Oceans & Atmosphere Flashcards
How do oceanic/atmospheric systems interact with other Earth systems and why is it different?
Involves rapidly moving fluids
- cryosphere; provides inputs to glaciers from precipitation, originally from evaporation of water bodies
- geosphere; wind/rain/wave erosion alter landscapes, water/air transport, temp alters by freeze-thaw
- biosphere; no water no life! Precipitation helps determine a biome, dispersion through air/water
What are the 2 main functions of the atmosphere and ocean
Atmosphere regulates temperature
Ocean circulation maintains half of the planets biology
Precipitation, ocean and atmospheric heat, wind and ocean flow all connected to the climate
How can the existence of a natural greenhouse effect be explained?
The Earth’s temp should be as cold as -18C in order to lose the same amount of energy inputed by the sun (240W/m2) BUT we obviously know this is not the case as the flowing oceans exists, it is 14C so, there must be a process that heats up and maintains the temp of Earth
What are the approximate figures for sun’s radiation per m2 of the planet, and then the total hitting our planet? What is this accounting for the Earth’s tilt and then the third of it which is reflected?
1366 W/m2 at top of atmosphere, 1.7e17W of which hits the planet
Earth is tilted so dividing it by the surface area we get 342W/m2
A third reflected, so total absorbed by Earth is 240W/m2
Describe and explain the Greenhouse Effect
Short-wave radiation from sun, passes through gases. Some absorbed by ground, some reflected/emitted back and some scattered.
Reflected long-wave radiation more likely to get absorbed by atmospheric gases - some of this is re-emitted in various directions and some comes back, warming the Earth’s surface
Main gases are CO2, H2O, CH4, O3 - H2O is most important, followed by CO2
Explain greenhouse gases as climate forcing
100% absorption of long-wave with CO2 so no more can be absorbed BUT increased concentrations can still lead to increased CO2 in the edges of ‘peaks’
There is a lot more potential for CH4 to increase as it is not saturated like CO2, it can absorb more in every wavelength band it covers
What are the percentages of the different sources of carbon emissions?
Energy supply 26% Industry 19% Forestry 17% Transport 17% Agriculture 14% Buildings 8% Waste/wastewater 3%
Explain the role of aerosols and future predictions
Particulates in the atmosphere (farming, drying then spraying soils…) e.g. burning of fossil fuels releases larger soot particles, fall out and oxidize to form solids (SO4) - solids then transported by meteoroligcal processes. Contact with water = nucleate on them, form/modify clouds…
RCP pathways predict decreased aerosol levels (seen & felt impacts!)
What is the potential impact that increased aerosols have on clouds?
- Brighter clouds = increased reflection (slowly fill up with smaller particles as opposed to larger water droplets)
- Lingering, thicker clouds = rainfall suppression as the smaller particles means it takes longer for clouds to form and rainfall to occur, thus having a localised impact on climate and also on atmospheric/oceanic circulation
In what ways is land-use changing impacting the atmospheric/oceanic systems? Remember RCPs
- Changes in land-use alter the planet’s albedo e.g. 10-25% grassland/forests, 5-10% asphalt, 10-60% oceans
- Winds and soil moisture also alter reflectivity
- NASA satellite tech; highest albedo in barren areas SO increased reflectivity as a result of increased deforestation = more radiation in atmosphere
- RCP2.6; veg/grass constant, need more intensive methods? Or more people vegan…
- RCP4.5; increase in veg/crops suddenly needed
What are some natural forcings on global climate?
- Volcanic eruptions = SO2 particulates
- Solar cycles/sun-spot activity = correlation with recent warming, but variability is tiny and not enough to account for the amount of warming that has occurred
What are the 3 main cells in atmospheric circulation? Why does air rise/sink to make these cells?
Hadley - heat&radiation at equator, hot air rises, moves N/S and cools and sinks
Ferrel - air rises again, moves further N/S, cools, sinks
Polar - again, but at the poles
Differential heating causes it, but system is more complex than just this e.g. patchy distribution, stronger over seas
What is the coriolis effect?
