OIA quiz 2 Flashcards
gluteus medius
o: lat ilium i: greater trochanter a: abd, slight er, ir with hip flx >70-90 degrees
hamstrings bicep femoris
o: short- linea aspera long- ischial tub i: fib head and lat tibial condyle a: knee flx, er, hip ext, er
o: ischial tub i: med tibial condyle a: knee ir and flx, hip ext and ir
o: ischial tub i: prox med tibia a: knee ir and flx, hip ext and ir
o: inferior scapular fossa i: greater tubercle of humerus i: er
pectoralis major
o: clavicle, sternum, costocartilages 1-6 i: lateral lip of intertubecular groove a:add, flx, ir
pectoralis minor
o: ribs 3,4,5 i: coracoid a: protraction, raises ribs on inspiration
serratus anterior
o: ribs 1-8 i:med scap border a: scap protraction, er scap for gh abd
o: subscapular fossa i: lesser tubercle of humerus a: ir of gh
tensor fascia latae
oL iliac crest, i: itb a: ir and flx hip