Olympus and the Gods Flashcards
Mt. Olympus ____ the highest mountain in Greece. Despite it’s portrayal in myth, during the majority of the year it is ___________
Summarise who Zeus is and give his Roman name.
AKA Jupiter
Invincibly strong, stronger than all other gods put together
Has a scepter and lightning bolt (gifts from the cyclopes)
Had 115 lovers
Was able to change form to attract his lovers
Summarise who Hera is and give her Roman name.
AKA Juno
Zeus’ wife
Bad tempered, especially towards Zeus’ lovers
Concerned by marriage and it’s respect
Summarise who Poseidon is and give his Roman name.
AKA Neptune
Zeus’ Brother
God of the sea, earthquakes and horse
Has a trident
Summarise who Demeter is and give her Roman name.
AKA Ceres
Zeus’ Sister
Earth Goddess
Causes the seasons in her grief for persephone her daughter
Summarise who Athena is and give her Roman name.
AKA Minerva Daughter of Zeus and Metis Warrior Goddes Virgin Associated with athens
How was Athena born?
- Zeus heard a prophecy that his child with Metis would be greater than him so he swallows her
- Athena makes her way to Zeus’ head giving a headache
- Zeus orders Hephaestus to split open his head with an axe
- Athena is born fully armed
Summarise who Aphrodite is and give her Roman name.
AKA Venus
Goddess of love and beauty
Contested origins
Married to Hephaestus but has many affairs, especially with Ares
Summarise who Ares is and give his Roman name.
AKA Mars
Son of Zeus and Hera
God of War
More of a spirit than anthropomorphic
How does Hesiod explain Aphrodite’s origins?
She grew from the castrated penis of Cronos
How does Homer explain Aphrodite’s origins?
She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione
Summarise who Hermes is and give his Roman name.
AKA Mercury
Son of Zeus and Maia
God of merchants, travelers, liars and thieves
Where a hat and winged sandals, has a wand known as Caduceus
Summarise who Hephaestus is and give his Roman name.
AKA Vulcan Son of Hera and maybe Zeus God of fire Deformed and crippled Initially thrown out by Hera but welcomed back due to his craftmanship Married to Aphrodite
Summarise who Artemis is and give her Roman name.
AKA Diana Goddess of the hunt Daughter of Zeus and Leto Virgin but oversaw childbirth of Greek women Was cruel Apollo's Sister
Summarise who Apollo is and give his Roman name.
AKA Apollo Son of Zeus and Leto Artemis' Brother God of music, poetry, medicine and fine arts Has a bow and lyre
Summarise who Dionysus is and give his Roman name.
AKA Bacchus
God of Wine
Son of Zeus and mortal women, who died when she saw Zeus in his natural form of a lighting bolt /
Born from Zeus’ thigh