The force, because of the Earth’s tilt and spherical shape, that causes winds to be diverted in a specific direction depending on where they are on the planet
- Northern Hemisphere - diverted to the right
- Southern Hemisphere - diverted to the left
Partly due to conservation of angular momentum, so is strongest at the poles and weakest at the equator
Explanation in NH:
a) moving faster than Earth’s spin, E-W = wants to pull away but pulled in to centre by gravity to balance forces, diverted towards equator (as fast as)
b) slower than, W-E = wants to fall towards axis of rotation but curved surface stops this (centrifugal forces), diverted towards poles
Define specific heat capacity and heat energy capacity
Specific heat capacity - the amount of energy needed to change temp of object by 1C
Heat energy capacity - amount of energy object of interest holds (mass x shc)
Outline key details about the physical properties of the ocean - basins, mass, specific heat capacity, salt content, speed of transfer, role as a store of heat
- 4 main basins; Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Southern
- Mass of 1.4x10topowerof21kg (greater than atmosphere’s mass of 5x10topowerof18kg)
- Very high salt content, about 35kg
- Specific heat capacity 4.2KJkg-1K-1; larger than air, rock = harder to heat oceans, more energy required and so oceans are a huge reservoir for heat
- Oceans travel slower than atmosphere
- Huge specific heat capacity = large heat content, about 90% of energy stored in system stored in oceans since 1971-2010 (IPCC, 2013)
What affects density of water?
Temperature and salinity; typically decreasing the temperature and increasing salt content will increase density but…
- Least dense = warm, fresh
- More dense, but above saline water = cool, fresh
- Moderately dense = warm, saline
- Most dense = cold, saline
How does temp and salinity vary in the ocean and what is thermohaline circulation?
Sea surface temp warmer in tropics with higher levels of salinity also BUT the pattern is not consistent e.g. N-E S. America; cross-section models show distinct bodies of water with differing salinity e.g. freshwater from AAIW/AABW
THC; the circulation of ocean currents that sink and rise
- Deep water formation in North Atlantic (NADW) and Southern Ocean (AABW) and water brought up in Indian & Pacific oceans
- Cooler waters do not tend to flow beneath warmer equatorial water because coriolis causes waters to divert right
- Continental boundaries = maintained N-S flow (unlike atmosphere)
What causes water in thermohaline ocean circulation to rise and fall?
TO FALL - is easier to explain; increased density caused by decreases in temp and increases in salinity (changing pressure, climatic conditions)
TO RISE - harder to explain because, to decrease density you need to dilute salt and increase temps but why would this happen naturally in the deep ocean? (no freshwater, ice floats, but oceans are not stagnant) E.g. heat mixed downwardsand upwelling - but still not fully understood
Similarities/differences between atmospheric and oceanic circulation?
- Both mostly determined by differential heating and wind patterns
- Both disrupted by Coriolis
- Ocean transports heat/energy slower, has higher specific heat capacity
- Input of heat to oceans is from surface down but atmosphere heated by reflected radiation going up
- Humidity as the atmospherical equivalent to the role of salt in ocean circulation?
Geostrophy - what affects does Coriolis have on pressure systems?
Air rises in low pressure (cloudy, unsettled weather) but sinks in high pressure. HIGH pressure moves clockwise in NH, anticlockwise in SH because of Coriolis…
- NH; high pressure = dense sinking air, hits surface and spreads, but gravity pulls it downwards but coriolis pulls to right
- Pressure gradient force = Coriolis force
- Remember, air will move from HP to LOW pressure region and so then will rotate ANTIclockwise in NH
What is significant about surface temperature and salinity?
- They are linked, and they’re similarities can be applied also to wind patterns e.g. high pressure patch in oceanic regions
- Perhaps explained by ocean gyres
What are ocean gyres? How are they formed?
Rotating circulations of water to the RIGHT in NH (clockwise) and LEFT in SH (anticlockwise) - form parts of major surface currents like Gulf Stream
- Water pushed in similar direction to wind, but coriolis diverts water again, pushing it into the centre
- Central trapping of water means lots of evaporation occurs = high salinity and density
- Eventually MUST go downwards but only 100-1000m so has mainly surface impacts (upwelling)
What is ‘upwelling’? What does this mean for thermohaline circulation?
