use Labs21
Baseline energy performance - energy cost, demand, use indexes and 1-3 years of utility bills
EA Prerequisite Building-Level Energy Metering
Est: install new or use existing building-level energy meters or submeters that can be aggregated to provide whole-building energy data (elec, gas, steam, fuel oil, propane).
Per: compile meter data to monthly and annual summaries and share with USGBC for 5 years. Track data for 12 months before the final day of performance period. Monthly measurement intervals
EA Prerequisite Fundamental Refrigerant Management
Est: do not use CFC based refrigerants in HVAC&R unless third part shows conversion/replacement not economically feasible or a phase out plan is in place (must be within 10 years, not economic means payback>10 years) If CFC used, annual leakage must be <5% and lifetime must be <30% total charge Small HVAC (<0.5lbs refrigerant) exempt Per: none
EA Credit Existing Building Commissioning - Analysis
2 points
Est: Op 1 - Existing Building Cx (develop Cx plan, update CFR, describe approach, review prioritize opportunities, format and content of deliverables, schedule)
Op 2 - Energy Audit (ASHRAE Level II)
Per: Op 1 - update and execute Cx Plan
Op 2 - conduct energy audit
DCs must use DOE Save Energy Now Program online DC Pro Energy Assessment Tools
ROI = percentage return each year
Simple payback = time to recover
EA Credit Existing Building Commissioning - Implementation
2 points
Est: meet requirements of EA Credit Existing Building Commissioning - Analysis
Per: apply requirements to all energy consuming or producing systems, implement low and no cost improvements, develop 5 year plan, confirm training of building staff, develop tracking and verification for all projects in EB Cx process
EA Credit Ongoing Commissioning
3 points
Est: meet previous two Cx credits and develop ongoing Cx process (at least quarterly analysis first year, and at least every 24 months thereafter)
Per: update system manual with modifications or new settings, include quarterly reports and annual reports thereafter on building system, continue to update OM plan and CFR
Only activities associated with ongoing Cx completed within 2 years of LEED application may be included
EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance
1-20 points
Est: none
Per: demonstrate increased performance beyond prereq
Case 1: ESTAR rating (3-20 pts) - pts awarded for ESTAR score above 75. 76 = 3 pts, 77 = 4…
Case 2: Projects not eligible for ESTAR
Op 1 - Benchmark against typical building
Path 1 - National Avg data available (1-20 pts) - 26% better than national avg by benchmarking against similar in portfolio manager = 1 pt, 27% = 2 pts…
Path 2 - National Avg not available (2-14 pts) - Benchmark for at least 3 similar buildings - 27% = 2 points, 30% = 4, up to 45% = 14
Op 3 - Benchmark against similar and historical data - same points as option 1 path 1
Exemplary for better than 97% of similar buildings or 47% for Case 2 option 3
EA Credit Advanced Energy Metering
2 points
Est: install meters for all whole building energy sources
Meter end uses that represent 20% or more of the total annual consumption of building minus plug load use
Must be permanently installed and record in at least 1 hour intervals, transmitting data to remote location and capable of storing 36 months of data. Must use LAN, BAS, wireless network or comparable communication
All meters capable of daily, monthly, yearly aggregates
MF should have elec meters in each unit
Per: program facility’s energy management system to set an alarm whenever the peak consumption/demand rise above anticipated by more than 5%
Similar end-uses can be grouped in one meter
Acceptable to exclude a small portion of total loads from each end use (no more than 10%)
DC only - IT energy consumption from UPS should be metered separately from non-IT equipment
EA Credit Demand Response
1-3 points
Onsite elec gen does not count
Case 1 - DR program available (3 points) participate in DR in a minimum one year contract for at least 10% annual peak electricity demand
Case 2 - DR not available (1 pt) - Have infrastructure to participate in future DR program and plan for 10% shift
Case 3 - permanent load shifting (2 points) - have load shifting for 10% peak demad during performance period and include in CFR and OM plan
Per: none
Manual demand response ineligible
Can be automated or semi-automated
