Often Used Flashcards
Why don’t you come in?
Por que no entras?
One Apple remains
Queda una manzana
I do not find my keys
Yo No encuentro mis llaves
What does he feel?
Que siente el
I return in January
Yo vuelvo en enero
Seems familiar
Parece familiar
I have a dinner tonight
Tengo una cena esta noche
Is this your book?
Es este tu libro?
Do you have any questions ?
Tienes alguna pregunta?
We arrive tomorrow
Nosotros llegamos manana
There is no salt left
No queda sal
Some years ago
Hace Unos cuantos Anos
Who is that man?
Quien es aquel hombre?
That is true
Eso es cierto
What comes afterwards
Que viene despues
We are already in March
Ya estamos en marzo
And then?
Y entonces?
Then what do you want?
Entonces que quieres
She is coming with us
Ella viene con nosotros
I do not talk about this
Yo no hablo de esto
She is not here yet
Ella no esta aqui todavia
Yes, of course
Si, desde luego
See you soon
Hasta pronto
Me neither
Yo tampoco
You still can
Tu aun puedes
Neither can I
Yo tampoco puedo
Very far away
Muy lejos
Are they far from here
Ellos estan lejos de aqui
Perhaps because I cannot see
Quizas porque no veo bien
Who are you ?
Quien eres?
Which books
Cuales libros
Can we?
We have the best
Tenemos Los mejores
I do not want much pasta
No quiero Tanta pasta
You are better than I
Eres mejor que yo
Why don’t you come with us
Porque no vienes con nosotros
He takes my food
El toma mi comida
Any time
En Cualquier momento
A few hours ago
Hace pocas horas
At what time?
A que hora?
I do not talk about this
Yo no hablo de esto
For both
Por Ambos
That is not fair!
Eso no es justo
We talked recently
Hablamos recientamente
We have a long day tomorrow
Tenemos un dia largo manana
I can’t even though I want to
No puedo aunque quiero
She gives water
Ella da agua
I count on you
Cuento con ustedes
Who thinks like him
Quien piensa como el
You do good work
Tu haces buen trabajo
I am absolutely sure
Estoy absolumente seguro
What are they exactly ?
Que son exactamente
At what time
A que hora?
Why comes afterwords?
Que viene despues?
Yes, of course
Si, por supuesto
She is not here yet
Ella no esta Aqui todavia
Not like that
Asi no
Of course not
Por supuesto que no
Of course it is me
Por supuesto que soy yo
Not more, not less
Ni mas, ni menos
Any day except for Monday
Cualquier dia menos el lunes
For both
Por ambos
That is true
Eso es cierto
Are you from here ?
Tu eres de aqui?
That is too much
Eso es demasiado
As of today
Desde hoy
This is not my cup
No es mi taza
I do not hear
No oigo (sounds like oyo)
Like that
Es asi
I do not talk about this
Yo no hablo de Esto
You go to the airport
Vas al aeropuerto
To the airport, please
Hacia el aeropuerto por favor
Sometimes yes and sometimes no
A veces si y a veces no
She includes me
Ella me incluye
They tell me
Ellos me dicen
I see it
Yo la veo
The island is located on the west
La isla queda al oeste
What do you see
Que ves?
I do not hear
No oigo (sounds like o-yo)
We went to the restaurant and ate pasta (past tense)
Fuimos al restaurante y comimos pasta
Yesterday was Monday
Ayer fue lunes
I spoke with him once
Una vez hable con el
The dinner was very good
La cena estuvo muy buena
We went to my office
Fuimos a mi oficina
I spoke with my parents about that
Hable con Mis padres de eso
Yesterday it did not rain
Ayer no llovio (sounds like yovio )
My parents said that?
Mis padres dijeron eso?
Where did you hear that?
Donde oyo usted eso?
I had a car
Yo tuve in coche
What did I have?
Que tuve
He gave me a clock
El me dio un reloj
He finally arrived at the hotel
El finalmente llego al hotel (yego)
He stayed at the hotel
El se quedo en el hotel
Is it at least possible?
Es siquiera posible
I tell you
Te digo
I am doing it
Lo hago
She blames us
Ella nos culpa
I don’t hear you, do you hear me?
No te oigo, tu me oyes ?
They give me pasta
Ellos me dan pasta