Oedipus Rex Part 1 Flashcards
Oedipus Rex open with a question: “Why are you here?” What is the answer? What brings the suppliants to Oedipus?
Thebes is overcome with a plague so the people go to Oedipus because their crops are dying, the people are dying, and Thebes is dying.
Give a quote and explain how it supports how Oedipus is confident
line 245- “You pray to the gods? Let me grant you prayers”
- not only can the gods help, but he can too.
Give a quote and explain how it supports how Oedipus is caring
page 169- “Now you have me to fight for you, you’ll see. I am the lands avenger by all rights.”
- this quote illustrates Oedipus’s want to help his people and fight for them.
Give a quote and explain how it supports how Oedipus is prideful
line 8- “You all know me; the world knows my fame.”
- he knows he’s famous so he’s cocky.
Give a quote and explain how it supports how Oedipus is quick-tempered
page 145- “Nothing! You, you scum of the earth, you’d enrage a heart of stone!”
- after Tiresias refuses to say anything Oedipus is quick to insult him.
Quote a metaphor from part 1 and then explain the comparison being made.
“Our city- look around you, see with your own eyes- our ship pitches wildly, cannot lift her head from the depths, the red waves of death.”
- comparing Thebes to a lost ship
Write a paragraph that explains the reasons why the Priest says “Thebes is dying.” Make sure your topic sentence includes the statement above and the documentation. As you explain the reasons, quote words and phrases from the text and cite the line numbers.
Thebes is dying because of “a blight on the fresh crops and the rich pastures” (line 31-32), the cattle are dying, the women are dying in labor but “children stillborn” (line 33). The plague is killing many. “Black death luxuriates in the raw.” (line 37-38). The foundation of their city is being destroyed.
Besides “King,” what are 3 other names the Priest calls Oedipus? And state why the Priest has such confidence in Oedipus.
- first of men
- best of men
- savior
- Oedipus defeated the sphinx which no one else could.
Who is Creon?
The brother of Queen Jocasta
Creon has been to consult the Oracle of Delphi. Explain who/what that is.
Prophetess, she is able to tell the truth about Apollo’s words.
Using quoted words and phrases, explain the message Oedipus receives from the Oracle.
“Drive the corruption from the land, don’t harbor it any longer, past all cure, don’t nurse it in your soil- root it out!” (line 107-112)
- The Oracle is telling him to find who murdered Laius and get rid of them.
What information does Creon give Oedipus on page 168?
Apollo said to drive out the corruption and find who killed Laius.
What is ironic about line 119: “I never saw the man myself.”
It’s ironic because when he says “the man” he is really talking about himself.
Explain the “slip” Oedipus makes when he says, “A thief/so daring, wild, he’s kill a king? Impossible…”
Also, explain the irony in the same lines.
He subconsciously knows knows he killed the King because the people say “thieves” (plural) whiles he says “thief” (singular).
- it’s ironic because he really did kill a King.
Explain the irony in line 150: “I’ll bring it all to light myself!”
It’s ironic because this means he’s going to bring himself to light.
What “proclamation” does Oedipus make on page 171?
If anyone knows who the murderer is and they come forward they will be exiled.
If everyone remains “silent” in regards to the murderer, what does Oedipus order them to do? Using quoted words and phrases, mention 4 things he commands.
- Banish this man
- Never speak a word to him
- Never shelter him
- Never make him partners to your prayers
How does Oedipus curse the murderer? Quote the curse exactly.
- What is ironic about this curse? Use quoted words and phrases in your answer.
line 280-283: “let that man drag out his life in agony step by painful step.”
- It’s ironic because Oedipus walks with a limp so he knows the pain in each step. He says, “I curse myself.”
What suggestion does the Leader of the Chorus make to Oedipus?
- How does Oedipus show that he has been thinking on step ahead of the leader?
That Oedipus should listen to Tiresias because he is wise and knows the truth.
- He already sent Creon to get Tiresias.
An epigram is a short poem or saying that provides truth or wisdom. Read Oedipus’ speech (lines 341-358) and write down the epigram you find.
“O Tiresias, master of all the mysteries of our life, all you teach and all you dare not tell, signs in the heavens, sings that walk the earth! Blind as you are, you can feel all the more what sickness haunts our city. You, my lord, are the one shield, the one savior we can find. We asked Apollo- perhaps the messengers haven’t told you- he sent his answer back: “relief from the plague can only come one way. Uncover the murderers of Laius, put them to death or drive them into exile.” So i beg you, grudge us nothing now, no voice, no message plucked from the birds, the embers or the other mantic ways within your grasp. Rescue yourself, your city, rescue me- rescue everything infected by the dead. We are in your hands. For a man to help others with all his gifts and native strength: that is the noblest work.
“For a man to help others with all his gifts and native strength that is the noblest work.” (lines 357-359)
According to Tiresias, what is “terrible”?
The truth
In the conversation with Oedipus on page 175, Tiresias identifies a flaw in Oedipus’ character. Quote the line that does this.
“You criticize my temper… unaware of the one you live with, you revile me.” (line 384-385)
What does Oedipus say to Tiresias that shoes he is beginning to become unreasonable?
He starts insulting him, and calls him “scum of the earth.”
Quote 2 lines where Tiresias gives Oedipus the truth.
- “You are the curse, the corruption of the land.” (401)
2. “I say you are the murderer you hunt.” (413)
Quote a line in which Tiresias mocks Oedipus.
“I pity you, flinging at me the very insults each man here will fling at you so soon.”
In what way does Oedipus mock Tiresias? Use quoted words in your answer.
“It does, but not for you old man; you’ve lost your power, stone-blind, stone deaf, senses- eyes blind as stone. (lines 423-424)
What accusation does Oedipus make about Creon?
- Why does he accuse Creon in this way?
That he is working secretly with Tiresias against him. The conspiracy is Creon’s.
- He thinks he doesn’t know what he is talking about.????
Why is Oedipus so eager to know who his father is?
Tiresias mentions Oedipus’s parents and Oedipus remembers the curse on him.
Explain what Tiresias means in line 499: “This day will bring your birth and your destruction.”
There will be a day where he will find out the truth about his parents (birth), but this will be very hard for him to hear (destruction).
Explain the prediction for Oedipus that Tiresias gives in lines 517-519.
- Explain how this image in line 519 is reminiscent of the Sphinx’s riddle.
???Tiresias says a man named Theben will rise up and revolt.
- This line says Oedipus will need a cane because he’s blind and part of the Sphinx’s riddle is that the man will walk on 3 legs (with a cane)
Why does the Chorus remain loyal to Oedipus? Quote the line that shows their loyalty.
He saved them from the sphinx, and they stay loyal to him because he’s their King. There’s no proof against him for them to be disloyal.
“I know of nothing, not in the past and not now, no charge to bring against our King, no cause to attack his fame that rings throughout Thebes-not without proof…” (line 556)