Odontogenic Cysts Flashcards
What is the most common cyst of the jaws?
periapical cyst
What is the only odontogenic cyst that is inflammatory in origin?
periapical cyst
all the rest are developmental in origin
A periapical cyst develops due to inflammatory stimulation of __.
epithelial rests of Malassez
What are the signs and symptoms of a periapical cyst?
- asymptomatic
- associated with a non-vital tooth
- round/ovoid radiolucency at the apex
- inflammation through lateral canals may lead to lateral radicular cyst
Describe the histology of a periapical cyst.
inflamed granulation tissue or fibrous connective tissue lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
What is the treatment for a periapical cyst?
endodontic therapy +/- apicoectomy or extraction with curettage
What is the prognosis of a periapical cyst?
- excellent
- routine follow-up is warranted (if tooth is removed, lesion may occasionally persist to form residual periapical cyst)
What is the most common developmental odontogenic cyst?
dentigerous cyst
How does a dentigerous cyst form?
fluid accumulates between the crown of the tooth and the reduced enamel epithelium (increased osmotic pressure) leading to gradual enlargement of the cyst
*note: subsequent infection and inflammation can occur
What are the signs and symptoms of a dentigerous cyst?
- by definition, associated with the crown of an unerupted tooth
- > 3-4 mm lucent space around crown to be considered dentigerous cyst
- symptoms usually absent, unless secondarily infected
- may produce swelling or resorption of the adjacent tooth roots
*note: radiographic findings are mimics by many odontogenic cysts and tumors
What is the most common site for dentigerous cyst? Age?
- mandibular 3rd molars, maxillary canines, maxillary 3rd molars
- 2nd or 3rd decades
Describe the histology of dentigerous cysts.
- uninflamed connective tissue lined by a thin non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- some will have a few scattered mucous cells in the lining
What is the recommended treatment for a dentigerous cyst? Prognosis?
- removal of tooth and enucleation of the cyst; decompression of large cysts
- microscopic exam of lesional tissue to rule out OKC, ameloblastoma, other odontogenic cysts/tumors, or (rarely) central mucoepidermoid carcinoma
- excellent prognosis
What is an eruption cyst?
dentigerous cyst that forms in the soft tissue overlying the crown of an erupting tooth
What are the signs and symptoms of an eruption cyst? Who is most susceptible?
- bluish swelling common (thus the term “eruption hematoma”
- children
What is the treatment for an eruption cyst?
- take a radiograph to ensure tooth is erupting properly
- can lance cyst and drain it to allow the tooth to erupt more quickly
How common is a primordial cyst?
How does a primordial cyst form?
- degenerating tooth bud epithelium
- forms in place of a tooth, before any mineralized material is deposited
What are the signs and symptoms of a primordial cyst?
- clinical and radiographic diagnosis based on no history of extraction or surgery in the area
- may arise from any tooth in the dentition
- usually detected as a unilocular radiolucency in the area of a missing tooth, usually a 3rd molar
Describe the histology of a primordial cyst.
same as odontogenic keratocysts
3 criteria:
- uniformly thin epithlial lining (stratified squamous, 6-8 cells thick)
- corrugated surface layer of parakeratin
- palisaded dark basal cell layer
- connective tissue wall is usually uninflamed (if inflammation present, histology of lining epithelium is markedly altered)
What is the treatment for a primordial cyst? Prognosis?
- TREATMENT: enucleation
- PROGNOSIS: good; with histo diagnosis of OKC, periodic radiograph follow-up for local recurrence is warranted
How common is an odontogenic keratocyst? Aggressive or non-aggressive?
- relatively common
- aggressive