OM Flashcards
Minimum program requirements - permanent location on existing land, use reasonable leed boundaries, size requirements (minimum 1000 SF)
Place for questions about project size and eligibility
LT Credit Alternative Transportation
1-15 points.
1 point for transportation survey (visitors surveyed if peak or avg is > regulars)
3-15 points for alternative transportation rate (10% = 3 pts, 15% = 4 pts…)
2 points for alternative transportation program (up to 5 for MF, 1 point for each program)
rideshares only count outside US and involves independently owned and operated passenger cars or vans
survey conducted at least once every 5 years
Exemplary for 80% alternative transportation rate
SS Prerequisite Site Management Policy
Create site management policy: low emissions equipment, snow/ice removal, cleaning building exterior, erosion/sedimentation, organic waste mgmt, invasive plant species, fertilizer use, irrigation mgmt, storage of materials
SS Credit Site Development - Protect and Restore Habitat
Op 1: Onsite restoration (2 points) - native or adapted vegetation for 20% site area, min 5000 SF
Op 2: Provide $0.05/SF of total site area to land trust or conservation in the same EPA Level III ecoregion or accredited by Land Trust Alliance
Exemplary for doubling
SS Credit Rainwater Mgmt
3 points
Establishment: use LID methods to capture/treate water from 25% impervious surfaces for 95th percentile storm event
Performance: annual inspections, maintenance within 60 days
Exemplary for 50%
SS Credit Heat Island Reduction
2 points
Op 1: Nonroof (1 point) - 50% of site paving
Op 2: roof (1 point) - high reflectance roof for 75% area or green roof for 50%
Op 3: both (2 points) - area nonroof/0.5 + area high reflectance roof/0.75 + area green roof/0.5 >= total site area
Op 4: parking under cover (1 point) - 50% parking under cover with high reflectance, vegetated, or energy gen
Maintain every 3 years
Exemplary all options done to 95% of areas
SS Credit Light Pollution Reduction
1 point
Op 1: Fixture shielding - shield all fixtures (with mean lamp lumens>2500) so they do not emit light more than 90 degrees from straight down
Op 2: Perimeter measurements - measure night illumination, at least 8 measurements 100 ft apart, must not be more than 20% above level with lights off
SS Credit Site Management
1 point
Performance only: no calcium or sodium chloride deicers and deice no more than 50%
Prevent erosion and sedimentation
Prevent air pollution from construction
Divert 100% organic waste (waste-to-energy okay)
No ammonia, biosolid, synthetic quick release, or weed and feed fertilizers
Monitor irrigation every 2 weeks (automatic or manual)
Store materials and equipment to prevent air pollution
Op 1: Limited turf - limit turf to 25%
Or Op 2: No emissions equipment - use all manual or elec equipment
Or Op 3: Reduce emissions - reduce 50% hydrocarbon and NO2 emissions, 75% CO emissions from baseline
SS Credit Site Improvement Plan
1 point
Establishment: five year site plan with existing conditions, improvement objectives, performance standards, monitoring methods for hydrology, vegetation, soils
Performance: show at least 5% site is vegetated, create new plan and implement low and no cost measures every 5 fives
SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities
Schools only 1 point
Op 1: make building space open to public (3 spaces and total access to toilets)
Op 2: Contract with organizations to share - provide 2 dedicated use spaces in the building with community or other
Op 3: use shared space owned by other orgs - Establish 2 of 6 types of spaces accessible to students (auditorium, gym, cafeteria, one+ classrooms, pool, playing field, stadium) with direct pedestrian access
WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction
Op 1: calculated water use - if occupancy >= 1995, baseline is 120% of defaults, if before baseline is 150% of defaults
Defaults - toilet (1.6), bathroom sink (0.5), urinal (1), private lavatory sink (2.2), kitchen (2.2), showerhead (2.5, 80 psi)
Performance keep calculations updated
Op 2: metered water use - Establishment: meter fixtures and fittings and record metered data for one year
Performance: 80% of fixtures and fittings metered, show water use baseline maintained
If in country without WaterSense, select fixtures with performance 20% better than EPAct of 1992
Implement fixture and fitting retrofit plan for all new fixtures that are eligible to be watersense labeled
Eligible (tank toilet, private faucet, showerhead, flush urinal)
WE Prerequisite Building-Level Water Metering
Est: permanently installed water meters that measure total potable water use for building and grounds (graywater encouraged)
Per: record meter data on monthly basis and compile (commit to share 5 yr with USGBC or until building changes owner or lessee)
Multiple meters may be used if multiple sources
WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction
1-2 points
Est: Op 1: - No irrigation required (2 points) - show landscape requires no irrigation after 2 year establishment period
Op 2: No irrigation meter installed (1-2 points) - calculate water budget using EPA watersense water budget tool, install irrigation meter
Option 3: Irrigation meter installed (1-2) - baseline established using 3 years of last five of consecutive data
Per: Op 1: none
Op 2: 30% reduction 1 point, 40% 2 points
Op 3: Reduction in comparison to most recent 12 months - 30% 1 point, 40% 2 points
Op 3 used for recertification
