Offender Profiling: The Bottom-Up Approach Flashcards
Scientific basis of the bottom-up approach:
an advantage is that it is more scientific because of the use of statistical techniques and computer analysis.
one issue is that the data to drive such systems is only related to offenders who have been caught and thus tells us little about behaviour related to unsolved crimes
regarding computer programming someone has to develop the formula and they may be incorrect. This approach has the potential to be objective and systematic but in practice they’re biased
Is investigative psychology useful?
Copson (1995)
C: provides support - surveyed 48 police forces using investigative profile and over 75% of the police officers found the profilers’ advice useful
however only 3% said the advice had helped identify the actual offender
therefore, the method may not be that useful in catching offenders
Is geographic profiling generally successful?
Rossmo (1995)
R: supports the geographical approach. he argues that it can be useful prioritising house to house searches or identifying a geographical area where DNA could be collected
One issue is that it can’t distinguish between multiple offenders in the same area and also limited to spatial behaviour. Thus it’s questionable as to how much more it offers than traditional methods
Final conclusions:
Success rate for offender profiling suggest that what profiling can’t reliably do is identify an offender
However, it can assist police in narrowing down the field of possibilities. There’s also danger in sticking to closely to any one profile
This can lead to a waste of time trying to convict the wrong offender