OCD and other related disorders Flashcards
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Recurrent Obsessions or compulsions
- Obsessions/ compulsions are time consuming or distressful/disruptive
- Symptoms are not explained by another disorder
Some may have OCD “with absent insight (delusional beliefs)”
prefrontal-striatal overactivity or serotonin deficiency; rare- after strep infection (PANDAS)
Y-BOCS: useful scale for OCD
define obsession
intrusive recurrent thoughts, urges, or images that increase distress
define compulsion
repetitive behavior/ mental acts that are performed to decrease distress
Treatments for OCD
- CBT and/or SSRIs
- treatment resistant: psychosurgery (lesion ant. cingulate gyrus and anterior limb of internal capsule)
- deep brain stimulation (involves implanted thoracic pacemaker)
Hoarding Disorder
- Difficulty parting with possessions due to perceived need to save items or distress about discarding them.
- Accumulation clutters areas and compromises intended use
- Hoarding causes significant functional impairment
Specify if HD is “with absent insight (delusional beliefs)”
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Preoccupation with a perceived flaw in physical appearance (flaw is minimal/ non observable)
- Repetitive behaviors or mental acts are performed in response to appearance concerns
- The preoccupation is not better accounted for by an eating disorder
- The preoccupation must cause functional impairment
- Specify if “with muscle dysphoria”
- Specify if “with absent insight (delusional beliefs)
Excoriation DIsorder
-Recurrent skin picking resulting in skin lesions
-Attempts to stock picking
-Picking results in significant distress/ functional impairment
-Picking isn’t better explained by another disoder (e.g. BDD)
Features: time consuming (usually >1 hr/day), social avoidance, and medical complications (scarring, infection)
-Recurrent pulling out of one’s hair, resulting in loss
-Attempts to stop hair pulling
-Pulling causes significant distress/ functional impairment
Features: any body region can be affected and can change, usually occurs during sedentary activities, episodes can be frequent but brief or infrequent but sustained.