Ohio Wildflowers Flashcards
Mandrake podophyllum peltatum
Small colonies of this plant dot the woods, but they’re just starting to bloom- look for a single white flower hanging down beneath the leaves.
Goldenrod with axillary flowers
Solidago Caesia, blue stemmed goldenrod
Jimson weed
Tomato family Coarse erect weed with white trumpet flowers. Coarse toothed leaves.
Large flowered orchids
Moccasin flower. Large pink with fissure. Four or more localized species. Also fringed orchids. Orchids in spikes or racemes - rattlesnake plantain (dwarf, downy, checkered) Lady tresses - small white flowers in single or double spirals. Grasslike leaves.
Insectivorous, saprophytic plants
Sundew - rosette of small round leaves that are sticky with glandular hairs. Indian pipe - translucent waxy pipes, wintergreen family Wisters coral root - orchid family Giant birds nest - wintergreen family
Persian Speedwell
Cutleaf Toothwort (Cardamine concatenata / Dentaria laciniata); blooms April through June
Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum); blooms April through June
Growing in numbers under the forest canopy.
Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica); blooms March through May
Perhaps the classic spring flower, there’s lots of this carpeting the forest floor in certain areas. It can also be seen in park grass and on lawns. It has long thin almost grass-like leaves.
Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris); blooms April through June.
Dutchman’s Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria); blooms April through May.
Hispid Buttercup (Ranunculus hispidus); blooms March through May.
Spotted Jewelweed / Touch-Me-Not (Impatiens capensis); blooms July through September
Pale (yellow) and spotted (orange)
Edible young shoots (cook like green beans, drain water, season with butter salt and pepper) Called jewel weed bc of rain drops on leaves that are unwettable) Boil down pound of jewelweed and save in icecube trays
Trout Lily, Adders Tongue (Erythronium americanum); blooms March through May
Mottled leaves are diagnostic.
Also Canada Lily or Clintonia if not mottled.
Two species - yellow or white. White can be tinged with yellow. Lily family
Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum); blooms April through June
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis); blooms March through May
A unique woodland flower- check out its single large leaf that embraces the stem as it grows.
Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) - note the basal leaves only, buttercup family. blooms March through April
Fresh leaves of Sharp-lobed Hepatica; the pointed ends of these leaves differentiate this plant from Round-lobed Hepatica.
Buttercup family 6-10 flowers, low flowers of spring. Three leaves Sharp lobed, round lobed Note similar twinleaf (almost complete divided leaf) Bloodroot (lobed flower) Rue anemone - One flower above whorl of small three lobed leaves
Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica); blooms April through May
Rue Anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides); blooms March through May
This delicate plant has distinctive lobed leaves.
Toadshade Trillium (Trillium sessile, Wake Robin); blooms April though June
Sessile Trillium
Uncommon but interesting!
Large-flowered trillium (Trillium grandiflorum); blooms April through June
Lily family Trillium grandiflorum, large flowered, white to pink with age.
Nodding, trillium cernuum, flower dangles below leaves, petals recurved, anthers pink.
Drooping, trillium flexipes, petals not recurved, anthers creamy white
Snow or dwarf white, flowers less than 1” and narrow leaves, earliest
Acid bogs woods - nodding and painted
Blue Phlox, Wild Sweet William (Phlox divaricata); blooms April through June
Common Blue Violet (Viola papilionacea); blooms March through June
Smooth Yellow Violet (Viola pensylvanica); blooms April through June
Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense); the flower is almost at the bottom of this photo, near the middle.
False Solomon’s Seal (Smilacina racemosa); blooms May through July.
Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum biflorum); blooms April through June.
Jacob’s Ladder | Greek Valerian (Polemonium reptans); blooms April through June.
Harbinger of Spring (Erigenia bulbosa)
Twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla)