Of Mice and Men: Characters Flashcards
How could you link George to context
1) American Dream
2) Loneliness of migrant workers
3) Gender
4) Attitudes towards the marginalised in society
5) Predatory nature of society
How could you describe George
1) Principled - persistent with Lennie.
2) Alert.
3) Pragmatic (practical).
4) Capable.
5) Makes contingency plan.
6) Decisive.
7) Reliable.
8) Trustworthy.
9) Loyal.
What moments in the novel are important in exploring George’s character
1) Him believing the dream of owning a little place. P67
2) Judging Curley’s wife before he knows anything about her character. P31
3) Revealing how he nearly killed Lennie. P45
4) Killing Lennie. P120
5) His initial description. P2
Key quotations for George
“The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger.” P105
“Jesus Christ! I bet we could swing her.” P67
“Well, I ain’t done nothing like that no more.” P46 (about using Lennie)
What does Lennie represent
1) He represents how those with mental difficulties are treated.
2) He highlights how cruel others can be towards the marginalised.
3) He represents how hard life was for the ordinary migrant workers.
4) He represents the American Dream and its futility.
How could you describe Lennie
1) Maladaptive behaviour.
2) Unguarded.
3) Cannot remember past misdemeanours.
4) Vulnerable.
5) Child-like.
6) Gentle.
7) Innocent.
How could you link Lennie to context
1) Vulnerability of minority groups.
2) Futility of dream.
3) Life of migrant workers.
4) Isolation.
5) Attitudes towards disability.
What moments in the novel are important in exploring Lennie’s character
1) Crushing Curley’s hand. P71
2) Mice. P101
3) Death of puppy. P95
4) Death of Curley’s wife. P103
5) Befriends Crooks. P77
6) Scared George won’t return. P81
7) Belief in Dream. P65-69
8) His death. P120
9) Reaction to Curley’s wife. P34-35
10) No concept of racism. P77
11) What happened in Weed. P47
Key quotations for Lennie
“Lennie was smiling with delight at the memory of the ranch.” P70
“Let this guy alone. Don’t you do no messing around with him […] George won’t have you messing with Lennie.” P90 (Candy to Curley’s wife)
“I didn’t want to hurt you but George’ll be mad if you yell.” (Lennie to Curley’s wife’s dead body)
What does Curley’s wife represent
1) She represents the negative effects of the patriarchal society - especially women’s lack of status.
2) She represents women trapped in loveless, unhappy marriages.
3) She represents the marginalised, vulnerable and lonely.
4) She represents the failure of dreams.
How could you describe Curley’s wife
1) Young.
2) Pretty.
3) Attractive.
4) Flirtatious.
5) Attention seeking.
6) Lonely.
7) Naive.
8) Isolated.
9) Miserable.
What does George represent
1) He represents ordinary migrant workers.
2) He represents those who care for the marginalised in society.
3) He reveals the loneliness of migrant workers and the need for friendships.
4) He represents the practical man as well as the ‘dreamer’ (The American Dream).
How could you link Curley’s wife to context
1) The men are unable to settle with a wife due to lack of funds, so have to seek sexual gratification from prostitutes (and spend money in the process).
2) Attitudes towards women in society.
3) The American Dream.
4) Life of migrant workers.
What moments in the novel are important in exploring Curley’s wife’s character
1) P32 Introduced.
2) P87 Dream.
3) P91 Description after death.
4) P78 Futility of dream and aggression to Candy, Crooks and Lennie.
Key quotations for Curley’s wife
“And then her words tumbled out in a passion of communication, as though she hurried before her listener could be taken away.” P87
“ Well, I ain’t told this to nobody before. Maybe I ought’ not. I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella.” P100
“ Because this guy says I was a natural.” P100
What does Curley represent
1) He represents the brutality of society through his aggression / the predatory nature of the ranch.
2) He represents those who ‘lead’ by bullying, by inherited status or preying on the weak.
3) He represents the patriarchal society at its worst by his attitude towards his wife.
4) He represents the meanness and lack of understanding towards the marginalised in society.
How could you describe Curley
1) Pugnacious.
2) Aggressive.
3) Patriarchal.
4) Mean.
5) Brutal.
6) Cruel.
7) Hot-headed.
How could you link Curley to context
1) Contemporary attitudes towards women.
2) Hierarchy.
3) Patriarchal society.
4) Meanness and lack of understanding towards the marginalised.
5) Futility of American Dream.
Key quotations for Curley
1) Curley:” Well, I didn’t mean nothing, Slim. I just ast you”.
Slim:” Well, you been askin’ me too often…”
Curley:” I’m jus’ tryin’ to tell you it didn’t mean nothing.. I just thought you might of saw her”.
2) P28 “Don’t tell Curley I said none of this”.
3) P29 “glove fulla Vaseline”.
4) P29 “I seen her give Slim the eye. Curley never seen it”.
