OF Exceptions Flashcards
Oxidation(wet cardboard)
Phenolic(Smokey, spicy, clove, )
Smoked beers, Ger. Wheat beers, and some Belgian Styles.
Estery (Fruity)
Ales, Doppelbock, and Eisbocks.
Diacetyl (Butter, Butterscotch, movie theatre butter)
Lower levels in scotch ales, English bitters, Czech pils, kellerbier, and Dark British Beers and Irish Red Ale.
Grainy/ Astringent
Grainy-light lagers, Pilsner, N. Ger. Altbier, brown/robust porter, dry stout, and wheat beers.
“including International Pale Lager, German Pils and German Helles Exportbier. Roasted malts can impart a grainy character that is acceptable in some dark beer styles such as Dark Mild, Scottish Ales, Oatmeal Stout and American Porter as long as it is not harsh. Altbier and Irish Red Ales”
Astringent- Never
Acetic(vinegar)/lactic (sour milk)
Sour ales
Acetaldehyde( Green apple, leaves)
Low levels in Amer. Lager and kellerbier
Skunked/ Light Struck (Skunk/ Mercaptan)
Never (Test answer)
Is known character in some European lagers and saisons.
DMS(precursor SSM, corn, cooked vegetables, tomatoes in dark beer)
Low levels in light Lagers, Pilsners, cream ales, and dark Amer. lagers.
Sulfur(rotten eggs- hydrogen sulfide) (struck match- sulfur dioxide)
Naturally scrubbed by fermentation.
German Light lagers, Kolsch, Australian sparkling ale and kellerbier. British ales(bitters and English IPA’s) can have a mineral or sulfur character from the higher sulfates in the water.
Unfiltered German lagers, Australian Sparkling Ale, Gose and some Belgian ales.
Solvent-like(acetone, paint thinner or turpentine and is often accompanied by a hot, burning sensation)
Low levels- Old Ale, Barleywines and American Strong Ale.
Sherry- like (dry sherry and is often accompanied by hazelnut, almond or dried fruit notes)
Low levels-Old Ales and English Barleywines
Low levels- Aged Weizenbock and Oud Bruin
Onion-like/ catty (grapefruit, floral, dank, tropical fruit, fresh-cut onions or garlic, catty, burnt rubber or raw sewage)
Summit and simcoe hopped beers( fresh cut onions)
Citra and Mosiac beers (fruity)
Amer. IPA’s & DIPA’s
Musty (earthy, moldy or like damp cellars, old books or decomposing wood)
Metallic (blood-like, inky or coins)
Cheesy (aged hard cheese or described as goaty, sweaty or putrid.)
low levels can contribute to the complexity of English Old Ales. Higher levels may be encountered in European Sour Ales (with the exception of Oud Bruin) and American Wild Ales.
Alcoholic (spicy, vinous character in the aroma and taste and is often accompanied by a warm or prickly mouthfeel)
Eisbock, Imperial Stout and English and American Barleywines.