OD on the GO demo flashcards
OD on the GO flashcards were created with students in mind and the ultimate goal of helping future optometrist ace their part 1 boards examination.
The midpoint of the thoracic cavity which divides it into the left and right pleural cavities is the ___________.
The “M”ediastinum is the “M”iddle of the thoracic cavity.
In reference to an organ the (medulla/cortex) refers to the inner region and the (medulla/cortex) is the outer region of an organ.
medulla ; cortex
The “M”edulla is the “M”iddle of the organ.
In terms of organ structure, the (basal/apical) part corresponds to the narrow tip of the organ, and (basal/apical) part corresponds to the widest part of an organ.
apical ; basal
On a pyramid, the base is wide and the apex is tipped.
glucose + glucose =
Maltose is a disaccharide made from the monosaccaride glucose.
glucose + galactose =
Lactose is a disaccharide commonly in milk.
A cell membrane is made up of a (single/double) phospholipid bilayer where the hydrophilic (heads/tails) face outward and the hydrophobic (heads/tails) face inward.
double; heads ; tails
_______membrane proteins have hydrophilic domains; but they also have hydrophobic domains that are integrated into the phospholipid bilayer.
The hydrophobic domains are nonpolar & the hydrophilic domains are polar
Mitochondria have the ability to divide and have their own _____.
It is thought that mitochondria were a bacteria in ancient anatomy.
___ junctions are membrane channels between adjacent cells.
Gap junctions may allow electrolytes like Ca+ flow between cells freely.
In the skin, _____ cells connect to sensory nerves and serve as light touch receptors.
The layers of the epidermis from outermost to innermost are:
stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulomum, stratum spinosum, stratum basal
CLGSB Clara likes green string beans.
Melanin pigments are converted from the amino acid (phenylalanine/alanine/tyrosine) in melanosomes by the enzyme _______.
tyrosine ; tyrosinase
This process occurs in cells called melanocytes.
(Apocrine/Eccrine/Holocrine) sweat glands are associated with hair follicles.
The _________ muscle wrinkles the forehead vertically
corrugator supercilii
The _________ encircles the eyelid and closes the eye.
orbiularis oculi
This muscle “orbits” / encircles around the eye.
The ____ line is the very center of a sarcomere where thick myosin filaments are held together.
The five main types of glial cells are:
- astrocytes
- microglia
- ependymal cells
- oligodendrocytes
- Schwann cells
Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes both make myelin.
Spaces between the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system are called _____.
Nodes of Ranvier
The nodes allow for quicker traveling potential via saltatory conduction
The (endo/peri/epi) neurium surrounds individual nerve fibers.
The (endo/peri/epi) neurium surrounds bundles of fibers called fascicles.
The (endo/peri/epi) neurium surrounds bundles of fascicles.
endo ; peri ; epi
A similar arrangment occurs in muscle.
When an action potential reaches the synaptic knob of a presynaptic neurons, (ligand/voltage) gated ___ channels open and intercellular levels of ___ increase.
voltage ; Ca++ ; Ca++
_______ceptors are activated by pain.
Taste sensation for the anterior 2/3rd of the tongue are mediated by CN___ and those of the posterior 1/3 are mediate by CN__. CN X has a minor role in taste.
VII is facial and IX is glossopharyngeal.
_____ disease is a chronic inner ear disease characterized by tinnitus, progressive nerve deafness and vertigo.
Meunière disease
Endothelium is made of (squamous/cuboidal/columnar) epithelium.
simple squamous
The (left/right) (atrial/ventricular) chamber pumps blood to the pulmonary (lung) blood vessels.
The (left/right)(atrial/ventricular) chamber pumps blood into all of the other blood vessels of the body.
right ; ventriclular ; left ; ventricular
The (bicuspid/tricuspid/pulmonary/aortic) valve is between the right atrium and ___ ventricle.
tricuspid ; right
RAT LAB = right atrium tricuspid & left atrium bicuspid.
(Endocrine/Exocrine) glands have ducts and (endocrine/exocrine) glands lack ducts.
Exocrine ; endocrine
The nonsteroidal hormones norepinephrine, epinephrine, melatonin, T4 and T3 are all (protein/glycoprotein/peptide/amino acid) hormones.
amino acid
The (frontal / zygomatic / mandible / maxillary ) bones form around the nose laterally and inferiorly.
The roof of the nose, called the ______ plate, is pierced by cranial nerve ___.
cribiform ; I
(Residual/Expiratory/Reserve/Tidal) volume is the normal volume of air exhaled after a typical inspiration.