Coastal - Coriolis pulls wind towards equator, wind pulls surface waters, giving way to upwelling of water from beneath (thus bringing up nutrients, salinity, cold = impact on thc)
Equatorial - surface winds on either side of equator pulled right (N) or left (S), so gives way to upwelling of deeper water in-between the winds, on the equator
Focused on the West of continents due to the land-sea temp contrasts (clockwise HP system on W. N. America)
What is the oceans role in the Carbon Cycle - basic but important things to note?
- 25% CO2 in 21st century into terrestrial storage (plant photosynthesis) and 25% in oceans by phytoplankton (CO2->CO3->HCO3)
- Stores NOT constant since atmospheric concentrations rapidly change
- Model predictions for distribution, much uncertainty
Ocean & Carbon Cycle - 1. Ocean Chemistry
CO2 dissolves in water = carbonic acid (Cacid - proton = bicarbonate & bicarbonate - proton = carbonate)
- CO2 emissions = ocean acidification
- 3 species of C; Cacid only dissolved form that can exchange with atmospheric CO2 (rate of entry/leave dependent on this)
- CO2 in oceans to bicarbonate…changing rates of the 3 species based on pH, increased acidity makes bicarbonate less likely and CO2 more so
- CO2 likely to increase therefore, sink slows = more CO2 in atmosphere, enhancing GH effect, exacerbating warming!!
Ocean & Carbon Cycle - 1. Ocean Biology
- Phytoplankton transports C to bottom of ocean, dies and decomposes = releasing C/nutrients
- Higher concentration of C in Indian/Pacific oceans; older water accumulates phytoplankton
Time-scales of the impacts of biology are similar to the time-scale of ocean circulation
Outline regional controls on ocean biogeochemistry (x2)
- Iron fertilisation; lack of Fe restricts phytoplankton growth, mid-ocean volcanism can release Fe from crust
- Upwelling; bring nutrients and growth, high concentrations of phytoplankton (in areas of high pressure, winds pulling water away from coasts)
How are past temperatures reconstructed?
Ice cores - bubbles, samples of past atmosphere; rapid accumulation and in a linear pattern (seasonal changes)
- Antarctic (2004) show large-scale ‘saw-tooth’ pattern/Greenland (2004) show smaller-scale events
- Last million yrs; climate dominated by 100k yr glacial-interglacial cycles and shorter 1-2k ur Heinrich events
What have ice cores shown us?
The importance of CO2 in global ocean/climate systems:
- Glacial-Interglacial cycles; caused by changing CO2 ocean storage?
- More C stored in deep ocean during these glacial periods so warming was from CO2 ocean emissions - Heinrich events; caused by changes in North Atlantic Circulation?
- Ocean C uptake too slow to account for more rapid changes
- More common in NH (comparing Greenland and Antarctic cores), suggesting heat is redistributed around planet (not global dramatic changes)
- Rapid cooling/loss of salinity = movement and melting of ice (heat moves N by thc, slowed by melting, input of freshwater
What is an example of how present-day records have helped us explain atmospheric/oceanic processes? (e.g. monthly SST readings since 1950)
El Nino/La Nina
- ENSO; major 1997/1998 event and also 2016
- Anomalous change in ENSO strength; westerly surface winds across tropical pacific subsided = no longer warmer warters being moved and no upwelling on S. American western coast
- Warm water ‘spilled’ back to East, warm ‘lid’ on the upwelling
- Global implications - warmer NH, reduction in carbon/nutrient waters being brought up, loss of phytoplankton in Eastern Pacific therefore
Give an example of how models predict future change
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)
- Deep water formation in North Atlantic
- ‘Business as usual’ path = decreased AMOC strength
- Lack of sinking water (reduced density/salinity from melting ice, increased rainfall?
- Valid prediction - atmosphere warming, warm air can hold more moisture (rising air from evaporative region cools and condenses) = more rainfall
- Reduction in amount of heat transported towards Europe/N. America by ocean (dramatic cooling!)