EA Credit Renewable Energy and Carbon Offsets
1-5 points
Est: either total energy use met with renewables or a minimum 2 year contract with commitment to renew to purchase qualified resources delivered at least annually. Resources must have come online after Jan 1 2005
Per: meet some of the building energy with renewables or buy green power, carbon offsets, or renewable energy certificates
Pts = RE generated/1.5% + energy purchased or offset/0.25%
Projects only purchasing green power or RECs can only earn 4 points
3rd part RE eligible - must have a 10 year contract and should include fuel and RECs
Carbon offsets can mitigate Scope 1 and 2 and must been Green-e or equivalent
Exemplary for meeting 10% total energy use with onsite RE
EA Credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management
1 point
Op 1: No refrigerants or low-impact refrigerants - no refrigerants required or only use those with ODP of zero and GWP<50
Op 2: Calculation of refrigerant impact for all HVAC&R
Retail only: use zero ODP, achieve average HFC charge of 1.75lbs/1000Btu/h, storewide emissions rate < 15%, or proof of EPA GreenChill’s silver level store for fully operational food retail stores
MR Prerequisite Ongoing Purchasing and Waste Policy
Est: have an EPP policy for products purchased during regular building operations
Ongoing purchases: five most purchased product categories based on total annual $ purchases (paper, toner, binders, batteries, desk accessories, lamps, food (school MF and hospitality only))
Durable goods: office equipment, appliances, AV equipment, electric powered
Policy should address criteria in MR Credits Purchasing - Ongoing and Lamps
Solid Waste Management - storage of recyclable materials, including mixed paper corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals. Safe storage for batteries and mercury containing lamps
Environmentally preferable solid waste management policy for reuse, recycling composting during regular building operations
Ongoing waste: five most purchased
Durable goods waste
Hazardous waste
Retail should promote environmentally responsible sourcing of retail merchandise through
Op 1 Supply Chain Survey
Op 2 Supply Chain Education program for retail employees or tenant reps
Op 3 Supply Chain Env Criteria List
Op 4 Sustainable Purchasing Education for customers
Per: maintain a high performance solid waste management program by waste stream audit at least every five years or by diverting 75% of ongoing waste and achieving MR Credit Solid Waste Management - Ongoing
Electric purchases should be ESTAR or Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)
Waste audit should include 24 hours of all waste and reused/recycled/composted waste
MR Prerequisite Maintenance and Renovation Policy
Est: have a facilities maintenance and renovation policy that includes guidelines for purchasing, waste management and IAQ
Purchasing: base building elements (MEP excluded), furniture and furnishings, should address MR Credit Facility Maintenance and Renovation
Waste Management: renovation waste (diversion goals, target materials, anticipated amount, diversion strategies), facility maintenance waste, furniture waste
IAQ plan - protect absorptive materials from moisture, do not operate permanently installed air handling equipment unless has MERV 8 and replace before occupancy
MF projects should include unit turnover
Should include signficant MEP work (HVAC upgrades, building improvements, tenant fit outs too)
Flush out - if occupied 3500 CF/SF of GFA and 0.5 CFM per SF
MR Credit Purchasing - Ongoing
1 point
Ongoing Consumables - purchase 60% by cost total ongoing consumables that meet one of many guidelines
Electric-Powered - 40% by cost total electric equipment that meets one of several criteria (EPEAT, ESTAR, or equivalent)
Schools and Hospitality - 25%, by cost, total food and beverage (no booze) from good source or within 100 miles of site
Exemplary - 95% total ongoing, 80% electric, schools and hospitality should do 50% food and bevs
MR Credit Purchasing - Lamps
1 point
Per: Overall building average of 70 picograms of mercury per lumen hour for all lamps in project boundary. Lamps containing no mercury only counted if efficiency is the same or better.
Inventory current lamps in building, even if tenant is responsible for procurement. MF allowed to exclude lamps purchased by residents.
