Obstetrics Flashcards
What percentage of all pregnancies are ectopic?
Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy:
- damage to tubes (salpingitis, surgery)
- previous ectopic
- IVF (3%)
Typical history of female with ectopic pregnancy:
- 6-9 weeks amenorrhoea
- lower abdominal pain
- peritoneal bleeding can cause shoulder tip pain and pain on defecation/urination
What suggests a threatened miscarriage?
- painless bleeding before 24 weeks (typically 6-9 weeks)
- cervical os closed
- complicates up to 25% pregnancies
What suggests a missed (delayed) miscarriage?
- gestational sac which contains dead foetus before 20 weeks without symptoms of expulsion
- light bleeding an discharge
- may have blighted ovum or anembryonic pregnancy
What is a blighted ovum/anembryonic pregnancy?
- gestational sac >25mm
- no embryonic/foetal part seen
What suggests an inevitable miscarriage?
- cervical os open
- heavy bleeding with clots and pain
What suggests an incomplete miscarriage?
not all products of conception have been expelled
What is placental abruption?
- separation of normally sited placenta from uterine wall
- maternal haemorrhage into intervening space
- 1 in 200 pregnancies
Features of placental abruption:
- shock out of keeping with visible loss
- pain constant
- tender, tense uterus
- normal lie and presentation
- foetal heart: absent/distressed
- coagulation problems
- beware pre-eclampsia, DIC< anuria
What is symphysis pubis dysfunction?
- ligament laxity increases in response to hormonal changes of pregnancy
- pain over pubic symphysis with radiation to groin and medial aspect of thighs
- waddling gait may be seen
What is uterine rupture?
- typically during labour but can occur during third trimester
- risk factor: previous caesarean section
- presents with maternal shock, abdominal pain and bleeding
What is the pain of pre-eclampsia/HELLP syndrome typically like?
epigastric or RUQ
What is the most common non-obstetric surgical emergency in pregnancy?
What is the risk of UTI in pregnancy?
- 1 in 25 women develop
- associated with increased risk pre term delivery and IUGR