Oceanography Flashcards
5 Oceans
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic.
Early Oceanography
The voyage of the HMS Challenger laid the foundation
for the modern science of oceanography.
“Sound, Navigation, and Ranging”, a system that uses
acoustic signals and returned echoes to determine the
location of objects or to communicate. Scientists measure the time that the sound waves take to travel from the transmitter, to the ocean floor, and to the receiver in order to calculate the depth of the ocean floor. Scientists then use this information to make maps and
profiles of the ocean floor.
Underwater research vessels.
One such submersible is the bathysphere, a spherical
diving vessel that remains connected to the research
ship for communications and life support.
Another type of piloted submersible, called a
bathyscaph, is a self-propelled, free-moving submarine.
Global Ocean
The body of salt water that covers nearly three-fourths of Earth’s surface.
ROV (remotely operated vehicle)
Other modern submersibles are submarine robots. ROV (remotely operated vehicle)
Features of the ocean floor.
Continental Margin
The shallow sea floor that is located between the shoreline and the deep-ocean bottom.
Deep-Ocean Basin
The part of the ocean floor that is under deep water beyond the continental margin and that is composed of oceanic crust and a thin layer of sediment.
The Ocean Floor consist of two main parts…
The Continental Margin and The Deep-Ocean Basin.
The Continental Margin consist of…
The continental shelf, the continental slope, the continental rise, and submarine canyons.
The Continental Shelf
The part of the continent that is covered by water.
The Continental Slope
At the seaward edge of a continental shelf is a steep slope.
The Continental Rise
These sediments form a wedge at the base of the continental slope.
Submarine Canyon
The continental shelf and continental slope may be cut by deep V-shaped valleys. These are deep valleys.
The Deep-Ocean Basin consist of…
These features include broad, flat plains; submerged volcanoes; gigantic mountain ranges; and deep
A long, narrow, and steep depression that forms on the ocean floor.
Abyssal Plain
A large, flat, almost level area of the deep-ocean basin.
Mid-Ocean Ridge
Underwater mountain ranges that run along the floors of all oceans.
Submerged volcanic mountains that are taller than 1 km.
Seamounts that rise above the ocean surface.
Submerged Seamounts.