Of Mice and Men Flashcards
Who wrote ‘Of Mice and Men’?
John Steinbeck
What big event is happening at the time Of Mice and Men is set?
The Great Depression
How many people were unemployed during the Great Depression?
13-15 million people
What is the cardboard shanty town called?
What was the Dust Bowl?
Name given to the drought and dust storm that swept across mid-west America
Why did the Dust Bowl cause farmers to suffer?
The Dust Bowl ruined crops which means they could not be sold.
Where did most farmers migrated to during the Great Depression?
What is Nomadic?
Living of a life as a person who do not stay in one place for long
What is Migrant?
They who moved to a place to find a job or a better life condition
Definition of ‘mood’
The general feeling or atmosphere that a piece of writing creates within the reader
Definition of ‘Tone’
The tone of literature is the speaker’s or narrator’s attitude towards the subject
What does the bigger of the two men do when they reached the pool?
The bigger of the two men flung himself down and drank the water like a horse
What are the name of the two men?
George Milton and Lennie Small
Why is George angry at the bus driver?
The bus driver dropped them far from their destination.
What adjective described George’s eyes
‘Restless eyes’
What does Lennie have in his pocket?
A dead mouse
Where are George and Lennie heading?
They’re heading to a ranch
What happened in a town called ‘Weed’
Lennie touched a girl’s dress and the girl accused him raping her, causing both Lennie and Geroge to leave the town.
Definition of ‘Zoomorphism’
The device of giving animal-like qualities to anything
that is not that animal such as humans, gods, and
inanimate objects.
What is George and Lennie’s dream?
Getting their own farm. George wants an independent land and Lennie wants to have rabbits.
Definition of ‘Symbiotic’
Denoting a mutually beneficial
relationship between different people or
What are John Steinbeck’s aim?
- Tragedy for ordinary migrant workers
- Harsh environment
- Cut-throat society
- Dehumanising
How do Steinbeck use Curley’s wife in his aim Ordinary Tragedy?
Her dream which is to be an actor is what makes her to marry Curley. But by marrying him makes her life worse.
How does Curley’s wife explore the harsh conditions?
Despite her hardwork to improve her appearance, she is described as a manipulator and temptress.
When did Curley’s wife lost her ‘humanity’?
She threathened Crooks when she had the chance in Chapter 4.
Who has the most power in the ranch in terms of authority?
Slim has the most power in authority. Others are willing to follow him even though it is against Curley.
What is Lennie doing in a barn?
Lennie is petting a puppy that is later discovered to be dead.
Why is it dangerous that Lennie is in the barn with Curley’s wife without George?
Without George monitoring Lennie, he might do something that can get both of them in trouble
How does Curley’s wife say she is feeling?
Curley’s wife is feeling lonely for being the only woman in the ranch
What had happened in Curley’s wife’s life? What is her own American dream and why did it not come true?
Curley’s wife is unfortunate because her American dream which is to be an actress did not come true because she is in possession of Curley so she can’t escape him until her life ends.