Odyssey- Part 2 Flashcards
What is Part 2 of The Odyssey about?
Odysseus’s return home
How long has Odysseus been away from home?
20 years (10 war, 10 journey home)
What occurs after Odysseus tells the Phaeacians his story?
Phaeacians sail him home in a vessel
What has occurred while Odysseus has been away?
suitors overrun Odysseus’s palace and enjoying themselves while Penelope suffers
What are the suitors planning to do to Telemachus?
kill him before he can inherit Odysseus’s lands
Where does Telemachus go to Sparta and Pylos?
to see what he can learn about his father’s fate
Where does Telemachus go to learn about his father’s fate?
Sparta and Pylos
How does Athena help Odysseus when he lands on Ithaca?
fills him in as to what happened with Penelope, suitors, and Telemachus, disguises him as beggar and directs to Eumaeus (swineherd)
What does Athena disguise Odysseus as?
What form did Athena appear in?
tall woman
What does Athena tell Odysseus?
to reveal his identity to Telemachus and devise the plan to bring down the suitors
What does she do to Odysseus?
transforms him into a more polished, taller new version of himself
How does Telemachus respond to Odysseus upon seeing him for the first time with his new appearance?
thinks he is a god, pleads for mercy
How Telemachus react when Odysseus tells him he is father?
believes he is lying, still in awe of transformation from beggar to young person
What is the nickname used for Athena?
Hope of Soldiers
What did the Phaeacians give Odysseus after they sailed him home to Ithaca?
bronze, gold, and woven things
Where are the gifts the Phaeacians gave Odysseus?
hidden in a wall by gods’ will
Why does Telemachus doubt Odysseus’s plan?
Believes that gods won’t pay much attention to their specific human affair
Why does Odysseus think his plan will work?
Believes Athena and Zeus as her father will help them
What does Odysseus tell Telemachus to do if Odysseus is made fun of?
Hold back anger
Can plead with them to stop
What does Odysseus tell Telemachus to do with all the weapons?
Store them away when Athena gives Odysseus who will give Telemachus the sign
What excuse is Telemachus to tell the suitors?
- Weapons old and not as great
- might kill each other using weapons when drunk
What must Telemachus put aside?
2 broadswords, 2 spears, and 2 oxhide shields for Odysseus and Telemachus’s own use
What must Telemachus keep silent about?
Odysseus’s identity
Why must Telemachus keep silent about Odysseus?
Odysseus and Telemachus alone must figure out how bad things are at the palace
Who does Odysseus meet on the way to town?
His old dog Argus he trained when Argus was just a puppy
What is Argus doing now?
Sitting on top of a pile of dung
What does Argus do when he sees Odysseus?
He is excited and attempts to wag his tail. He has no more strength to go to his master.
How does Odysseus respond to Argus?
He wipes a tear from his cheek but doesn’t let Eumaeus see.
How is Argus treated now compared to how he was treated before?
Treated terribly now
Before taken on many hunts
What is Eumaeus’s view on slavery?
Slaves need to be told what to do or they will not have the drive to do anything.
What does Argus represent?
- Loyalty
- Ithaca needs Odysseus
What happens at the end of “Argus?”
Argus dies
Who is Odysseus confronted by when he enters his home?
What does Antinous do when Odysseus enters?
Accuses him of being a dirty beggar
What does Odysseus accuse Antinous of?
Being mean for not giving him a cuts of bread when he was getting fat on food from someone else’s house
What does Antinous do in reaction to Odysseus’s comeback?
Throws a stool at him
How does Odysseus react to being hit by a stool?
Makes speech in front of all men cursing Antinous to die before he is married
When Odysseus makes his speech, how do the suitors react?
A young man says to take pity on Odysseus because he might be a disguised god
Does Penelope like Antinous?
No (believes he is the worst of l the bad suitors)
Who is Penelope talking to about disapproving Antinous an pitying Odysseus?
Eurynome, housekeeper
Who does Penelope ask Eumaeus to bring?
The beggar
What does Penelope want to know from the beggar?
Background- who he is, where he’s from
How does Odysseus reply to Penelope’s initial question?
He compliments Penelope on her flawless beauty
How does Penelope avoid choosing a suitor?
Weaves and unweaves a cloak for Laertes
How long does Penelope’s weaving trick last for?
3 entire years, 4 year doesn’t work
Who discovers what Penelope is doing?
What does Odysseus tell Penelope about Odysseus?
He will come home in one day’s time
What is the challenge Penelope issues the suitors?
Shoot one of Odysseus’s arrows through 12 arrow sockets
What does Odysseus do bête shooting?
Examines it to see what has changed about it
After Odysseus completes the challenge, what occurs?
He tells Telemachus to join his side to help fight the suitors
Who does Odysseus kill first?
Antinous, with a bow and arrow
Why was death surprising to Antinous?
He was surrounded by his friends with stores of food and wine (festivities)
How do the men react wen they realize Odysseus has returned?
They are terrified
Who tries to save everyone?
What does Eurymachus do?
Tries to convince Odysseus that Antinous was the ringleader
Now that he is dead, the other suitors will just repay Odysseus in food and treasure
Who does Odysseus kill second?
Who kills Amphinomus?
What are all the suitors compared to after Odysseus has killed them all?
Fish caught fresh from the sea, flopping around still
How did Penelope ensure that Odysseus was truly Odysseus?
Tested him with bed, makes him furious about not letting him sleep in the own bed Odysseus so painstakingly carved (secret between Odysseus and Penelope)
How does the last epic simile relate to Odysseus’s journey?
Like meeting Scylla, Charybdis, and the Sirens