The bladder is lined with (squamous/transitional/columnar) epithelium.
This allows for stretch and recoil according to urine volume.
Poly_____ occurs when red blood cells and subsequent hematocrit values are high.
Patients with polycythemia are more likely to have blood clots.
Erythropoiesis is the process of _____ formation.
red blood cell
Maxillary teeth are in the (upper/lower) jaw and mandibular teeth are in the (upper/lower) jaw.
upper ; lower
Deglutination is the act of _______.
The seminiferous tubules of the testis are lined with ______ cells aka _____ cells.
interstitial aka Leydig
(FSH/LH) stimulates the seminiferous tubules to produce sperm and (FSH/LH) stimulates interstitial cells to secrete testosterone.
follicle stimulating hormone ; luteinizing hormone
name three coats of eye
- Outer (cornea, sclera)
- middle(iris, Ciliary body, choroid)
- inner(retina continuous with optic nerve)
Mnemonic for UVEA
GRAPE ( Grand Circle, Retina, Angle ciliary body, Pupil/Iris, Even blood flow)
mnemonic for Superior orbital fissure
really long fissures superiorly tightly store nerves in a vesicle
how much of the refractive power does the cornea hold compared to the crystalline lens
2/3rd cornea (think huge dome so of course it has more refractive power) Vs. 1/3rd Crystalline lens
Mnemonic for smooth extraocular muscle
test yourself. Job chart primary, secondary, tertiary of EOMS
Tricks to figuring out jobs of EOMS on test
- all inferiors do extort (inferior people extort),
- all obliques are abs (so they abduct)
- all recti do regular movements, and all obliques do opposite
Mnemonic for orbital ** shared** bones (both eyes share)
Every Friend Shares
mnemonic for Type II collagen in eye
Hold two fingers up to make a V for vitreous
Follicles of conjunctiva are
clear fluid filled sac of lymphocytes and macrophages: Blood vessels go around, vessels can never be in the middle
blood vessels in episclera
anterior and posterior cilliary arteries
What muscle does the fan blades of the aponeurosis of the levator come to eyelid in separate into sections
aponeurosis splits the obicularis oculii into sections
Ciliary (next to hair follicle) Glands of Moll function
sweat glands (Molly is sweaty)
highest resistance to flow of three tm sheaths
name anterior vs posterior sections of ciliary body
- anterior is Pars Plicata
- posterior is Pars Plana
anterior or posterior lens is steeper
posterior lens is steeper: 6mm VS. anterior at 10mm radius of curvature
mnemonic for mittendorfs dot vs bergermeister papillae
Think mitten wrapping and holding a snow/crystals ball (crystal lens) vs “oh you have the nerve to burn my burger” (burger at nerve)
strongest vitreous attachment
Vitreous base: at the ora serrata
name the channel of photoreceptors that connects inner and outer segments
Which embryonic layer folds in on itself (aka invaginates) to form the neural tube?
In the eye, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors act to lower eye pressure by altering:
aqueous humor production by the ciliary body epithelium
Examples are dorzolamide, brinzolamide, acetazolamide & methazolamide.
In addition to its applications to treat filamentary keratitis, _____________ also treats cystic fibrosis.
In cystic fibrosis mucous builds up in the lungs and digestive ducts.
Albuterol is a (short/long) acting Beta(1/2)(agonist/antagonist).
Albuterol is a short acting beta-2 agonist.
Beta-2 receptors are on the lungs and Beta-1 receptors are on the heart.
The two organs that sulfonylureas effect are the ______ and the _____.
liver and pancreas
The over all goal is to decrease blood sugar levels.
Chlorpropamide may be contraindicated in patients with a _____ allergy.
Signs of allergy include rash, hives, itchy throat & trouble breathing.
Acyclovir _______ binds to viral polymerase.
It is an antiviral that prevents DNA replication.
A purple cap indicates:
brimonidine and other alpha-2 agonist
Phenelzine is in the following class of medications:
MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor)
In the LGN, layers ______ receive information from the ipsilateral eye and layers ____ receive information from the contralateral eye.
2,3,5 ipsilateral eye ; 1,4,6 contralateral eye
The _______ phenomenon is the perceptual disappearance of low temporal frequency stimuli.