Gal per 1 in rain = area*0.6
WE Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction
1-5 points, 1-4 for DC
Op 1: Calculated Water Use (1-5 points) - Est: none
Per: have fixtures to reduce water usage from baseline in prereq (10% = 1 pt, 15% = 2 pts…)
Op 2: Mixed Water Use (1-5 pts) - Est: meter fixtures and fittings, record one year,
Per: for projects with 80% fixtures and fittings metered, show reduction from baseline (<5% = 1 pt, 5% = 2 pts, 10% = 3 pts)
Exemplary: achieve 35% using Op 1 or 25% using Op 2
If classification of sink unclear, default to public flow rates
Must calculate each occupant group separately
Calculator accommodates visitors automatically
WE Credit Cooling Tower Water Use
2-3 points (4 for DC)
Est: conduct potable water analysis within five years of submission for certification CaCO<1000ppm, Alkalinity<1000ppm, SiO2<100 ppm, Cl<250ppm, conductivity<2000uS/cm
Cooling tower cycles = max conc/level of each parameter above
Max cycles (up to 10) achieved without exceeding filtration levels is 2 pts
Minimum 10 cycles with increased treatment or minimum cycles is 1 point and minimum 20% recycled nonpotable water is 2 points (4 for DC)
WE Credit Water Metering
1-2 points
Est: permanently installed water meters (1 pt for 2 subsystems, 2 pts for 4+) (irrigation for 80% irrigated area, fixtures and fittings for 80%, cooling tower, 80% DHW heaters, all reclaimed water, 80% other process water, 50% res units and 1 other system for 1 pt, 100% res units and 2 systems for 2 pts)
Performance: data recorded at least weekly and used in a regular analysis of time trends. Calibrated with manufacturer’s rec and share with USGBC
EA Prerequisite Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices
Est: conduct energy audit that meets ASHRAE preliminary energy analysis and Level I audit. Prepare CFR and OM plan
Energy Analysis - ESTAR, CBECS, Labs21, establish target indices and cost reduction goals with owner and operating staff - can be used in conjunction with recs from energy audit
Level I - current energy cost index, energy demand index, energy use index, reduction goals
OM plan: current sequence of operations, Operation Plan (occupancy schedule, equipment runtime schedule, setpoints (HVAC and lighting), OSA requirements, changes to setpoints), systems narrative (helps energy auditor and verify OSA flow rates for EQ Prereq Minimum Indoor Air), preventative maintenance plan
Collect at least 1, ideally 3 years utility bills
CFR: functional space requirements (building functions by space type, occupancy, cleaning), operational space requirements (setpoints), building drawings (as-builts, mechanical schedule, electrical schedule, plumbing schedule)
If ASHRAE level I completed in last 5 years, no need to repeat
Can use ENERGY STAR, Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) and Labs21
used in EA Prerequisite Energy Efficiency BMPs
Requirements: building age, upgrades
Space usage types, locations
Age and type of HVAC, electrical, plumbing
Quantity and size of HVAC, electrical, plumbing
Atypical MEP
Control or automation system age and functionality
Differences between HVAC, electrical and occupancy schedules
Location of equipment
Final outcome: list of measures for improvement
12 months of improved energy consumption data should be collected to determine energy savings with improvements
Take photos
Must include low and no cost opportunities, comparison with similar building types, energy indexes, end use breakdown
EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance
Est: install whole building meters if not in place, calibrate meters with manufacturer’s recs if not owned by third part
Per: meter energy use for a full 12 months of continuous operation and achieve efficiencies of
Case 1: ENERGY STAR rating - score at least 75 in EPA ENERGY STAR and a statement of energy
Case 2: Non-ENERGY STAR - compare with comparable buildings:
Op 1 Benchmark against typical buildings - Path 1 - national avg data - demonstrate 25% better;
Path 2 - National avg data not available - benchmark against 3 similar buildings, normalized for weather, show 25% better
Op 2 Benchmark against historical data - compare previous 12 months with 3 years of contiguous from last 5. 25% improvement
Whole building meters for each building
All projects required to set up ESTAR portfolio manager profile regardless of eligibility and meet EPA’s ENERGY STAR for Buildings minimum occupancy requirements
ESTAR not eligible if dominant space not listed or if floor area type “other” > 10%
If >10% GFA is lab, must use Labs21
Baseline energy performance - energy cost, demand, use indexes and 1-3 years of utility bills
EA Prerequisite Building-Level Energy Metering
Est: install new or use existing building-level energy meters or submeters that can be aggregated to provide whole-building energy data (elec, gas, steam, fuel oil, propane).
Per: compile meter data to monthly and annual summaries and share with USGBC for 5 years. Track data for 12 months before the final day of performance period. Monthly measurement intervals
EA Prerequisite Fundamental Refrigerant Management
Est: do not use CFC based refrigerants in HVAC&R unless third part shows conversion/replacement not economically feasible or a phase out plan is in place (must be within 10 years, not economic means payback>10 years) If CFC used, annual leakage must be <5% and lifetime must be <30% total charge Small HVAC (<0.5lbs refrigerant) exempt Per: none