OIA Flashcards
Rule 1
Conformance to law: Employees are required to adhere to Department Rules and Regulations,, Department Directives. And. Memoranda, Montgomery County Personnel Regulations, County Admin.. Procedures, Executive Orders, Montgomery Count code, and to all la, aplicable to the general. Public.
Rule 2
Authority to Suspend: Chief of Police, Officer In-charge of a respective unit, or other persons designated by the Chief, may temporarily suspend with pay an employee.
Rule 3
Compliance with Orders: Employees will obey a supervisor’s lawful order.
Rule 4
Abuse of Process: Employees must. Not. Intentionally manufacture, tamper, with, falsify, destroy, or withhold evidence or information, nor make nay false accusations or statements regarding a criminal charge for the purpose of influencing the out come of any, investigation or subsequent trial.
Rule 5
Abuse of Authority: The lawful. Authority entrusted to police officers will not be. Used improperly. To interfere with the lawful conduct of anyone. All officers must carry out their duties in a non discriminatory manner.
Rule 6
Use of Force: Officers will use force only. In accordance with law and departmental procedures and will not use more force than is objectively reasonable to make an arrest, an investigatory. Stop/detentions or other seizure, or in the performance of. Their lawful duties, to protect themselves or there’s from personal attack, physical resistance, harm, or death..
Rule 7
Reporting Requirements: Employees shall immediately report, or as. Soon as practicable, to their commander/director or bureau chief, any circumstance where the employee is: Arrested, becomes a defendant in any. Criminal proceeding that may result in incarceration…
Rule 8
Punctuality: Employees of the department will be punctual in reporting for duty at the time and place specified by their supervisor.
Rule 9
Attentiveness to Duty/Use of Alcohol/Drugs: To ensure each employee’s own protection and the protection of citizens and fellow employees, employees will remain awake and alert while on duty.
Rule 9: Alcohol restrictions?
Employees will not consume alcohol while at work or on duty, except while acting under the proper an specific orders of a superior officer. Alcoholic beverages will not be consumed while wearing any part of the uniform. Further all employees are prohibited from operating a county vehicle while or within 4 hours after consuming alcohol.
Definition of Impairment from Rule 9?
Impaired is defined as having a BAC of .05% or higher
Rule 9: Definition of under the influence?
Under the influence is defined as a BAC of .07% or higher.
Rule 10
Telephone Maintenance: Employees are required to maintain a telephone at their residence and inform the department of their telephone number.
Rule 11
Carrying of Credentials and Identification: will carry their department credentials while on duty and while off duty when armed unless excepted by the Chief of Police.
Rule 12
Gratuities: No compensation, reward, gift or other consideration may be solicited or accepted by employees without special permission from the Chief of Police.