Not expected to replace lamps not at EUL, but should have a purchasing plan. Lamps purchased in performance period must follow plan
Look for long life, low mercury, high lumen
Exemplary - reduce to 35 picograms per lumen hour or less
MR Credit Purchasing - Facility Maintenance and Renovation
1-2 points
Op 1: Products and materials (1 pt, 2 MF) - purchase at least 50% the total maintenance and renovation materials that meets one of criteria
Op 2: Furniture (1 point) - purchase at least 75% of furniture that meets one of criteria
Op 3: No alterations or furniture purchasing (1 point) - make no alterations and do not purchase furniture
(recycled content postconsumer +1/2 preconsumer, FSC wood products, sustainable agriculture network biobased materials, materials reuse, extended producer responsibility (50% of cost), GreenScreen, Cradle to Cradle, International REACH, Product Manufacturer Supply Chain Optimization, low emissions of VOCs, USGBC approved program)
Products sourced within 100 miles receive 2x cost value
Standard default % for recycled content in steel is 25%
If cost of reused or salvaged material < cost of new, can use cost of new item
Multitenant may exclude 10% floor area from calculations
Exemplary - Option 1 - 95% of materials for facilities alterations and renovations meet requirement
MR Credit Solid Waste Management - Ongoing
2 points
Per: Maintain a waste reduction and recycling program that reuses, recycles or composts at least 50% of the ongoing waste (20%-40% for 1-2 pts in MF) and 75% or durable goods as specified in prerequisite
Safely dispose of batteries and lamps
Schools may exclude food waste if services not available or economically feasible and if implement an awareness program
Exemplary - Diverting 75% of ongoing consumables and 100% of durable goods
MR Credit Solid Waste Management - Facility Maintenance and Renovation
2 points
Per: Divert at least 70% of the waste generated by facility maintenance and renovation activities from landfills and incinerators. Include base building elements, exclude furniture and furnishings with human health concerns like mold and components not base building (MEP, specialty equipment like elevators)
Work with hauler to determine if separation or commingled is okay.
MF includes tracking waste generated by unit turnover
Exemplary for at least 95% waste diverted
EQ Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
Est: each AHU must comply with Case 1 or 2
Case 1: Systems able to meet OSA flow rates
Op 1: Follow ASHRAE 62.1-2010 - modify or maintain OSA intake, supply air fan, ventilation distribution to meet OSA flow from Sections 4-7 Ventilation for Acceptable IAQ or local equivalent
Op 2: Follow CEN Standards 15251-2007
Case 2: Systems unable to meet OSA flow rates - complete engineering assessment to determine maximum OSA flow rate and supply maximum to reach minimum setpoint in Case 1 and no less than 10 CFM per person
Natural ventilation - determine minimum OSA opening and space config requirements using ASHRAE and confirm natural ventilation appropriate by flow diagram in Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CISBE) applications manual AM10 Natural Ventilation in Nondomestic Buildings
- Openings must comply with 62.1-2010 and be permanently open or have controls to prevent them from being closed during occupancy
MF only - have operable window in each bedroom (4% of net occupiable floor area, 10 CFM/person). Full bathroom must have exhaust fan or window. CO monitors for combustion equipment
If high ozone, must have ozone cleaning devices
MERV 11 or higher for areas with nonattainment of PM2.5
Per: Show compliance through measurements taken at system level within five years of end of performance period. Implement HVAC maintenance program
Testing and balancing tech performs measurements
Take OSA measurements under worst case scenario
At least three ventilation systems from same group should be sampled
At least 10% ventilation systems from same group should be sampled
EQ Prerequisite Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
Est: prohibit smoking inside, prohibit smoking outside except areas at least 25 ft from all air entries, also prohibit smoking outside property line in spaces used for business purposes
If requirement to prohibit smoking outside 25 ft cannot be met because of code, provide documentation
Signage posted within 10 ft of all building entrances
MF: Op 1 - no smoking
Op 2 - Compartmentalization of smoking areas - prohibit in common areas, outside areas 25 ft, units must be compartmentalized (weather strip all exterior doors, including hallway and operable windows, minimize uncontrolled pathways by sealing penetrations in walls, ceilings, and vertical chases adjacent to units, maximum leakage of 0.5 CFM/SF at 50 Pa of enclosure or establish a baseline and demonstrate a 30% improvement)
Schools: prohibit smoking on site
Per: At least every five years, demonstrate maximum 0.5 CFM/SF at 50 Pa of enclosure of a 30% improvement over baseline
EA Prerequisite Green Cleaning Policy
Op 1: in house green cleaning policy
Est: have green cleaning policy addressing credits, goals, strategies, personnel
Meet EQ credits for Green Cleaning - Purchasing of Cleaning Products and Materials, Cleaning Equipment
Policy: standard operating procedures, protection of vulnerable occupants, selection and use of sanitizers and disinfectants, safe handling, storage, reducing toxicity, conservation of energy, water, and chemicals, training of personnel in hazards of use, disposal, recycling of cleaning chemicals, dispensing equipment, and packaging
Per: implement the program
Op 2: Certified cleaning service
Per: hire a cleaning service provided certified under Green Seal Environmental Standard for Commercial Cleaning, International Sanitary Supply Association Cleaning Industry Management Standard for Green Buildings (CIMS-GB) or local equivalent
Contractor must have been audited within 12 months, should develop goals for conservation
EQ Credit Indoor Air Quality Management Program
2 points
Est: develop IAQ management program based on EPA IAQ Building Education and Assessment Model (IBEAM). Include in CFR and OM plan
Per: Conduct IBEAM audits on a regular basis (at least every five years) and once during performance period
Program should include: team, procedures for audit, preventative maintenance, periodic inspections for unusual conditions (leaks, rust), HVAC testing and balancing, operational checks, coil cleaning and filter replacement.
