Offender profiling: top down approach Flashcards
AO1: what is it?
- an American approach
- developed by FBI
- use a typology (classification system)
- 2 types of offenders: organised & disorganised
- use behavioural evidence to decide type
- knowing offenders type allows us to predict other things about them
AO1: how it works
- gather data from crime scene and identify characteristics
- offender categorised as organised or disorganised
- hypothesis made about what happened at the crime
- profile of offender made
AO1: organised characteristics
- weapon bought to scene
- evidence removed
- had control of the victim
- unkown to victim
- socially and sexually competent
- normal to high intelligence
- angry/depressed
AO1: disorganised characteristics
- weapon improvised
- evidence left at scene
- little control of victim
- known to victim
- socially and sexually inept
- low intelligence
- severely mentally ill
AO3: limitation- only applies to certain types of crimes
however, recently has been shown to work for burglary
P: top down only applies to certain types of crimes
E: best suited to crime scenes which reveal a lot about offender
E: e.g. rape, arson and serial killing
L: means the top down approach is limited to its use, for crimes like burglary there is very little revealed about offender.
HOWEVER, been shown recently that top down profiling has been applied to burglary, leading to an 85% rise in solved cases
AO3: limitation- approach was developed using biased sample
however, useful for male serial killers
P: approach was developed using a biased sample
E/E: sample of 36 American male serial killers, using self report methods
L: low population validity so cant be generalised to target population
HOWEVER, still very useful for the applying it to male serial killers
AO3: limitation- based on outdated models of personality
P: based on outdated models of personality
E: system is based on assumption that offenders have patterns of behaviour that are consistent
E: this does not take account for external factors
L: top down approach is low in validity due to use of inaccurate models
AO3: limitation- classifications are too simplistic
P: classifications are too simplistic
E: Holmes suggests there are four types of serial killers and another researcher questioned how someone with high intelligence who commits an unplanned murder would be classified
E: a criminal may not fit into one of the two types
L: question’s the validity of the top down approach