olympic oath Flashcards
frustraion aggression hypotheis
agression is due to frustration
based on psycholdyanmic idea of catharisis and says agresipoon is a bioloigcal drive(hunger)
if we try to achive a goal our attempt is blocked by some external factor, we get frustrated
this creates an agresive drice
leads ti aggressive behaviour e.g pphysical violence
catharitic beccause agression created by fustraion is satisfides, reducing the drive and further increases of aggression unlikely
unvestigate the effects of frustation on aggression
male uni students had to complete a jigsaw puzzle
frustraion was manipulated through one of the folowing, the puzzle being impossible to solve they ran out of time beacuse onfederete kept interfering, the confedarte insulted tthe participant after they failed the puzzle
next stag, participants gave electric shocks to confederate if failed task
on average, the insulted ppts gave the strongest shocks then the interefd group then th impossible task group
all gave stronger shocks then no-frustraion control group
ethical isues-electric shoks
may have been furstated before-individual differnecs
male then o be more aggressive
fustration agression updated
berkowizt came up with an updated version called the negative affect theory
frustsion is one factor but others may include noise or loud musci etc
level of agresssion dpedns on how much you want toachieved the goal
berzontizt ssays frustraion=readiness for agressio and agreeive cues inn enviroemnt make it more likley to act like this
berzowitz andd lepage
student particpants given electric shocks by confederate in lab situation creating anger and fustraiton
after, particopnats had chance to shcok confederate
number of shocks given dpeended on the presence of weapons in the lab e.g when two guns werre present, avergae number of shocks=6.07
no guns present, 4.67
shows weapon effect supports idea that agreive enviromental cues lead to aggression
prospect of aggression veing catharic has been challenged
bushman found that participants who repeatdelt hit a punching bcg to vent their anger actullly became more angry ratherr then less, contracdicting the catahric asect of the frustarion aggresion hypothsis and undermining its valdiuty
real world applicaion to explain mass killings
staub suggests that mass killings arer often rooted in the frustarion caused by social and economic difficulties within a society
e.g the holcasuet in the world war 2 can e explained by the gemeras for blaming the jews for ht rloss of tehe first world war ad
ignores the infleunce of other factos and could be considered reductionist nad deterministic to a degree
e.g other factors such as bioloigy shouldbe considdered too e.g low acivity of MOAO gene , abnormal levels of serotnin etc
social pscyholgical explantions of agressionn
frustraion aggression hypothsies
social learneing theory
olympic oath
read out by coach, athletes etc every summer and winter olympic opening cermeony
read out by each host nation whilst holding one cordner of flag
still relevent
no prize money/sportmanship is still valued
athletes wh had medals removed e.g mariarn joned who had 2000 games medals removed when foudn psotive for frug testing o have been found guilty for cheating have been disqualified
athletes gounf guilt of taking drugs haev
not relanevt
athletes still ignored olympic oath e.g justin gatlin found tkaing ped
increased pressure from the mdeia to win e.g holme olumpics
increase in doping/abusive language etc
neural and hormonal mechnismis
proactive aggresion-cold blooded, planned way of getting what you want
recative agreeeion0hold blooded, angry and impulisve, accompanied by phsyciological arousal
neural mechnisms-limbic system
syetm of stuctures lying beneath the coretx
amyglada, hippocampus, hypothalamus
amyglada-evualtes meotional importance of sensory info and prompts an appropire reponse
kluver-bucy syndrome-taming effect in rhesus monkeys by removal of temperoal lobe, destroyign amyglada
hippocampus-involved in forming LTMS
when impairted, cant put things into conteet so amyglada may repond inappropirate=unncessary aggreion
causwes inhibitory effect in neural firning in brain
inhibits firing in amyglada
low levels of serotinin=unable to control agreeeiv ebahviour=seroninn defiicincy hypptheisis
why mean more agggreive then females
due to sex hormone, testerone which explains masuclitne features
research support for limbic systm
ultanimun game
whilst in FMRI
foudn that hwen partcipant rejected an unfair offer, high levels of activity in amyglada
however, if took drug benzodiapizies ;ess rejectiona and less acitvity in amyglada
shows that high level of acity in amyglada is linked with aggreive behaviour
research support for role of serotonin
gave 35 pts dlufluxorine which deples serotion
then asssesed hositlity and aggrion using quesitonaires
fouf males who took drugs, had increased hostility and aggreion scores
supports idea that reduec serotnin levle srae linke to aggreive behaviour
