Offences Flashcards
What are the 4 elements of unlawful act manslaughter?
- D intentionally and voluntarily did an act.
- The act was unlawful.
- The unlawful act was (objectively) dangerous.
- The unlawful act caused the death of the victim.
What are the 5 elements of gross negligence manslaughter?
- Existence of a duty of care.
- Breach of that duty.
- Breach causes death.
- There was a risk of death.
- Breach was so bad as to constitute gross negligence.
Define aiding in the context of accessorial liability.
Accessory gives help, support or assistance, to the principal offender to carry out the principal offence. No causation between aid and crime necessary. No consensus between P and D required.
Define abetting in the context of accessorial liability.
To incite, instigate or encourage at the time that the offence is being committed. No causal link required. The principal must know they are being abetted.
Define counselling in the context of accessorial liability.
To give advice or encouragement before the commission of the offence. No causal link is required. There must contact between the parties and a connection between the counselling and the offence.
Define procuring in the context of accessorial liability.
To procure by endeavour or endeavour to cause. There must be a causal link between the defendant’s act and the commission of the offence. No need for consensus i.e. P does not need to be aware of procurement.
How can an accessory withdraw from a crime?
It must be before the act of assistance (as the relevant time for the MR is the act of the assistance, not the time of the offence). A change of mind is not enough - withdrawal must be communicated. They are less likely to be able to withdraw if they have supplied P with the means of committing the offence.