Olfaction Flashcards
Why is the mammalian olfactory bulb molecularly and anatomically specialised?
To detect and discriminate a wide variety of odor molecules
How do mammals cope with the diverse structural features of odorant molecules?
Express up to 1000 different odorant receptor (OR) genes on the cilial membrane surface of ORNs, each of which expresses only a single type of OR
Why does the central olfactory system integrate signals from a large variety of odorant receptors?
Because a single object, such as the jasmine flower, emits a specific combination of dozens of different odour molecules
What does the OB contain?
Thousands of signal-processing units, called glomeruli (1800 in the mouse), within which axons of ORNs form excitatory synaptic connections on the dendrites of mitral and tufted cells
What do glomeruli together with their associated neurons (glomerular modules) essentially function as?
Axon convergence centers for inputs originating from one type of OR, propagating odorant-specific signals to mitral and tufted cells
How is the odour molecule information subsequently processed?
By local neuronal circuits that mediate synaptic interactions within the glomerular module as well as between other such modules in the OB
What layers can the OB be divided into?
Olfactory neuron layer, glomerular layer, external plexiform layer, mitral cell layer, internal plexiform layer and granule cell layer
What was shown by intensive Golgi analyses in the 1970s? (ref)
Succeeded in visualising the morphology of neurons in each layers, and showed that the distinct layers were composed of morphologically distinct cells (Price and Powell, 1970)
Where do the four zones of the OE extend from?
Dorsomedial to ventrolateral part, based on the type of OR that is expressed there
What did the structural comparison of various odorant receptors reveal? (ref)
ORs with highly homologous amino acid sequences tend to colocalise in the same zone of the OE (Malnic et al. 1999)
What did immunohistochemical approaches indicate?
This zonal arrangement is retained to some degree in the OB, ORNs in any given zone project to glomeruli situated in a spatially segregated corresponding zone in the OB
Where is information received by sensory neurons in a given zone transmitted?
Glomeruli, and then mitral and tufted cells in corresponding zone of the OB
What did examination of MC and TC tuning specificities show?
Glomeruli representing ORs with similar tuning specificty are assembled ina local region within a specific zone
Where do ORNs expressing the same type of OR project their axons into? (ref x 2)
A few defined glomeruli with high convergence ratios (up to 5000:1) as demonstrated by in situ hybridization of OR mRNA in the OB, and targeted knock-outs and knock-ins of OR types (Vassar et al., 1994; Wang et al., 1998)
What have physiological studies suggested about the glomerular convergence pattern? (ref)
One of the plausible models for explaining the tuning specificity of mitral and tufted cells (Mori et al., 1992)
Why does the tuning specificity of MCs and TCs strongly reflect that of the glomerulus they occupy?
Because individual MCs and TCs project a single primary dendrite to a single glomerulus
What is cruical for processing of molecular information in the OB?
The local assembly of glomerular modules with overlapping specificities to odor molecules
What did Katoh et al., 1993 show?
Using a battery of odor molecules with systematic variations of molecular conformation, demonstrated that the MRR of individual MCs and TCs consists of a range of odor molecules that share characteristic structural features
What are characteristic structural features?
Stereochemical structure of the hydrocarbon chain as well as the type and position of the attached functional group