too simplistic
coccaro foudn that in patients with physichrits disorders that mainnly feature aggreion, when exposed to soical threat, acitvity in amyglada ia increased but also at the OFc acity is reduced
role of other brain sturctures that are not part of limbic ysstem e.g OFC
social learnign theory
a way of explanaing behavioru which includes both direct andd indirect reinforcement, combing earning thoery with role of cognive factod
direct and indirect learning
bandura says learning of aggreion cna be direct, through operant conditoning
meaning consequnece of beahviour imakeit more or less liekly to be repreated
if a child is punshed, for aggreive behavioru, more liekly to repeat it
child learns to eb aggrive by postive reinformacnt-increases the likehood of bhviour being repeated
e.g praised when aggreive
negative reinformcnet
decreases liekhood of bhevaiour being repeated
when act aggreive, removed
bandura says not all aggrive behaviour in humans is learnt directly and that observational lerning accounts for most aggreeive ebhaviours
observational leanring and vicarious reinforcement
child learn aggreive beahviours by observing models e.g parents, siblings etc
vicarious reinforemnt-copying behaviour of someone else
4 cognitive conditions required
attention-how well notice certain behaviour
retention-how well store in moeny to then recall
motor reproducion-how phsycially capable of copying behavioru
motiavtion-will to copy aggrieve bahviour
self efficacy
beleif to which our actions wila chive a desired goal
badnura bobo study
used 72 chidlren
put in 3 ocnditions
agreeive, exposed to adult mdoel assembling toy for 10 mins
other, exposed to hitting/batting bobo doll within 1 minute then put in room full of attractive ytouys
observe aggreie and nin-aggreive toeys in 1 way mirror (covert observation)
women tend to be more phsycially agreeive
boys mre liekly to imiate same sex model and be physically agreive
de indivudaltiaon
a phsyciological satte in whcih an individual loses their personal idenity and takes on idntiity of social group e.g wearing uniform in a crowd
crowd behaviour
noramlly, constrained by social norms of being non-aggrive beacuse easily identifable
in corwd, lose send of indiivual self-identity and repsonsbility for our behaviour
means more readility disregard norms/laws surrounding aggreive behaviour
reposnsibility shared out theorughout crowd so feel less personal guilt
instituional aggreion
aggreive or violent behaviour that takes place in social context of prison or other organised setting
two explanations
Dispostional explanaion
sitautional explanation
dispositonal explaantion
an explanation of aggreive behaviour that HIGHLIGHTs the importance of the indiciuddals personlity
imporatnation model
agrues that pirsoners import their aggreive tendancies from outside world into prison setting
includes their beleife, norms and their attitudes
prison is violent =, as aggreive people are in there
situational explanation
an explanation that identifies the causes of vbehaviour 9aggrion) withi enviroemnt which may incluse other people
depreivation ,odel
liberty-prisoners gaec almost no freedom, often having to get perrmission to eat/sleep/shower etc
autonomy-have no power abd few choices
goods-access to things like smartphones are resticed or denied, leading to frustation
htereosexual relaitonships-male imates may feel emascualted from loss of heterosexual relaitonships
secuity-may live in fear of aggreion from other inmates, greater sense of physical threat
nrual and hpmronal mechnisms of aggreio
proactive aggresion-cold blooded, planned way of getting what you want
reactive aggreion–hot blooded,a ngry and impuslive, accompainsed by phsyciological aggression
limbic system
system of strucues lying beneat the cortex
amyglada, hippocampus and hypothalaum
amyglada-evaluates emotional imortance of seneory info adnd prompts an appropriate reponse
kuver-bucy syndrone-taming effect in rhesus monkeys by removal of temporal lobe, destroying amyglada
-involved in forming LTMS
-if imparied, hard to put things into coontect meaning amyglada may repond inappropriatley to stimulus causing unncessary aggreion
inhibitory effect in neural firning in brain
inhibits firing to amyglada
low levels of erotion=unable to control aggreiv ebhaviour=serrontion deficiency hypotheiss
men more aggreive then females due to sex hormone, testerrone which s lawso reposnobel fpr masculine charcteirtsics
research suppor for limbic systm
did ultaminum game iwhilst in FMRI
foudn that when partcipants rejected unfair offeres, high levels of acivity in amyglada
howevre, when took BENZOPINES beforehand, lower levels of acity of mayglada
shows that high level of acity in amyglada i liknkedd to aggreive behaviour
research support for serotinon
gave 35 ppts dluxfarine whic depletes serotinin
assed hosiltiy adn aggreion usig quesitonaire
drugs in amles icnreased agrrion and hositlity behaviour
