OCD Flashcards
Types of and common obsessions, common compulsions, hoarding and body dysmorphic disorder
body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
examples and case study of OCD (Charles)
- Fear of contamination
- three hours or more in the shower, two hours to get dressed for couple of years
- wash off something sticky from his skin
Treatment: - EEG scared of the sticky paste - Anafranil (antidepressant drug) effective at first symptoms came back after 1 year, built up tolerance
Measures of OCD
Describe MOCI
30 items using true/false format 4 sub-scales checking washing/cleaning slowness doubting e.g. “I frequently have to check things”
Describe Y-BOCS
semi-structured interview
questions about obsessions and compulsions
e.g. “How much of your time is occupied by obsessive thoughts? (0=none, 4=extreme)
19 item severity scale, scores of 0-40
a score out of 20 for obsessions and 20 for compulsion, score above 16 is clinical (there is a child version)
Characteristics of OCD (B1)
- types
- case study
- measures
Explanation of OCD (B2)
- biomedical (biochemical, genetics, neurological)
- cognitive and behaviour
- psychodynamic
Describe biomedical explanation
- genetic:DRD4 (dopamine)
- biochemical: oxytocin dysfunction
- neurological: over-activity in areas of the brain, basal ganglia
Evaluate biomedical explanation of OCD
reductionst, cause and effect, generalisability
reliability, validity (lab, control)
Describe the psychodynamic explanation of OCD
unconscious, id and superego, defence mechanism, our experience as children, re-emerge
fixation at anal stage, anally repulsive, anally retentive
Describe the cognitive/behavioural explanations of OCD
obsessions: cognitive distortions
compulsions: positive and negative reinforcers, e.g. hand washing both positive and negative reinforcer