Obstetrics Flashcards
Stretch marks on abdomen
Striae gravidarum
Butterfly pigmentation of the face (mask of pregnancy)
Chloasma gravidarum
Physiological in up to 50% of pregnancies
Nitrates positive during pregnancy
Start antibiotics (if only leukocytes are positive send for further urinalysis before starting treatment)
Hepatitis B positive mother
Vaccinate baby at birth and consider IM immunoglobulin
Major teratogenic drugs
ACEIs Retinoids Sodium valproate Methotrexate Trimethoprim
Cardiotocography - records fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions
Fetal heart rate
Bradycardia - less than 110 bpm
Tachycardia - more than 160 bpm
Symphysis fundal height
Stages of labour
Stage 1 - begins when the cervix begins to dilate and ends with full dilation to around 10 cm
—Latent phase - onset of painful contractions to around 3 cm dilation (contractions may be less intense and less frequent)
—Active phase - quicker rate of dilation and greater intensity of contractions
Stage 2 - full dilation to delivery of the fetus (strong contractions every 2-3 minutes)
Stage 3 - delivery of the placenta
Normal position of the fetal head during descent
Occiput Transverse Position
9.5 cm fetal head diameter enabled by flexion of the head
Occipitobregmatic - lowest posterior point of occipital bone to anterior fontanel
Biparietal fetal head diameter
9.5 cm
Fetal station
Relationship between the presenting part of the fetus and the ischial spines
Maternal pyrexia
- 0 degrees Celcius once
37. 5 degrees Celcius twice, 2 hours apart
Normal time for spontaneous onset of labour
Any time after 37 weeks