Offer and Acceptance Flashcards
RTS Flexible Systems
Established objective test to O&A
Contract didn’t meet formalities but was still enforceabld
Subjective test to O&A when one psrty knew that the other was mistaken
Subjective test to O&A when mistake was induced by one party
”The council may be prepared to sell the house” insufficient commitment, invitation to treat
”If you eill sign the agreement and return it to me, I will send you the agreement signed on behalf of the council in exchange” offer
Fisher v Bell
Knifes in display, invitation to treat
Advertised wild birds for sale -> invitation to treat
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co
Advertisement can be interpreted to create a unilateral contract -> offer
Harris v Nickerson
Auction = invitation to treat
Barry v Davies
Auction offer when no reserve price
Spencer v Harding
Tender is an invitation to treat
Harvela Investments
Referential bid not valid
Blackpool Aero Club
All tenders up to the deadline must be considered
Offer can be withdrawn anytime before acceptance
Byrne v Van Tienhoven
Postal rule doesn’t apply to revocation