Offences Against Property Flashcards
Ingredients of theft ? Number of elements
Sec 378
- Moves a property
- Dishonest intention to take property
- Moveable
- Should be taken out of the posession of the owner
- Without the consent of the owner
Sec 383- extortion
1. Intentionally puts any person in fear of injury
2 dishonestly causes him to deliver any property to any person
Difference between theft and extortion
- Consent - no question vs fear
- Moveable vs mov/immov
- No question of fear vs necessary element
- Dishonest removal of property vs the person under fear delivers
When does theft becomes robbery
- Sec 390 - in all robbery there are elements of either theft or extortion
- 5 elements of theft
- Additionally if there is use of force in the form of D/WR/H or threat of DWRH
- Note that force must be used for obec of the following 4 ends- commiting theft, while commiting, carrying away, in attempting to carry away
Illn - theif being pursued by owner abandons
- The hurt caused by offender must be voluntary not accident
When does extorsion becomes robbery
- Sec 383 - 2 elements
- When offender in the presence
- Fear of instant death, injury, wr
- Deliver then and there
- Sec 391 - 5 or more, conjointly, commits robbery or attempts to do so .
Anyone who are present and aiding while the crime happens are also counted as memebers
- Sec 396 - any one of the 5 , commits murder while dacoity, everyone shall be punished with death or life
3.sec 399- preparation to commit dacoity also punished
Chandrika vs state - 7 assembled. Presence of 3 doubtful. No conviction under 399
Different theft, robbery, dacoity
- R- aggravated theft
D- aggravated robbery - Moveable property in theft. Moveable or immovable in robbery or dacoity
- No question of force in theft
- One person - theft or robbery. Min 5 dacoity
Criminal misappropriation of property intro
Sec 403
- Dishonestly
- MisAppropriates or converts to his own use , property which belongs to another
- Such property must be moveable
Initial possesion was innocent. But retention becomes wrongful by subsequent change of intention or from knowledge of some new fact whch was previously not known.
Case for criminal misappropriation
Emp vs raza husain
A & B benares train. Ajudhia, benares cantonment.
Explanations of criminal misappropriation
Exp 1: temporary misappropriation -
A pledges z blank promissiory note
Exp 2: Finder of good not guilty unless he appropriates to his own use– when he knows, has means to discover, didn’t keep the property for a reasonable time to enable the owner to claim it
Theft vs CMP
- Theft- intention to take out of posession
CMP- already in posession either lawfully or if not strictly lawful aquired it under a mistaken notion of a right in himself
2 theft - moving itself is an offence
Cmp- moving itself may not be. It’s the subsequent misappropriation
3 no consent. Intital consent subsequent conversion
4 dishonest intention preceeds theft. It’s subsequent and manifested as misappropriation
Intro of criminal breach of trust with its 3 elements
Sec 405
- The accused entrusted
- Dishonestly- misappropriates, converts to his own use, used it, disposes it off
- In violation of law in place, any legal contract
Case under Cbt
Vishwanaths case - if a person commits CBT and then returns the amount missapropriated won’t absolve him
Three headings for difference between theft and CBT
- Offence - Taking out vs entrustment
- Consent
- Fiduciary relationship
Intro for plea bargaining
Pre trial negotiations between accused and prosecution during which the accused agrees to plead guilty in return of.
Criminal amendment Act 2005
Malimath commt
Talbhigi jamat
Features of plea bargaining
1. Less than 7 years 2 not when life sentence or death 3. Victim woman or child 4. Not available to juvenile habitual offenders and offenders in socioeconomic offences 6. Only sentence bargaining. No charge bargaining or factual bargaining
Positives of plea bargaining and guidelines
- J. Nani palkiwala
- Hussainara khatton
- 2007 tihar 2000.
- reformative
Guidelines, recently laid down in Kerala HC judgement in 2021
1. monosyllabic yes in reply to a pointed question cannot be equated with pleading guilty
2. Magistrate should frame the charges specifying the offences alleged
3. Should be read over and explained to the accused
4. Plea of the accused should be voluntary and expressed in unambiguous manner
5. Magistrate should record the plea in the words of the accused to the max extent possible
Against plea bargaining
- Retributive and detterence
- Kasambhai vs state of gujrat - encourage corruption, collusion
- Mechanical
- If application rejected, then difficult to prove innocent
- Innocent
Criminal defamation
Sec 499
1. Making or publishing imputations concerning
2 by word, sign, visble representation
3 . Intention or knowledge that such imputations will harm the reputation of the concerned person
Exp 4 of sec 499
What imputations harms reputation
Lowers in estimation of other
2. Moral and intellectual character
3. The character of that person in respect of caste and calling
4. Credit of the person
5. Body of that person in some loathsome state
10 exceptions in DEFAMATION
- True and made for pubic good
- True report of the proceedings of court
- Good faith about personal conduct of a public servant
- GF.. Conduct of any person touching any public question
- Merits of public performance
- Censure passed by lawful authority
- Complaints preferred to lawful authority
- Merits of case and witness
- Imputations made in good fauth by person for protection of his interests or others
- Caution intended for good of person conveyed or for public good
Criminal tresspass
Sec 441
- Unauthorized entry into anothers posession
- Entering lawfully but remaining there unlawfully
- Intention- intimidate, insult, annoy OR to commit an offence
House tresspass
Sec 442
- Criminal tresspass
- Such tresspass- building, tent, vessel
- Such BTV- dwelling place, place of worship, place of storing property
Lurking house tresspas
Sec 443
- Tresspass
- House tresspass
- Surreptitiously, so as to conceal from the one who has right to exclude the trespasser
House breaking
Sec 445
- House tresspass
- Entrance in one of the six ways
- Passage made by himself or abettor
- Not intented for exit or entry
3 passage opened for commiting HT
5 opening locks - Criminal force or assault