showd lower evesl of serontion are linked to increased aggreion
too simplistic
concarro foudn that patients which psychriatic disorders, espcially dow ith agreeion, showed high level of activity in amyglada but low levels of acitvity of OFC
shows the limbic system
sgiws regualtion of aggreio is highlycompex and involves TA LEAST 3 neural sturtcures includeign OFC
genetic factors in agreeion
males =xy
early pshcyirations wanted to exmaine indiviudals with XYY chromones
called super males as possess more then one Y chromone
corut brown discovered 314 pateitns with XYY chromones, put forward biew that theseshould remian hsopaitlaised due to increased likehood of aggrieevsive behaviour
thaillgard underwtook research and found it increases height but not aggression
twi studies
coccaro who compared DZ and MZ twins concodrance of criminal behaviour
mz showed 50 perevtn concorance, dz showed only 19 for direct aggreion
verbal agrerison
28 7
adpotion stdueis
rhee and waldamm who conducted meta anlaysis of adoption studies of direct aggression and anti social behaviour
foudn that genetic infleunecs accoutned for vairabbce of 41 perecnt in aggresion
foudn that pet-1 geen is linked to serontion production
deamage to gene=knockout mice=icnreased aggreion
MOAO gene (warrior gene)
reposnibel for produciton of monoamine oxidase A
helps mop up NTS in brain after synapic transmiion by breaking them doen into chemicals
ethologsi explaantions of agreeion
tholody=study of animal behaviour in natural settings
agreeiion is instrinct-occurs in all sepciis is innate an dgentic detemrined
ethologists study non-human animals-they expravpolate to humans beacsue all subejct to same forces of natural selection
ritualistic aggreion
rituual-behavioru in set order
lorenz who obserevd fight off same speciies
foudn it was not very physical
shows ritulsitic appeasemtn ad ritualsiic signalling
signalling=teeth claws
appeasment=acceptnat of defeat
adaptive as if aggreion always=detah then speciies would not survive
IRM-built in biological process
when triggered by wnveiromental stimulus, causes specific serval behvaiorus
FAP-sequence of sterotyped programmes taiggered by IRM
HYDRAULLIC MODEL-all species build up reservoir of acttion specific nergy
when irm tiggeres fap, agreeion is fired off
animal is less agreeive until action specific enrgy is built back up again
wekaness for ritualtic aggreion
jane who followed a four year war of chimpanzzes
one gorup systematcially killed ll memebrs of other group
in some cases biting, attckign them for 10 mins
they still killed thenm even when other members of group showed defenslesness and APPEASMEN
shows that speciies d atatck and kill one another
resparch support that aggreion is innate
brunner showed that low acivitt variant of the MAOA gene was assicoted with increased aggreion in fuamnd
suggets that ethological idea of aggresion beteing genetic and biologically incherited is valid
problems genetlasiing non-human animsl to humas
lorenz and tnbergen both geenrlaised ifnsings from animals to humans
lorenz did not study higher mamals like tinbergen
tinbergen did not study extreme distucive violence
ignores psychological differenecs
evoltuoonery expnations
an eccount of changes in soecies, a charcetritics that enhances survical and reproduciton of naturally selected
sexual competion-males need to compete for meales
those that are agrreive succesfully, ore likely to get mate and pass on aggressive gene
pust says there are vairous male traitst suggests that there was comeption ebterern anecstrol males e.g males have 75% more msucle mas, thicker jawlines etc
sexual jelousy is stronger in males then females due to pacterila uncertajnintiy may lead to cucokldy i.e rasing child which is not ehri own
evoutioerny disadvnatge as means resourecs are wasted that could have been used on his own child
male retention strategies
irecti guardie-male vilgiance over partners partnerrs behaviour e.g checkig where they are
negative indulcements, threats of dire conseuenecs of infedility i.e ill kill myself if you elave me
wilson asked women if they agreed with staments of male retention stretied
those that agreed were twice as likel to have experincedd phsycial violence form partner
73% neede dmedical attention
53% feared for their lives
to sudy IPV in heterosexual couples
used 107 couples whohad been married LESS than a ear
males had to report uing mate retention invneory
women used spousde influence report
strong psotve correlcation beterrern male stratgees and women reporting physical violence
men who used guarding or negaitve nduclmnts were more lielly to use phycial violence against their partners
warfare-adaptive s helps retain reoruecs
bullying-says ancestors ised bullying as adpative stretgy for increases surivigal by promotinf hear adn creating opportunities for reproduction
bullying leadds to access to more females and less competion from meales
female bullying often occurs to CONTROL PARTNER