Occipital Lobe Flashcards
What are two special things about the occipital lobe?
Boundaries between lobes is less visible
- contain double the density of cortical neurons
What is the difference between damage in the striate cortex and secondary cortex?
Primary: loss of visual experience
Secondary: results in issues with perception (higher function). Translate assembled visual sensations from primary clortex into meaningful perceptions:
Damage to one hemisphere results in contralateral loss
What are Scotomas?
- small areas of damage often result in localized islands or visual loss
- may be surrounded by regions of partial deficit (amblyopic)
What does the tertiary cortex do?
Passed on from secondary to be intergated with information from other sensory modalities and cognitive data
What is blindsight?
A condition whereby behaviour and decision based cognitions suggest vision is taking place but the patient says they are blind
- due to the tectopulvinar visual system that is associated with eye movement control
What are some problems associated with secondary lesions?
Micropsia Macros is Porropsia Pelopsia Teleopsia
What are the occipital lobe visual problems?
Visual spatial agnosia - results from intrahemispheric lesions affecting the corpus collosum that affects areas 18 and 19
- affects perception of death
Associative visual agnosia - resulting from deep lesions of occipital lobe
- patient can copy and draw objects but not name them or indicate use
What areas in the occipital lobe?
Mainly primary and secondary visual cortex