Oligodendrocytes Flashcards
What is the consequence of an incorrect ratio of oligodendrocytes to neurones during development?
Dysmyelination during development usually leads to mental retardation and/or death (leukodystrophies/leukoencephalopathies).
What axons would benefit from myelination?
All, except those under 1 micron in diameter.
Why is myelination important?
Myelination is important for:
• Maintaining speed of conduction
• Electrical insulation, and thus making it more energy efficient
• Allows diameters of axons to be much smaller (space saving). Without myelin, our spinal chord would be the diameter of a log.
What are the steps in oligodendrocyte development?
The steps in the development of oligodendrocytes are well defined, requiring a series of highly orchestrated events:
Proliferation → Migration → Differentiation → Axon contact → Myelination
What molecular marker is used to identify oligodendrocyte progenitors?
Perinatal, late and adult progenitors are PDGFaR+.
Platelet Derived Growth Factor Alpha-Receptor.
Where are oligodendrocyte progenitor cells generated in the spinal cord?
In the sub ventricular zone cells of the brain and spinal cord, in the pMN domain around E12.5.
However, oligodendrocytes could have potentially arisen from another area. Nkx6 NO leads to oligodendrogenesis from the dorsal regions.
Describe the experiment that shows oligodendrocyte induction by ventralising signals
A. During normal spinal cord development, PDGF R+ cell [PDGF receptor- positive cell - oligodendrocyte precursor cells] foci appear in a specific region of the ventral ventricular zone following motoneurone differentiation.
B. When caudal regions of the Danforth short-tail mutant mouse (lacking a notochord and floor plate) → motoneurones and oligodendrocyte precursors fail to develop
C.Grafting ectopic notochord (at the top) induces ectopic floor plate, motoneurones and oligodendrocyte precursors.
Describe the main spinal cord patterning during development
Patterning occurs when morphogens act on cells, producing gradients. It so happens that there are only two main morphogens that guide the development of the spinal chord:
• Sonic Hedgehog Protein (SHH) produced by floor plate, ventral to dorsal gradient
• Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) produced by roof plate, dorsal to ventral gradient
As these migrate towards each other, they form patterns of different cell zones [see right]. Different neuronal populations arise as a result of the combinatorial effects of several transcription factors and morphogen concentrations.
What set of genes are affected by spinal cord patterning?
Expression of two sets of genes/transcription factors occur based on position i.e. SHH concentration gradient.
Class I genes are expressed predominantly in the dorsal half, while Class II genes are expressed mainly ventrally. It is the overlap of these various genes (transcription factors) that determine which cell types are generated.
What transcription factor combination leads to motor neurone development?
low Pax6, high Olig2
How are motor neurone and oligodendcyte development linked?
Motor neurones are produced first in their particular domains (pMN) of the spinal cord, and at some point this ceases (E4.0 in chicks). Oligodendrocytes are produced shortly after, in the same site.
What causes the switch in production from motor neurone cells to oligodendrocytes?
A number of genes called proneural genes, are important in neuronal generation: neurogenin 1 & 2 (Ngn1&2). These genes are downregulated in ventral neuroepithelium of neural tube, once motor neurone production ceases. Once Ngn is downregulated, glial cell production occurs in domains expressing the Olig2 gene.
At the time neurogenins start to disappear, Nkx2.2 co-expression aids in the development in oligodendrocytes.
What genes are vital in oligodendrocyte development and what roles do they play?
Olig1 has a role in oligodendrocyte maturation. Olig1 NO causes uncoupling of myelogenesis and axonal recognition.
Olig2 is necessary for oligodendrocytes. Olig2 NO mice entirely lack oligodendrocyte lineage cells in the spinal cord (but not brain).
Olig1+2 NO mice have no oligodendrocytes anywhere in the CNS.
What transcription factors regulate Olig1 and 2 expression?
Olig1 & 2 expression is regulated indirectly by Shh, via Nkx 6.1 and 6.2.
Where are oligodendrocyte progenitor cells generated in the forebrain?
However, in the brain, there are three key domains (multiple origins):
• Ventral Domain [red] – cells expressing Nkx-2.1
• Medial Domain [blue] – cells expressing Gsh2
• Dorsal Domain [green] –cells expressing Emx1
(Interestingly, this domain also gives rise to neurons projecting to cerebral cortex)