Ola 1957 Flashcards
Occupier section
What must occur pier have
Degree of control
Wheat V lacon
Can there be more than one occupier
Wheat V lacon
What must occupier be
Effectively in control
Harris V birkenhead
Is there always an occupier
Bailey V arms
Sometimes no one has control
Premises section
What is premesis
Any fixed or moveable structure including vehicle vessel or aircraft
Lawful visitors express
Invitees - express permission
Licensees - express permission to be there
Implied visitors
Entry to communicate
Repeat visitor
Statutory right of way
Entry to communicate
Robson V Hallet
Repeat visitors
Lowery V walker
Duty of care section
Duty of care
Take such care as reasonable for purpose which he is invited on
Duty of care level
Reasonably safe not completely
Case for reasonably safe
Laverton V kiapashia takeaway