Old Testament Flashcards
They shall become adversaries to you.
Judges 2
Othniel routs the Mesopotamians.
Judges 3
Ehud routs Moabites.
Judges 3
Deborah routs Canaanites.
Judges 4
History in poetic media.
Judges 5
Gideon routs Midianites.
Judges 6-7
“The Lord will rule over you.”
Judges 8
Anti-king reaction in Israel’s early history.
Judges 9
Jephthah routs Ammonites.
Judges 11
Samson routs Philistines.
Judges 16
“In those days there was no king.”
Judges 21
Story of Rahab.
Joshua 2 & 6
Joshua 5
The land is holy.
Joshua 5
Jericho captured.
Joshua 6
Molding disciplines.
Joshua 7
Destruction of Ai.
Joshua 8
Gibeonite plot.
Joshua 9
Southern coalition.
Joshua 10
Northern coalition
Joshua 11
Conquest not complete.
Joshua 13
Allotment of land.
Joshua 14-19
“Choose this day whom you will serve.”
Joshua 24