OC Body Flashcards
OC Body Responsibility Overview
The O/C Body is appointed by the O/C Investigation and is responsible to the O/C Scene. The list below is an overview of all the responsibilities of the O/C Body.
OC Body Responsibilities
The O/C Body must:
ensure death has been certified by a doctor or qualified paramedic using a Deceased Person Certificate (POL 265)
maintain security and continuity of the body, samples and exhibits from the scene to the start of the post-mortem
secure and guard the body, body samples and any exhibits relating to the body, with dignity and respect
note and record observations relating to the body
note details of medical staff or others who have attended the victim
record what actions have been taken by any party in respect of the body
establish if the body has been moved or disturbed
ensure the body is photographed in situ and consider using video recording
on authority of the O/C Investigation arrange transport of the body to the mortuary
complete sudden death procedures
on authority of the O/C Investigation, arrange a formal identification of the body (POL265A)
obtain historical medical records of the victim for the pathologist’s information
attend the post-mortem with the O/C Investigation, or deputy appointed by them, and:
attend the Investigation’s briefing of the pathologist, and contribute as required
ensure the Police photographer takes appropriate and sufficient photographs of the body before clothing is removed, again after the body is disrobed, and during the post-mortem examination. The pathologist will direct the photographer
preserve evidence from the body
record, label and secure all samples and exhibits associated with the body
arrange for fingerprints and palm prints to be taken, if required
attend the debrief of the pathologist and record the findings, on direction of the O/C Investigation and/or pathologist
ensure all cultural responsibilities have been addressed.
OC Body’s Role
The primary role of the O/C Body during a post-mortem is to observe, document, and deal with exhibits associated with the body in a structured, methodical manner.
The O/C Body must remain until the examination is concluded. Following the examination the pathologist will provide their findings during the debrief.
Purpose of the Post Mortem
The primary reason for conducting a post-mortem examination is to establish the cause of death. The pathologist’s post-mortem findings may also assist the investigation to:
Determine where possible the mode and time of death.
Establish how injuries and/or events at the scene may have contributed toward the death of the victim.
Determine the nature and size of the weapon(s) used.
Determine the approximate height and stature of the suspect.
Provide areas of interest for subsequent interviews of witnesses and/or suspects.
Negate possible defences.
Identify the victim if identity has not been established.