Oceans Flashcards
El Nino (ENSO, “Boy Child”)
Large-scale warming of ocean surface waters; occurs periodically in the eastern Pacific Ocean
Results in temporary alteration of the patterns of circulation in the ocean and atmosphere
Typically occurs before Christmas and continues for 1-2 years
Reverses the direction of circulation patterns in the ocean and atmosphere
Effects: nutrients from deep waters do not surface, resulting in small fish deaths; severe weather occurs in many areas of the world (ice storms, heavy snowfall, heavy rain, torrential storms, droughts)
La Nina (“Girl Child”)
Generally occurs after an ENSO
Ocean surface water becomes cooler and winds become stronger (Pacific Ocean)
Effects: difficult to predict
A large system of rotating ocean currents typically involved with large wind movements
Winds create circular ocean currents, which result in gyres
Northern Hemisphere: Clockwise flow
Southern Hemisphere: Counter-clockwise flow
Effects: impacts hurricanes, cold weather; influences climate for local areas
Unintentional catching of undesired species while desiring to catch target species and target sizes of these species; constituted by target species and target sizes
Bycatch is either a different species or is undersized (juveniles) of the target species
Coral Reefs
An underwater ecosystem characterized by corals that build reefs
These reefs are formed by colonies of coral polyps that are held together by calcium carbonate
Problems: 1/4 of the worlds coral reefs are at risk; silt washing down smothers reefs; higher salinity resulting in reef deaths; overfishing; damage from scuba divers; pollution from ocean dumping; oil spills; fishing with dynamite; coral bleaching from increasing acidity and temperatures; hurricane damage; tourism damage; mining of reefs; climate change
Farming of aquatic organisms that involves cultivating aquatic populations under controlled conditions
Problems: fish are concentrated in small areas, which leads to generation of mass waste, resulting in pollution in this area; may lead to loss of wild fish populations/biological diversity (farmed fish are usually carnivorous and will eat other wild fish); fear of gene cross over/transfer with wild populations of fish from GM fish; can disrupt the natural ecosystem; fears of disease spread