OCS Terminology for Block 1 - Sheet1 Flashcards
Know landmarks
Refer to structures list, self test with p4 of OMM manual
Active movement
Patient moves it
Passive movement
You move it for the patient
Direct movement
Engages barrier (does not matter if you are moving through the barrier or away from it; i.e. MET is direct and active)
Indirect movement
Does not engage the barrier
Myotome testing
Ask patient to move C5-T1
Test sensation in dermatomes C5-T1
Biceps DTR
Bracioradialis DTR
Triceps DTR
Strength testing scale
is out of 5 max, 0 minimum (5/5 strength bilaterally)
Reflex testing scale
is out of 4 max, 0 minimum (4/4 hyperreflexive with clonus, 0/4 no reflex)
C5 Myotome test
Abduction of the arm at the glenerohumeral joint using the deltoid
C6 myotome test
Flexion of the Elbow Joint using the biceps
C7 myotome test
Extension of the Arm at the Elbow Joint using the Triceps