Obstetrics Part 1 Flashcards
Define Chadwick Sign
Bluish discoloration of vagina and cervix seen in pregnancy
Define Goodell Sign
Softening and cyanosis of cervix at or after 4 weeks gestation
Define Ladin Sign
Softening of the uterus after 6 weeks gestation
Other than the three named signs of pregnancy, describe other signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
breast swelling/tenderness, linea nigra develops from umbilicus to pubis, telangiectasias (spider veins), palmar erythema, amenorrhea, N/V, quickening (fetal movement).
Describe cardiovascular changes seen in pregnancy.
30-35% inc in CO max at 20-24 weeks s/p inc in SV.
SVR and arterial BP inc s/p inc in progesterone
SBP (5-10) & DBP (10-15) dec that nadirs at 24 weeks
Inc in RBC mass and volume by 20-30%
Dec Hct s/p 50% inc in plasma volume
Hypercoagulability with no change in bleeding or clotting times
WBC inc to 20 million during labor
Describe gastrointestinal changes seen in pregnancy.
Nausea s/p inc estrogen, progesterone, and Hcg resolves by 16 weeks.
Reflux s/p delayed emptying and dec LE sphincter tone
Describe renal changes seen in pregnancy.
Inc pyelonephritis s/p inc in kidney size and dilated ureters.
GFR inc by 50%
RAAS inc with inc aldosterone but no inc in Na s/p inc in GFR.
Describe pulmonary changes seen in pregnancy.
Vt inc by 30-40%
TLC dec by 5% s/p pressure on diaphragm.
Describe endocrine changes seen in pregnancy.
Hyperestrogenic state
hCG x2 48 hours into pregnancy and peaks at 10-12 weeks then declines to steady state by week 15
Placenta produces hCG to maintain corpus luteum
CL produces progesterone to maintain endometrium
Prolactin increases
T3/T4 inc with slight early dec in TSH but overall patient remains euthyroid
Describe metabolic changes seen in pregnancy.
Caloric req inc by 300 during pregnancy
Caloric req inc by 500 during breast feeding
Patient should gain 20 - 30 pounds
Inc req for protein, iron, folate, and Ca
T/F: Pregnant patients see an increase incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome.
True –> compression on median nerve
Define melasma.
Brown or blue-gray patches (like freckles) on face during pregnancy
When should a patient with irregular menstrual cycles or unknown LMP be urine tested for pregnancy?
14 days after last intercourse to minimize possibility of false negative.
Why is a serum pregnancy test rarely used?
It is the most sensitive test but it is more expensive and results are not immediately available. A repeat urine test may substitute for serum test.
Define Naegle’s rule for determining due date.
LMP - 3 months + 7 days
Define gravida, parity, and TPAL.
G = # total pregnancies P = # of deliveries TPAL = term, preterm, abortion, and live RE: P
Define the visit schedule for prenatal care.
First visit usually occurs 6-10 weeks gestation (6-8 weeks after LMP). Pt seen every 4 weeks until 32 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly.
What should be included when obtaining an obstetric history of prior pregnancies from a currently pregnant patient?
Date, outcome (spontaneous/therapeutic abortion, ectopic, term, mode of delivery, time in labor, birth weight, any complications).
When is fetal movement expected to begin?
18-20 weeks in primigravida and 14-18 weeks in multigravida.
When should fundal height first be checked?
20 weeks - should be level of umbilicus
When should the clinician start assessing for cervical dilation?
36 weeks
What are the most accurate methods of estimating due date?
Most accurate = crown-rump length (best in 1st trimester). Transvaginal US better than abdominal US.
State milestones to note when assessing fetal development with sonogram?
Fetal yolk sac visible ~ 5 weeks then degrades by weeks 10-12
Fetal cardiac activity by week 6
2nd/3rd trimester rely on biometric markers –> biparietal diameter and head circumference.
List blood tests indicated during 1st trimester.
CBC, Hct, blood type, ab screen, RPR (syphilis), rubella ab, Hep B surface antigen, UA and culture, varicella ab, PPD.