OLTP & OLAP Flashcards
3 Type of Subject-oriented schema
Star Scheme
Snowflake Scheme
Galaxy Scheme
Workload of OLTP & OLAP
Heavy write, Low Read
Heavy Read, Low write
Architectural of OLTP & OLAP
OLTP - 3-tier architecture.
OLAP - Semantic Model Architecture
3 Type of OLAP
Multi-dimensional OLAP (MOLAP)
Relational OLAP (ROLAP)
3 Component of OLAP Architecture
OLAP Graphical User Interface (GUI)
OLAP Analytical Processing Logic (APL) - Placed on client side
OLAP Data Processing Logic (DPL) - Place on server side; Map data analysis request.
Data Warehouse
A subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-making process
5 Reason of Using Data Warehouse
Reduces stress on transactional systems.
Keeps historical data
Provides single version of truth
Improves data quality
Enables complex analysis for business
2 Type of Hierarchy
Total order
Partial order
Aim of Big Data Architecture
Designed to handle the ingestion, processing, and analysis of data that is too large or complex for traditional database systems
3 Situation to Use Big Data Architecture
Store and process data in volumes too large for a traditional database.
Transform unstructured data for analysis and reporting.
Capture, process, and analyse unbounded streams of data in real time, or with low latency
Data cube
A metaphor for multidimensional data storage which allows data to be modelled and viewed in multiple dimensions defined by dimensions and facts.
Lowest and Highest Point in Lattice of Cuboids cuboid
Lowest level - Base cuboid
Highest level - Apex cuboid
4 Concept Hierarchies of Data Cube
Roll-up / Drill-up - Less dimension
Drill-down - More dimension
Slice and dice
Dice - Defines a subcubby performing a selection on two or more dimensions.
Slice - Performs a selection on one dimension of the given cube.
Pivot (rotate) - Show side view
2 Type of Table in Star Scheme
Large central data (Fact table)
Attendant tables (Dimension tables)
Pros & Cons of Snowflake Scheme
Dimension tables easy to maintain and saves storage
Reduce the effectiveness of browsing
Data Warehouse Vs Data Mart
Data Warehouse
Multiple subject
Many data source
Galaxy schema
Data Mart
Single subject
Few data source
Star / Snowflake schema
3 Types of Data Mart
Dependent Data Marts - Draw data from a central data warehouse that has already been created.
Independent Data Marts - Draw data directly from operational or external sources of data or both.
Hybrid Data Marts - Draw data from operational systems or data warehouses