Old Testament survey Flashcards
What is unusual about the “Rift Valley”?
It is the lowest place on the earth that is not underwater.
It is an earthquake zone.
It contains the only major year-round river in Palestine.
What are the two divisions of the “Period of the Kings”?
The United Monarchy and the Divided Monarchy (Israel and Judah)
Who took the northern tribes of Israel into captivity?
Assyria took Israel.
Who took the southern tribes of Israel into captivity?
Babylon took Judah.
What happened after the ministry of the prophet Malachi?
A 400-year silent period.
What is the significance of “beginnings”?
It sets the stage for understanding the source, purpose, means, structure, and value of the world.
What does the Book of Genesis tell us about beginnings?
God is the source of all things.
God created all things from nothing.
God created man for a purpose.
Explain the significance of Genesis 1:1
The clear representation of God’s action refutes many of the contemporary theories of origin.
What are some of the “beginnings” taught in the Book of Genesis?
Creation, marriage, sin, diving judgement, Human Government, and the Chosen People (Israel.
What evidence do we have for the Mosaic authorship of Genesis?
The New Testament refers to Moses as the author of a portion of the Old Testament, and Jesus referred to the writings of Moses as being first in the Old Testament.
What does Genesis tell us about creation?
It tells us that God created everything and he spoke the earth into creation.
What does Genesis tell us about the life of faith?
It shows us that it is practical.
What was the significance of the account of the Tower of Babel?
It showed the origin of human civilization.
What do Isaac, Jacob and Joseph all have in common?
They are all products of miracle birth.
Why did Jacob receive God’s blessing?
He desired God’s blessing.
How is the theme of “Redemption” seen throughout the Scriptures, beginning with the Book of Exodus?
Exodus gives us a picture of God’s people in bondage.
How is the bondage of Israel in Egypt an illustration of sin?
Sin sucks us in more and more like the increasing demands of the taskmasters and the energy that we put into sin only goes into building perishable monuments.
What was the significance of the plagues God sent to the Egyptians?
To show the supreme Lordship of their God.
How did the Lord separate the Israelites from the Egyptians?
He put a protective barrier between homes and land so the plague touched the Egyptians but not the Israelites.
Why did God test the Israelites in the wilderness?
So that Israel would know what was in their hearts.
Why did God give the Law to Israel?
To show HIs people their need of a Saviour and to reveal sin.
What was the “Ceremonial Law”?
Laws that pertain to the religious life of the nation.
What was the significance of the priesthood to the people’s ability to worship God?
The priesthood made it possible for the people to approach God without fear.
What does the world “holy” mean?
It means “separated” from the common to the sacred.
What was the significance of the “Burnt Offering?”
The entire offering was burned.
What was the significance of the “Sin Offering”?
It showed that the penalty of sin is death.
What is the significance of the deaths of Nadab and Abihu?
They emphasized the need for holiness and obedience in the priesthood.