Oct Test Psy. Regions Flashcards
-Souls are poor, thin, acidic or nonexistent
Canadian Shield
Natural resources: forest and minerals, including gold, uranium, copper and nickel
Canadian Shield
Peaks over 3000 m high
Western cordillera
Natural resources: forest, minerals-gold opportunities for hydroelectric power
Western cordillera
-Only 150-1200 m high. Not as big and Jagged good as the Rocky Mountains
Soils poor and swampy except for PEI
Natural resources: Coal
Rugged and isolated mountain area
Glaciers And ice fields
Relatively small region
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence low lands
Natural resources: fertile soils, construction materials, opportunities for Hydro
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence low lands
Sedimentary rocks underlined this region extending from the Mackenzie River Delta to the border of the US
Interior plains
Flat areas, rolling areas and valleys created by the glacial meltwater
Interior plains
East going west elevation increases
Interior plains
A level area
Hudson Bay low lands