Old Testament Crash Course Flashcards
Who is the traditional author of Genesis and the entire Torah?

Who is Yahweh?
Yahweh is the personal name of the Hebrew God in the Old Testament.

How many days of creation are there in Genesis?
6 and 1 day of rest

Who is Adam?
In the Bible, Adam was the first human. His name means “man” or “human” in Hebrew.

Who is Eve?
In the Bible, Eve was the first woman, she was created from Adam.

What is the Garden of Eden
In the Bible, The Garden of Eden is the earthly paradise created by Yahweh to be inhabited by his first human creations, Adam and Eve.

What tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat from?
The tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Who tempted Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden tree?
The Serpent

What was the punishment for eating from the forbidden tree?
Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden and would eventually die.

Who is Seth?
Seth is the third son of Adam & Eve.
What does Covenant mean?
promise or agreement
Who is Abraham?
Abraham is the first ancestor of the Israelites. In Genesis 12, Yahweh establishes a covenant relationship with Abraham and calls him to leave his hometown in Mesopotamia in order to start a new nation in Canaan.
What is the Abrahamic Covenant?
In Genesis 12, Yahweh promises Abraham that he would give Abraham:
- A homeland
- countless descendants
- That the entire world would be blessed through him.
Who is Moses?
Moses is an Israelite from the tribe of Levi who was adopted into Egypt’s royal family as a baby .In Exodus 3-14, Yahweh appears to Moses in a burning bush calls him to confront Pharaoh, free the Israelites, and lead them back to the Promised Land in Canaan.
What is the Mosaic Covenant?
The covenant between Yahweh, Moses, and the Israelites that is made at Mount Sinai. Yahweh promises that if the Isrealites follow his 613 commandments then the Israelites will be his:
- Special treasure
- Kingdom of priests
- Holy nation.
Who is David?
David is the most famous King of Israel. He is a great warrior and writer of most of the Psalms in the Bible.
What is the Davidic Covenant?
In 2 Samuel 7, Yahweh promised King David that after David died he would:
- “raise up one of [David’s] descendants”
- “make his kingdom strong, and…”
- “secure his royal throne forever”