Obstetrics Flashcards
Infertility risk factors
Age >35 Smoking Coital frequency (er, infrequency) EtOH Weight (high or low) Drugs (NSAIDs, chemo, cimetidine, sulfasalazine, androgen injections) Occupational hazards
Helps induce ovulation
If >3 follicles develop (i.e. response too high), don’t complete cycle or avoid sex or may have multiple pregnancy
Tx-PCOS as cause infertility
- Clomiphene
- Metformin
- Recombinant LH/FSH
- Ovarian diathermy
Complications ovarian hyperstimulation
Hypovolemia Electrolyte disturbances Ascites Thromboembolism Pulmonary edema
Female sterilization
1/200 failure Clips preferred method If failure occurs-most likely ectopic Both doc and woman must be satisfied that there will be no regret--older, completed family, disease contraindicates pregnancy Can do IVF in future. Reversal not on NHS
Male sterilization
1/2000 failure–must wait for 2 semen-free analyses (may take up to 6/12)
Clips preferred method
Complications: infection, chronic pain, “sperm granulomas” (lump at end of vas)
Not associated with prostate or testicular cancer
Reversal not on NHS
Steps to assisted repro
- S/C gonadotrophins OD for 2/52 and HnRH analog/antag to prevent endogenous LH surge
- Ovulation and egg collection; single injection hCG or LH for oocyte maturation
- Incubate egg with washed sperm
- Transcervical uterine transfer
Causes female subfertility
Anovulation Hypothalamic gonadism Hyperprolactinemia Hyper or hypo-thyroidism Adrenal hyperpalsia Ovarian causes (PCOS, gonadal dysgenesis) Tubal factor Infxn Endometriosis Previous sx Cervical factor Abs to sperm Inadequate mucus Cone biopsy
Causes male infertility
Idiopathic Varicocele Abs Genetic Drug/chemical exposure CF kartageners
Complete mole
Two sperm (90%) or haploid sperm that duplicates (10%) and fertilizes empty ovum. 46XX or 46XY
Cystic swelling chorionic villi
No fetal tissue
Grape-like clusters/snowstorm appearance on USS
2-3% risk choriocarc
Partial mole
2 sets paternal, one maternal. 69XXY or 69XXX
Fetal tissue present
Minimal risk choriocarc
Choriocarcinoma mets
To lungs, liver, brain
RF gestational trophoblastic disease
Amenorrhea, HMB, irregular bleeding, uterine enlargement greater than expected for dates, hyperemesis
Red flags: Dyspnoea, neuro sxs, abdo pain weeks-months after last pregnancy
Suction curettage if small enough
Medical evacuation if large (not if risk embolization/disseminated trophoblastic tissue through venous system)
Down’s screening
Nuchal scan 11-14w Combined test (nuchal, b-hCG, papp-a): 11-13+6w
Screening for gestational diabetes
If previous GDM: 16 week OGTT
Other risk factors: 24-28 weeks
Not routine screening
Glucose should be
RFs for pre-eclampsia
Nullip BMI>30 >40yrs FHx pre-eclamp Previous hx pre-eclamp Multiple preg Pre-existing renal or vascular disease Pregnancy interval >10yrs Autoimmune disease, e.g. antiphospholipid, SLE Afro-Caribbean, Asian
NB smoking decreases risk so go wild
Indications for immediate health care advice (in terms pre-eclampsia)
Severe HA Vision problems, blurring, flashing Severe pain just below ribs Vomiting Sudden swelling face, hands, feet
Proteinuria >0.3g/24 hrs
Vasa previa
Fetal BVs cross/run near external orifice of uterus. At risk rupture when membranes rupture….can lead to fetal exsanguination/death
RF: multiple gestation, IVF
triad: membrane rupture, painless vaginal bleeding, fetal bradycardia
Tx: immediate emergency CS
Placenta previa
Leading cause APH (1/3 cases)
“Low lying palcenta”
Grades I-IV
Sxs: painless bright red vaginal bleeding, oft around 32/40. Suspect this dx if bleeding after 24/40
May also present with failure engagement
Tx: if grades I, II can do vaginal birth. Placenta must be >2cm from os…have consultant and anesthetist present
‘Roids 24-34/40 if bleeding in case pre-term
CS if high grade or fetal/maternal disress
No CS if DIC–may require hysterectomy
Point at which gestational sac seen on TVUSS
4-5 weeks
Point at which yolk sac seen on TVUSS
5 weeks
Point at which embryo seen on TVUSS
5-6 weeks
Point at which heart beat seen on TVUSS
6 weeks
Threatened miscarriage
Bleeding in early pregnancy
Inevitable miscarriage
Cervix open
Complete miscarriage
Successfully expelled all pregnancy tissue
Early weeks-like heavy period
Late first tri-may resemble sac
Incomplete miscarriage
Partially expelled.
Heavy bleeding and cramping
Missed miscarriage
Preg tissue dies but not expelled.
No fetal heart, devel
Empty gestational sac
Aka CVB (B=biopsy)
Biopsy trophoblast cells from developing placenta
From 11 weeks
2% risk MC
15-20mL amniotic fluid sampled (contains amniocytes and fibroblasts shed from fetus)
From 15 weeks
1% risk MC
From 20 weeks.
Can get fetal blood and full culture for karyotype
2-5% risk MC
Quad screen results for Downs
Decreased AFP and estriol
Increased b-HCG and inhibin A
(Also decreased PAPP-A)
Ectopic pregnancy:
Roughly 1%
95% in fallopian tubes
RFs: anything that causes tubal scarring–PID, previous ectopic, pelvic surgery (esp tubal), smoker
Hx: lower abdo pain, scanty dark vaginal bleeding.
Syncope and shoulder tip pain if intraperitoneal blood loss
May have abdo and rebound tenderness, cervical excitation (PID), tender adnexa, smaller uterus than expected, closed os
If positive for hCG and uterus empty, quantify hCG
Management ectopics
If small,unruptured, location unclear, hCG
Dizygotic twins: #amnions, chorions
Always dichorionic, diamniotic
Monozygotic twins: # amnions, chorions
Depends on when egg splits: Days 1-3: DCDA 4-8: MCDA 8-13: MCMA 13-15: conjoined
Which is more dangerous: monochorionic or dichorionic
RF twins
IVF, older mother, high parity, Afro-Caribbean, maternal FHx