OLC Chapter 7 Flashcards
capiō, capere
to take, to sieze (3rd -i_ conjugation)
convocō, convocāre
to call together (1st conjugation)
defendō, defendere
to defend (3rd conjugation)
fugiō, fugere
to flee (3rd -i_ conjugation)
iaciō, iacere
to throw (3rd -i_ conjugation)
navigō, navigāre
to sail (1st conjugation)
occidō, occidere
to kill (3rd conjugation)
oppugnō, oppugnāre
to attack (1st conjugation)
pugnō, pugnāre
to fight (1st conjugation)
resistō, resistere
to resist (3rd conjugation)
vincō, vincere
to conquer, to beat (3rd conjugation)
ira, -ae, f.
anger (1st declension)
pugna, -ae, f.
a fight (1st declension)
canis, canis, c.
dog (3rd declension)
comes, comitis, c.
comrade, ally, friend (3rd declension)
frater, fratris, m.
brother (3rd declension)
navis, navis, f.
ship (3rd declension)
pater, patris, m.
father (3rd declension)
princeps, principis, m.
chief, leader, prince (3rd declension)
rex, regis, m.
king (3rd declension)
urbs, urbis, f.
city (3rd declension)
carus, -a, -um
dear (1st/2nd declension adjective)
fortis, forte
brave, strong (3rd declension adjective)
omnis, omne
all, every (3rd declension adjective)
bravely (adverb)
ā/ ab
(+ ablative) from, away from (preposition)