EQ Credit Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies
1-2 points
Op 1: Entryway Systems (1 point)
Est: Have permanent entryway systems at least 10 ft long (grilles, grates, slotted systems, rollout mats, carpet tile) and maintain weekly. Not required for WDC loading dock doors
Per: maintain weekly
Op 2: Additional Enhanced IAQ Strategies (1 point)
Comply with one
Filtration for mechanically vented spaces - est: MERV 13 filters or F7 or higher, replacement during manufacturer’s recommended interval (DC only - only regularly occupied spaces) and per: follow maintenance schedule
Carbon dioxide monitors - have CO2 monitors between 3 and 6 ft above floor in all densely occupied spaces bigger than 150 SF. Alarm if CO2 conc rises more than 15% above minimum amount with minimum OSA. must have accuracy of 75 ppm or 5% of the reading. Per: maintain every five years or per recs. Monitor in 30 minute intervals or less
OSA monitoring for mech ventilated spaces - VAV systems, measure 80% OSA flow within 10% accuracy. Alarm for 15% variation from setpoint. Constant volume - balance OSA design to meet EA prereq minimum IAQ. Per: install current transducer on supply fan, airflow switch
OSA monitoring for natural vent spaces - measure exhaust airflow within 10% and alarm for 15%
Alarmed openings for Natural vent spaces - provide automatic indication devices on all openings for OSA requirements, alarm when closed during occupied hours
CFM for houses = (# bedrooms + 1) * 7.5 + floor area/100 = CFM
Exemplary - achieve both Op 1 and 2 and use an additional Op 2 strategy
EQ Credit Thermal Comfort
1 point
Est: have continuous tracking and optimization for systems (air temp, humidity, radiant temp, air speed)
Option 1 - ASHRAE 55-2010
Option 2 - ISO and CEN standards 7730:2005 and 15251:2007
DC only - only regularly occupied spaces
Per: continuous monitoring of air temp and humidity in occupied spaces 15 min or less, periodic testing (seasonal measurements, one air speed and one radiant temp per thermal zone)
MF: est - thermal comfort controls for each unit, bedroom and living spaces have blinds, bedrooms and living spaces have windows, ceiling fan, or air speed device, Locations with avg humidity greater than 0.012 lb H20/lb air or dew point > 62.4 degreed should have humidity control
EQ Credit Interior Lighting
1-2 points, 1 for MF
Op 1: lighting control (1 pt) - for at least 50% individual occupant spaces, have three level lighting controls. Midlevel is 30-70% of maximum
Multioccupant zones should have three levels. Switches in same space as luminaries
Op 2: Lighting quality (1 pt) - Choose four
- Fixtures with luminance less than 2500 cd/m2 between 45 and 90 degrees from nadir
- Color rendering index (CRI) of 80 or higher
- For 75% total lighting load, life of 24,000 hours or higher
- Have direct-only overhead lighting for 25% or less total connected load
- For 90% floor area, area weighted avg surface reflectance 85% ceilings, 60% walls, 25% floors
- Avg surface reflectance 45% for work surfaces and 50% movable partitions
- 75% regularly occupied floor area - avg wall : work surface illuminance <= 1:10
- 75% regularly occupied floor area - avg ceil : work surface illuminant <= 1:10
EQ Credit Daylight and Quality Views
2-4 points
Op 1: Daylight measurement (2 pts) - illuminance between 300-3000 lux for 50% regularly occupied floor area. Measure between 9 am and 3 pm. For spaces > 150 SF, 10ftx10ft grid measurements, 150 SF or less, 3ftx3ft
MF - min 10 lux for 90% floor area, between 150 and 5000 lux for 50% floor area, 3 square foot grid and 30 inches above floor or at counter
Op 2: Quality views (2 pts) - direct line of site for 50% of all regularly occupied floor area, no obstructions. 50% must have two of following
- multiple lines of site
- views of flora, fauna, or sky, movement, or objects 25 ft from exterior of glazing
- unobstructed views distance 3x head height of glazing
- View factor of 3 or higher
Include permanent obstructions in calcs, movable furniture may be excluded
Views into atria can meet up to 30%
WDC only - storage, sorting, distribution portions only need 25% of floor
View factor based on angle, higher is better. 1-4 degrees = 1, 5-9 is 2, 11-15 is 3, 20-40 is 4, 50+ is 5
Exemplary - achieve 75% floor area for both options
EQ Credit Green Cleaning - Custodial Effectiveness Assessment
1 point
Per: Implement strategies in facility’s green cleaning policy and perform routine inspection and monitoring.
