Olivia Quotes Flashcards
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘Take the……..’’
'’Take the fool away.’’
(her first line in the play)
Imperatives to signal her power within the initial encounter of Olivia
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘I know his…. is in…..,……’’
'’I know his soul is in heaven, fool.’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘O, you are……of……,Malvolio’’
'’O, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘Fetch him…., I…..you, he speaks……but……’’
'’Fetch him off, I pray you, he speaks nothing but madman.’’
( cesario for orsino) sir toby fetched him the message
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘What kind……is he’’
‘‘Of what…..and…..is he’’
'’What kind o’man is he’’
‘‘What manner of man’’
‘‘Of what personage and years is he’’
Act 1 scene 5
‘‘Give me…….’’
'’Give me my veil’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘But…..i……. him’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘But yet i cannot love him’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘But yet i……..’’
'’but yet i cannot love him’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘What is your……’’
'’What is your parentage’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘Let him……- Unless,……you come to……. ‘’
'’Let him send no more - Unless, perchance, you come to me again’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘Spend this….’’
'’Spend this for me.’’
(giving cesario her pruse’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘Even so…………catch the…..’’
‘‘Even so quickly may one catch the plague’’
Act 1 scene 5:
‘‘He left this……….’’
'’He left this ring behind him’’
Act 3 scene 1:
….. A ring ……of you. So did……..’’
’’ A ring in chase of you. So did i abuse’’
The whole thing has strained syntax as if Olivia is struggling to express herself. Olivia’s language discloses her emotional state
Act 3 scene 1:
‘‘That’s a………’’
'’Thats a degree to love.’’
Act 3 scene 1:
‘‘If one should be….., how much better To………the….than the…..’’
'’If one should be prey, how much the better To fall before the lion than the wolf!’’
Act 3 scene 1:
‘‘I will………..’’
'’I will not have you.’’
act 3 scene 1:
‘‘If i think so, I……….’’
'’If i think so, I think the same of you’’
Act 3 scene 1:
‘‘O, what a deal of……. looks….. In the…. and…..of his.,….!’’
‘‘O, what a deal of scorn looks beautiful In the contempt and anger of his lip!’’
Act 3 scene 1:
‘‘I love thee so that,……….., Nor wit nor….. can my……..hide’’
'’I love thee so that. maugre all thy pride, Nor wit nor reason can my passion hide’’
Act 3 scene 4:
‘‘How shall i……… What…. of him’’
'’How shall i feast him What bestow of him’’
Act 3 scene 4:
‘‘Why dost thou……., and kiss thy…….’’
'’Why dost thou smile so, and kiss thy hand so oft’’
Act 3 scene 4:
'’Thy yellow stockings’’
Act 3 scene 4:
‘‘Why, this is very…….’’
'’Why, this is very midsummer madness’’
Act 3 scene 4:
‘‘Good Maria, let this…….’’
'’Good Maria, let this fellow be looked to.’’
Act 3 scene 4:
‘‘Here, wear this……, tis my….’’
'’Here, wear this jewel for me, ‘tis my picture’’
Act 4 scene 1:
‘‘Hold,…..! On thy….., I charge………!’’
'’Hold, Toby! On thy life, I charge thee hold!’’
Act 4 scene 1: (duel scene)
‘‘Go with………..’’
‘‘Beshrew his……….! He started one poor……..,in thee.’’
'’Go with me to my house’’
‘‘Beshrew his soul for me! He started one poor heart of mine, in thee.’’
Talking to seb thinking its cesario
Act 4 scene 3: (seb and olivia get married)
‘‘Now go with me and this…… into the……….’’
'’Now go with me and with this holy man Into the chantry by’’
Act 5 scene 1:
'’Cesario, husband, stay!’’
Act 5 scene 1:
‘‘Get him to….., and let his…. be…..’’
'’Get him to bed, and let his hurt be looked to.’’
(about sir andrews injurirs due to duel)
Act 5 scene 1:
(snatching the……. and giving…….’’)
(snatching the letter and giving it to Fabian)
‘‘Read it you, sirrah’’
Act 5 scene 1:
‘‘Have I,…………..!
'’Have I, Malvolio No!’’
reply to malvolio saying you have done me wrong to olivia
Act 5 scene 1:
‘‘But out of……..tis……..’’
'’But out of question ‘tis Maria’s hand.’’
Act 5 scene 1:
'’Alas, poor fool!’’
About malvolio
are you a comedian meaning actor