Occupational Adaptation Flashcards
Why was Occupational Adaptation developed?
Developed out of the need to establish a foundational theory for a new research program at Texas’s woman’s university
What does OA focus on?
Enhancement of process, not specific skills.
Reflects an approach for health promotion, prevention, and remediation.
What is characterized as a normative, lifelong process that is a response to the internal and external pressures for mastery?
What is the process of INTERNAL adaptation?
Occurs through occupational and adaptation
They are interwoven into a “integrated phenomenon that describes an innate human process”
What creates occupational challenges?
Internal and external pressures
What are the 4 main constructs to OA?
Adaptive Capacity
Relative Mastery
Occupational Adaptation Process
What 3 properties do activities consist of?
actively involve the person
meaningful to person
include process or product that may be tangible or intangible
What is relative mastery?
A persons self assessment of his/her occupational Response
3 points in relative mastery
What are the components of OA process?
Occupational environment
interaction that takes place btwn person and environment.
This process depicts how a person can respond adaptively and masterfully when engaged in occupations
True or False?
Struggles with OA do not necessarily mean a disability but may require a shift in life roles or functioning
What is adaptive capacity?
A persons ability to recognize the need for change, modification, or refinement in order to achieve relative mastery
Has cumulative effect over time as experience becomes reinforcing
Occurs when a persons typical response does not meet the challenges of an occupation and now has to adjust behaviors to achieve competent outcome
What is the primary goal of OA?
to achieve mastery over the environment
Desire for mastery
Naturally occurs
Demand for mastery
External factors that affect OA process