Motion is processed in the (dorsal/ventral) processing stream.
saccades vs smooth pursuits
- saccades are rapid and jerky and STATIONARY OBJECTS LIKE BOOK TEXT
- SMOOTH PURSUIT is tracking a moving object
CT vs PET scans
- CT scan is boney hard structures
- PET shows metabolisim or how cells react to a radiotracer(like cancer)
EOG tests for what disease
Bests Disease
true or false. Parvo pathway has both good spatial and temporal resolution
so it has to have poor temporal resolution (you can’t have both good at the same time)
The prelaminar optic nerve is supplied by_
The optic nerve laminar zone is supplied by and___ .
The post laminar optic nerve zone is supplied by the __.
- prelaminar: choroid
- laminar zone: short posterior ciliary pial arteries
- post laminar: pilal arteries
Name the steps of sympathetic pupil pathway
- Starts hypothalamus
- down to c8-T2
- over lung, up through steallate ganglion (BUT DOES NOT SYNAPSE HERE)
- synapses at superior cervical ganglion, intertwines with carotid artery
- passes through ciliary ganglion (DOES NOT SYNAPSE)
mnemonic to name all 12 cranial nerves as sensory, motor, or both functionality
Some Say Marry Money but my brother says big brains matter more
name where each CN originates from brain
Cerebrum: CNI and II
Midbrain: III and IV
Medula: CNIX, X, XI, XII
The binocular field of view is ____ degrees laterally and _____ degrees vertically.
200 ; 130
______ is unequal retinal image sizes between the two eyes.
Aniseikonia can from wide antimetropia; for example OD +5.00 OS -1.00
(Crossed/Uncrossed) disparities involve a nasal shift of images on the retina.
In a patient with suppression, they will see ___ or ___ dots on W4D testing depending on which eye is being suppressed.
2 or 3
If there are less than 4, something is being suppressed.
Suppression can be detected using the four (base-in / base-out) test.
he electrical response that occurs in photoreceptors is always a_____in response to photon absorption.
in dark, what neurotransmitter is released in photoreceptor photo transduction
the peak absroption of cones is at ___
one of three different visual pigments
1. long (red) at 564
2. medium (green) at 533
3. or short (blue) at 437
The rough endoplasmic reticulum is covered with _____ which synthesize proteins.
According to the Brønsted-Lowry theory, acids are proton (acceptors/donors) and bases are proton (acceptors/donors).
donors ; acceptors
Lipids can form a micelle, a membrane like structure where the (polar/nonpolar)(fatty acid tail/head) form the outside of the membrane which is adjacent to water, and the (polar/nonpolar)(fatty acid tail/head) forms the inside of the membrane unexposed to water.
polar head; nonpolar fatty acid tail.
To enter TCA and oxidative phosphorylation, pyruvate from glycolysis must be converted to (lactic acid / acetyl coenzyme A)
acetyl coenzyme A
dazzle reflex
shinning very bright light on eye and it forms a partial blink as protection. Signal from the Thalmic Nuclei
true or false. Cornea CAN block UVC
true. The cornea has a hard time blocking UVB
trichiasis vs madarosis
trichiasis is misdirection of growth of lashes **toward **eye
madarosis is missing lashes
name the lesion: nodular type appears as a firm, pearly, dome-shaped nodule, often displaying multiple telangiectatic vessels with ulcerative core
rodent ulcer or basal cell carncioma
Degeneration or dysfunction of sensory nerves (trigeminal nerve branches) in the cornea can result in delayed healing of corneal injuries and the development of neurotrophic ulcer / neurotrophic keratopathy by a decrease in
Substance P (think of it as substance Pain, in NK it’s a nonpainful ulcer)
if CIN is non-invasive why is worrisome
can be **precursor to squamous cell ** carcinoma (invasive)
peripheral Anterior synechiae (PAS) vs posterior synechiae
- PAS is at Angle (iris to corneal strands)
- Posterior Synechiae is the backside of the iris stuck to crystalline lens
Purtscher’s Retinopathy
CHEST COMPRESSING TRAUMA (think steering wheel into chest). Assoc to diffuse retinal hemes, exudates, and cotton wool spots
Pigment dispersion vs Pseudoexfoliation
- Pigment Dispersion: Salt and peppper in angle on gonio
- Pseudoexfol: Flakey material in circular pattern on anterior lens capsule
diopathic inflammation of cavernous sinus blowing ipsilateral CN 3, CN4, CN6 with ACUTE PAINFUL EXOPHTHALMOPLEGIA
Nodal point and nodal ray
Light wants to stay straight. The nodal point is usually the very center of the lens that allows light to continue traveling straight (aka the nodal straight ray)
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