Occlusion Flashcards
What is occlusion?
How the teeth come together and function (arcticulation)
Why is it important?
We need to make sure our patient’s bite is comfortable after a restoration
If teeth do not meet in harmony what can this lead to?
Pain, loosening of teeth, fracture of restoration/teeth
How do things go wrong?
If we overload: premature contacts (interferences), lateral forces on posterior teeth and excessive forces due to bruxism.
How do we detect premature contacts?
Fremitus - put your finger on the patients labial aspect of the tooth ask them to bite gently and feel for vibrations.
What can premature contacts lead to?
Pain and inflammation in the PDL, widening of PDL and increased mobility and shifting
What is conforming?
Restorations conform to patients original occlusion - be the same as when they walked in.
What forces are posterior teeth designed for?
What are problems with bruxism?
Increased wear, fracture of restorations, muscle pain, microcracks
What helps to guide the condyle as it protrudes forwards and is in the glenoid fossa?
Articular eminence
What is freeway space?
Space between the teeth at rest (2-4mm)
What is intercuspal position?
Position of maximum interdigitation of the teeth
What is closing in retruded?
When the molars hit first, condylar head is not fully seated in the glenoid fossa
What is the terminal axis hinge?
Hinge in which the jaw rotates with aid of the digastric muscle
What does the lateral pterygoid help with?
WHat does the temporalis insert into and do?
Coronoid process and is responsible for initial closing
What does the masseter do?
Strongest in closing, and is a clenching muscle
What is the masseters partner?
Medial pterygoid
What is protrusion?
Lower jaw more forward, guided by condyle and articular eminence
What is the working side?
To which side the mandible is moving
What is canine guidance?
When canines meet on working side
What is group function?
On lateral movements 2 or more teeth remain in contact on its working side
What do articulators recreate?
Patients jaw movements
What are the different types of articulators?
Simple hinge
Average value
Semi adjustable
Fully adjustable