Odontogenic Tumours Flashcards
What are the classifications of odontogenic tumours?
Mixed (epithelial and mesenchymal)
- only these can have dentine / enamel formation
Wha are the most common odontogenic tumours?
What is ameloblastoma? Incidence?
Benign epithelial tumour
- locally destructive but slow growing
80% posterior mandible
Radiographic signs of ameloblastoma?
Well defined corticated margins
- potentially scalloped
- Soap bubble appearance possible
Primarily radiolucent
Displacement, thinning of adjacent structures
Histology of follicular ameloblastoma?
Cystic spaces formed
- lined by layers of odontogenic epithelium
Stellate reticulum within cyst
Fibrous tissue present
Histology of plexiform ameloblastoma?
Lack of prominent cystic spaces
Stellate reticulum too
Ameloblast like cells
Fibrous tissue
Management of ameloblastoma?
Surgical resection with margin
- up to 15% recurrence
What is AOT? Presentation?
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour
- benign epithelial tumour
“Unilocular radiolucency with internal calcifications around crown of unerupted maxillary canine” - classic presentation
Unilocular radiolucency with internal calcifications
Similar to dentigerous cyst yet typically attached more apical than CEJ
What is CEOT? Presentation?
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour
- benign epithelial tumour
- slow growing but can become large
- radiolucency with internal radiopacities (calcified)
- radiographically variable
What is odontogenic myxoma? Presentation?
Benign mesenchymal tumour
- well defined radiolucent lesion but can be ill defined
- small unilocular lesions or large multilocular lesions
- noteable bucco-lingual expansion
- soap bubble appearance
What is an Odontoma?
Benign mixed tumour
- malformation of dental tissue
- can be associated with other odontogenic lesions
- surrounded by dental follicle
- above IAN canal
Types of odontoma?
Compound odontoma
- ordered dental structures
- multiple mini teeth
- anterior maxilla most common
Complex odontoma
- disorganised mass of dental tissues
- posterior body mandible most common
Histology of adenomatoid odontogenic tumour?
Distinctive with patchy calcification
Duct like structures
Microcystic changes
Histology odontogenic myxoma?
Loose myxoid tissue with stellate cells
No capsule = locally invasive
May contain islands of inactive odontogenic epithelium