Offline Flashcards
Dormant commerce clause
Negative implications of commerce clause. State/local law unconstitutional if place undue burden on interstate commerce
Privileges and immunities clause of a Article IV
No state can deny citizen of other state of P&I it gives own citizens
P&I clause of 14th Amendment
Always wrong answer unless implicates right to travel
MEE dormant commerce clause analysis
(1) discriminate against out of staters?
(2) if law does not discriminate:
-P&I Art IV doesn’t apply
-If law burdens interstate commerce violates dormant commerce
Clause b/c burden exceeds benefits
(3) Analysis if law does out of staters
-if burdens interstate commerce violates dormant commerce clause unless necessary to achieve an important gov purpose (exception: congressional approval & Market participant exception)
-if discrim against out of staters with regard to ability to earn livelihood violates privileges and immunities clause of art. IV unless necessary to achieve am important gov (corp and aliens can’t use P&I)
State taxation of interstate commerce
- states may not use tax system to help in state business
- only tax activities if substantial nexus to state
- fairly apportioned
Generally private conduct need not apply with constitution. Exceptions:
- 13th amend prohibits private race discrimination
- Congress may apply by statute or commerce power
Private conduct MUST apply
- public function exception (private entity perf task traditionally exclusively done by gov)
- entanglement exception (gov affirmatively auth, encourages, facilitates unconstitutional activity -racially restrictive covenants, gov leases premises to business that racially discriminates)
Rational basis test
Rationally related to a legit government purpose
Challenger burden of proof
Intermediate scrutiny
Substantially related to an important gov purpose
Gov burden of proof, look at actual purpose
Strict scrutiny
Necessary to achieve compelling gov purpose
Gov burden of proof, look at actual purpose, need to show no less restrictive alternative will achieve purpose
(1) injury in fact -concrete and particularized, actual or imminent
(2) causation
(3) redressability
MEE Procedural Due Process Analysis
(1) has there been a deprivation of life, liberty, or property?
- deprivation of liberty: loss of significant freedom provided by constitution or statute (harm to reputation alone not sufficient)
- deprivation of property: entitlement that is not fulfilled (reasonable expectation of cont’d receipt of benefits)
- gov liable only if intentional or reckless action or if shocks the conscience
- gov failure to protect ppl from private harm not suff (only if gov creates damages or person in gov authority does owe duty)
(2) What procedures are required?
- Test: Balance (i) importance of interest to individual, (ii) ability of add procedures to increase accuracy of fact finding; (iii) gov interest (usually efficiency)
Economic Liberties
Rational basis test (only min Constitutional protection)
Takings Clause
Gov may take private property for public use if provides just compensation
(1) Taking (possessory taking: gov confiscation of physical occupation of property; or regulatory taking: gov regulation that leaves no economically viable use of prop)
(2) public use (gov may take private prop but only for public use -need reasonable belief that taking will benefit public)
(3) Just compensation (measured by loss to owner)
Contracts Clause
No state shall impair the obligations of contracts
- Applies only to state/local interference
- Interference w/ private K must meet Intermediate scrutiny (substantially impair party’s right? Is law reasonably and narrowly tailored means of promoting an important and legit gov interest?)
- Interference w/ gov K must meet strict scrutiny
Ex Post Facto Clause
Law that criminally punishes conduct that was lawful when done or that increases punishment for crimea fter committed
Does not apply to civil cases