Oklahoma Statutes Chapter 1 Flashcards
State board of examiners shall consist of __________ members.
15 members
No member other than the_______ license or certified_______________ shall have a direct or indirect financial interest in long-term care facilities.
After the initial terms, the terms of all appointed members shall be______. _________.
3 years
Each license or certification shall expire on the. _________. Day of____________.
The Oklahoma State board of examiners shall issue licenses or certifications to individuals determined. Administrative fines imposed pursuant to this sectionshall not exceed ___________ per violation.
1000.00 dollars
Complaint procedure
A committee or committee of ___ _________ Appointment by the chair of the board show review complaints to determine if probable cause exist that a violation of this act or the rules of the board has occurred
- Persons
Any individual duly licensed or certified by the board regardless of the role or functions he performs.
Written authorization of the board granting a person the privilege of serving as a long-term care administrator for a specific period of time
Licensing year
License in your shall have the same meaning as calendar year the time. Beginning at 12:01 AM January 1 and ending as of 12 o’clock midnight the same December 31
RC/AL Administrator
A long-term care administrator duly licensed by the board to serve in the capacity in either an RCF or ALF. The scope of practice of an individual license as an RC/AL administrator is limited to either a licensed residential care facility or a license assisted living facility
Initial long-term care administrator license- $ _________
This licensure fee applies to all original licensure‘s and certification.
The initial license will expire on _______________________Of the year it was effective
December 31st
Annual renewal’s
RC/AL license - $_________ per year
Late fee- $___________For each calendar week or portion thereof a Weissenfels to time we meet the requirements of a deadline or due date establish or agreed to in writing by the board
All programs approved by the ___________, _________,that receive a approval number will be presumptively excepted by the board for purpose of meeting Oklahoma’s annual continuing education requirement.
National continuing education review service (NCERS)
National Association of long-term care administrators board (NAB)
General requirements that must be met by each applicant
- 21 years of age
- United States citizen will be a qualified alien
- A reputable and responsible character
- submit to a personal background check
- Each applicant shell report to the board any adverse action taken by any licensing or certification entity and any jurisdiction
- compliance with state income tax requirements
- Must pay all fees to obtain license
- Proficient in English language
The board has determined a passing score for Allstate standards examination to be_______% Or greater
Application for licensure renewal
File an application, on the form and in the manner as prescribed by the board online, prior to the expiration date of the current license
If the license is not renewed by the_______ day of the current licensing year the late fee of$_________ Per week shall be assessed where in the first day equates to the first week up until the first board meeting of the year
An individual who practices after the expiration of his license is practicing without a license and is subject to?
Disciplinary action and or sanctions as determined by the board
Long-term care administrators licensed certified by the Board shall adhere to the?
Administrator code athletics as adopted by the board