5) P31 “ If he tangles with you,Lennie, we’re gonna get the can. Don’t make no mistake about that. He’s the boss’ son”.
6) P38 “ I’m scared I’m gonna tangle with that bastard myself. I hate his guts. Jesus, Christ!”.
7) P77 “Sure I gotta husban’. You all seen him. Swell guy, ain’t he?”.
8) P97 He wants to shoot Lennie in the guts.
What does Candy represent
1) He represents the plight of old people at the time. (pages 45,78,80)
2) He is a gossip who can be mean to ‘fit in’, so represents people in society behaving in a certain way to survive. (pages 26-30)
3) He represents failed dreams and the endless search for dreams to become reality. (pages 59-60)
4) He is one of the ‘weak ones’ because as well as his age and disability he is ‘trapped’ on the ranch. (pages 60,75,94)
How could you describe Candy
1) Old.
2) Weak.
3) A gossip.
4) Independent.
5) Vulnerable.
6) Selfish (when he blames CW for his dream failing).
How could you link Candy to context
1) Ideas about age and disability in society.
2) Futility of American Dream.
What moments in the novel are important in exploring Candy’s character
1) Angry about dream being off. P108
2) Wanting to join the dream. P67
3) Introduced. P20
4) Yelling at CW after her death. P89
5) Letting Carlson shoot his dog. P54
Key quotations for Candy
” I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.” P61
“We got our own lan’ , and it’s ours, an’ we c’n go to it.” P89
“ Candy said softly and hopelessly “awright- take him.” He did not look down at the dog at all.”
“You god damn tramp. You done it, di’n’t you? I s’pose you’re glad.” P108
How could you describe Crooks
1) Cynical.
2) Lonely.
3) Isolated.
4) Cruel to Lennie.
5) Intelligent.
6) Proud.
7) Aloof.
8) Weak.
Key quotations for Crooks
“If you guys would want a hand to work for nothing - just his keep, why I’d come an’ lend a hand.” P76
“Crooks’ face lightened with pleasure in his torture.” P81
“ Well, jus’ forget it. I didn’ mean it. Jus’ foolin’. I wouldn’t want to go no place like that. P94
“Nobody never gets to heaven and nobody gets no land.” P84
What does Crooks represent
1) He represents the plight of black people at the time facing racism discrimination.
2) He represents the lonely and isolated.
3) He represents the cynical (particularly about the dream).
4) He shows his being cruelly can make a person mean.
How could you link Crooks to context
1) Jim Crow Law (enforcing segregation).
2) Plight of black people.
3) Loneliness and isolation.
4) Treatment of the marginalised.
5) Life of migrant workers.
What moments in the novel are important in exploring Crooks’ character
1) P21-22 First mention.
2) P66
3) P71 “His face lightened with pleasure in bus torture.”
4) P80 “Reduced himself to nothing..”
5) P81-82 Tells Candy etc to forget about his role in their dream.
How could you describe Slim
1) Powerful.
2) Authoritative.
3) Balanced.
4) Calm.
5) Well liked.
6) Patient.
7) Respectful.
Key quotations for Slim
“Prince of the ranch” P37
“Hell of a nice fella” P31
“Me and you’ll go in an’ get a drink. You hadda George. I swear you hadda. Come on with me.” P121
What does Slim represent
1) Unlike the ‘dreamers’, Slim never discusses a dream - he is a realist and represents those practical, realists in society.
2) He represents good leadership and kindness - he leads in a just, fair way, speaks to the marginalised in a kind way and therefore has the respect of the other ranch workers.
3) He represents the practical, matter-of-fact man of experience who makes the tough decisions.
4) He represents the emotionally intelligent and people who understand others (Steinbeck’s message) - he understands George and Lennie’s friendship in a way others don’t.
How could you link Slim to context
1) Society of people not understanding each-other.
2) Life of migrant workers.
3) Fair leadership.
What moments in the novel are important in demonstrating Slim’s character
1) He decides Candy’s dog should be killed.
2) He suggests Curley should say his hand was caught in a machine.
3) He Comforts George at the end of the novel.
4) His description when introduced and what other characters such as Candy say about him.
How could you describe Carlson
1) Persuasive.
2) Unempathetic.
3) Cruel.
Key quotations for Carlson
“He won’t even feel it.” P54
“Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin’ them two guys?” P105
“God awmighty, that dog stinks. Get him outta here Candy!” P50
What does Carlson represent
1) He represents the brutality of society through his aggression.
2) He represents those who bully others to get what they want.
3) He represents the meanness and lack of understanding towards the marginalised in society.
4) He represents the ordinary ranch workers.
How could you link Carlson to context
1) Life of itinerant workers.
2) Effects of Great Depression.
3) Lack of empathy.
4) Treatment of marginalised.
5) No place for sentimentality in society.
What moments in the novel are important in demonstrating Carlson’s character
1) Ending line.
2) Shooting Candy’s dog.