Conduct custodial effectiveness audit in accordance with Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA) Leadership in Educational Facilities’ Custodial Staffing Guidelines or equivalent and score 2.5 appearance level or higher.
Audit at least 10% of rooms in each space category, or a minimum 5 rooms. If fewer than 5, audit all five. Assign appearance level to each
EQ Credit Green Cleaning - Products and Materials
1 pt
Per: Purchase green floor finishes, strippers, disposable janitorial paper products, trash bags. At least 75% by cost total annual purchases must meet one green seal, UL ecologo, EPA categories. Cleaning products that use only ionized water or electrolyzed water and have third party verification allowed.
Disinfectants, metal polish, disposable janitorial paper, trash bags, hand soaps and sanitizers
Nonchemical cleaners (water, vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda) count towards compliance with a narrative of chemical it replaces, value, tracking, credit threshold calculations
Exemplary - meet criteria for 100% of purchased cleaning products and materials
EQ Credit Green Cleaning - Equipment
1 pt
Est: 40% of all powered janitorial equipment meet three criteria (safeguards, ergonomic design, environmentally preferable batteries (gel, absorbent glass mat, lithium ion)
Vacuums, carpet extraction equipment certified by Carpet and Rug Institute Seal of Approval
Propane-powered equipment must have high-efficiency, low emissions engines with catalytic converters and mufflers that meet CARB or EPA standards and operate at 90 dBA or less
Automated scrubbers use variable speed feed pumps and on board chemical metering to optimize cleaning fluid use or use only water
Per: At least 40% powered janitorial equipment meets aboe
Exemplary - 100% janitorial equipment
EQ Credit Integrated Pest Management
2 points
Est: have an integrated pest management (IPM) plan (team, provisions, action thresholds, nonchemical preventative measures, control methods when thresholds exceeded, documentation of inspection and monitoring, communication with building occupants)
Communication - anyone who requests must be notified 24 hours in advance or within 24 hours if emergency. Least-risk pesticides do not require notification. Least risk = San Francisco Tier 3
Per: implement IPM strategies annually. Projects meet requirements if service is provided by a certified member in good standing of GreenPro, EcoWise, or GreenShield
EQ Credit Occupant Survey
1 pt
Per: Administer at least one occupant survey to collect anonymous responses for acoustics, cleanliness, IAQ, Lighting, thermal comfort on a 7-point scale (-3 to +3) where +3 is very satisfied
Responses must make up 30% total occupants
Flag issue is more than 20% occupants surveyed are dissatisfied
Perform new survey every 2 years
Should ask to clarify dissatisfactions
IN Credit Innovation
1-5 points
Op 1: innovation (1 pt) - do something new and in format of a credit
Op 2: pilot (1 pt) - complete a pilot credit from USGBC pilot credit library
Op 3: Additional strategies (1-3 pts)
More innovation, another pilot, and two exemplary performance credits
1 pt
At least one principal participant of project team must be LEED AP
RP Credit Regional Priority
1-4 points
Earn up to four out of six RP credits. Database available online. One point for each credit
WaterSense Eligible
Tank-type toilet, private lavatory faucet, water-using urinals, showerheads