October 18th, 2021 Flashcards
to scorch, to plague
clothespin, also pincer (animal)
convenir vs convenirse en
to be advisable, to suit, to be convenient
to agree on
to swallow
relentless, ruthless, unrelenting
A relentless search was carried out with no success.
Se llevó a cabo una implacable búsqueda sin obtener éxito.
to urge, to be urgently needed
The medical authorities urged the population at risk to get vaccinated against influenza.
Las autoridades médicas urgieron a la población en riesgo a vacunarse contra la influenza.
deliberately, on purpose, specially, for the purposes of doing something
also: by the way, which reminds me
I know you didn’t deliberately break the vase, but, please, be more careful.
a propósito
Ya sé que no rompieron el jarrón a propósito, pero por favor tengan más cuidado.
to stutter (x3) also mumble, stammer hesitate, & stutter
tartamudear (to stutter)
bulbucear (to stammer, mumble)
titubear (to hesistate, to stutter)
chubby, plump
el muro (freestanding) la pared (indoors)
to lick
La niña se comió el helado de chocolate y luego lamió el plato.
to attract, excite interest
Her long hair attracted everyone’s attention wherever she went.
Su pelo largo atraía la atención de todo el mundo donde fuera.
to restate, to bring up again
That’s something we should raise with them again at the next meeting.
Eso es algo que les deberíamos replantear en la próxima reunión.
to check, to prove
distressing, heartrending, heartbreaking, harrowing
The jury heard the heartbreaking testimony of a rape victim.
El jurado escuchó el testimonio desgarrador de la víctima de una violación.
to come from, to stem from
to suggest, to propose, also to present
Juana suggested to her husband that they take a vacation.
also sugerir *
Juana le planteó a su esposo la idea de irse de vacaciones.
to tackle, to deal with, to board
At the meeting, we dealt with the issue of whether we should hire more assistants.
abordar lidiar con (to deal with)
En la reunión, abordamos la cuestión de si debíamos contratar a más ayudantes.
novice, inexperienced, rookie
el novato
downcast, sad (mex, colum)
Pedro has been sad and downcast since he lost his job.
Pedro anda triste e ingerido desde que perdió su trabajo.
to endure (x3)
also aguantar
also soportar
to whisper x2
cuchichear (speak in soft voice)
also susurrar *
shivers, the creeps
to assert
I think we can assert without fear of error that the crisis has hit rock bottom.
Yo creo que podemos aseverar sin temor a equivocarnos que la crisis tocó fondo.
to repress, suppress, hold one it in, to control
Matilda suppressed a yawn, and sat up in her chai
Matilda reprimió un bostezo y se incorporó en la silla.